Monday, 8 January 2018

Toomas Karmo: Operatsioon Kodune Koli ehk "Operation Eastward Ho!"

Kvaliteedihinnang: - Quality assessment:

Selle viiepallilise skaala kohaselt, mis kehtib praegu Eestis, ja kindlasti ka naaberriikides, ja on tuttav kadunud, mitte tagantjärele leinatud, NSVL-i akadeemilise elu vaatlejatele (siin rakendades neid kergeid, lõtvu, kriteeriume, mida Kmo rakendab oma nõgises fantaseeritud "Aleksandr Stepanovitsh Popovi nimelises sangarliku raadio instituudis" ja oma nõgises fantaseeritud "Nikolai Ivanovitsh Lobatshevki nimelises sotsialistliku matemaatika instituudis" - kus, fantaasias ette kujutatud kaksikinstituutide lõdva ja vähenõudliku hindamisreeglite kohaselt 1/5 on "eepiline läbikukkukmine", 2/5 "läbikukkumine, mis poli nii katastrofaalne, et eepilusust saavutada", 3/5 on "kehvavõitu läbipääsemine", 4/5 on "hea" ja 5/5 on "eeskujulik": 4/5. Põhjendus: Kmo'l oli piisavalt aega seletada vajalikke punkte sobivas pikkuses, kuid tal puudus aega ja oskust ammendavalt välja juurutada eestikeelse variandi keelevead. -  On the 5-point scale current in Estonia, and surely in nearby nations, and familiar to observers of the academic arrangements of the late, unlamented, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (applying the easy and lax standards Kmo deploys in his grubby imaginary "Aleksandr Stepanovitsh Popovi nimeline sangarliku raadio instituut" (the "Alexandr Stepanovitch Popov Institute of Heroic Radio") and his  grubby imaginary "Nikolai Ivanovitsh Lobatshevski nimeline sotsalitsliku matemaatika instituut" (the "Nicolai Ivanovich Lobachevsky Institute of Socialist Mathematics") - where, on the lax and easy grading philosophy of the twin Institutes, 1/5 is "epic fail", 2/5 is "failure not so disastrous as to be epic", 3/5 is "mediocre pass", 4/5 is "good", and 5/5 is "excellent"): 4/5. Justification: Kmo had time to develop the necessary points to reasonable length, while lacking the time and ability to eliminate linguistic errors in the Estonian version.

Variandikroonika: - Revision history:

Kõik kalendrip
äevad-kellaajad variandikroonikas on ära toodud UTC-s. UTC, ehk "Maailmakell", on vana GMT-i, ehk "Greenwich Mean Time"-i, täpsustus. Tarvitusel on ISO ettekirjutatud YYYYMMDDThhmmZ ajastembi formaat (kusjuures YYYY on UTC aasta, MM UTC kuu, DD UTC kuupäev, hh UTC tunniarv, mm UTC minutiarv). UTC praegu jookseb Toronto tsiviilkellast 5 tundi ette, Tallinna tsiviilkellast 2 tundi taga. - All times in these blog "revision histories" are stated in UTC (Universal Coordinated Time/ Temps Universel Coordoné,  a precisification of the old GMT, or "Greenwich Mean Time"), in the ISO-prescribed YYYYMMDDThhmmZ timestamping format. UTC currently leads Toronto civil time by 5 hours and currently lags Tallinn civil time by 2 hours.
  • 20210319T0859Z/variant 6.2.6: Parandasin olulise vea loodetud krundi pindalas - peab olema mitte 0.21 ha vaid 0.021 ha. - Kmo repaired a significant error in envisaged building-lot area, amending the erroneous 0.21 ha to the correct 0.021 ha. 
  • 20180306T0308Z/variant 6.2.5: Kmo tegi pisikesi, puhtkosmeetilisi, parandusi ingliskeelses osas. - Kmo made some tiny, purely  cosmetic, repairs in the English-language portion.
  • 20180209T1853Z/variant 6.2.0: Kmo tegi pisikesi parandusi, peamiselt ingliskeelses osas. Mõlemas keeles parandas ta oma Morse kiiruse näitajat (ekslikult antud kui 15 sõna minutis: ehkki see, ja koguni 22 sõna minutis, on tal saavutatud, hiljutised harjutused olid vaid 12-sõnases kiiruses). Kmo jättis enda kätte õiguse teha veel pisikesi, sisusliselt tähtsusetuid, puhtkosmeetilisi õiendusi, järgmise 48 tunni jooksul, kui siin protkollimata variandid 6.2.1, 6.2.2, 6.2.3, ... . - Kmo made some tiny repairs, mainly in the English-language portion. In both languages, he corrected his figure for Morse speed (inaccurately stated as 15 words per minute; although he has achieved this, and even 22 words per minute, his recent drills were at just 12 words per minute.) Kmo reserved the right to make further tiny, nonsubstantive, purely cosmetic, tweaks over the coming 48 hours, as here-undocumented versions 6.2.1, 6.2.2, 6.2.3, ... .
  • 20180125T2144Z/variant 6.1.0: Kmo lisas ingliskeelse lühikese ingliskeele tõlke ühes kohas, kus ta seda oli unustanud, lisas mõned sõnad Lénárt'i sfääri teelmal, ja tegi ka mõningaid pisikesi puhtkosmeetilisi parandusi. Ta jättis enda kätte õiguse teha veel pisikesi, sisusliselt tähtsusetuid, puhtkosmeetilisi õiendusi, järgmise 48 tunni jooksul, kui siin protkollimata variandid 6.1.1, 6.1.2, 6.1.3, ... . - Kmo added a short English translation in a spot where he had forgotten to translate, added also some words on the topic of the Lénárt sphere, and made some tiny, purely cosmetic, repairs. He reserved the right to make further tiny, nonsubstantive, purely cosmetic tweaks, over the coming 48 hours, as here-undocumented versions 6.1.1, 6.1.2, 6.1.3, ... . 
  • 20180123T0436Z/variant 6.0.0: Kmo lisas üpris olulisi, ehkki lühidavõitu, tähelepanekuid eelseisvast  amatöörastronoomia tööst. Ta ka tegi väikseid sisulisi parandusi või väikseid sisulisi laiendusi (ja, nagu nii sageli, eestikeelseid keelelisi parandusi). Ta kustutas arutluse IRAF'i Debian GNU/Linux'ile (vabatahtlikuna) kohendamise teemal, kuna ta oli saanud teada, et see tähtis ettevõte on praegu käsil Saksamaal, dr Ole Streicheri töölaual. (Dr Streicher kuulub Institut für Astrophysik Potsdami perrre.) Ta jättis enda kätte õiguse teha veel pisikesi, sisusliselt tähtsusetuid, puhtkosmeetilisi õiendusi, järgmise 96 tunni jooksul, kui siin protkollimata variandid 6.0.1, 6.0.2, 6.0.3, ...  - Kmo added highly necessary, even if rather brief, remarks on impending work in amateur astronomy. He removed his discussion of possible volunteer work, in adapting IRAF to the Debian GNU/Linux formalism , having learned that this important project is already underway in Germany, at Dr Ole Streicher's desk. (Dr Streicher is attached to the Intitut für Astrophysik Potsdam.) He also made some small improvements of substance or small expansions of substance (and, as so often, made some Eestonian linguistic corrections). He reserved the right to make further tiny, nonsubstantive, purely cosmetic tweaks, over the coming 96 hours, as here-undocumented versions 6.0.1, 6.0.2, 6.0.3, ... . 
  • 20180119T0245Z/variant 5.0.0: Kmo lisas graafilist materjali (küll loobudes teatud laiemast, ambitsioonikamast, kunagisest selleks palaks mõeldud graafilse materjali kavatsusest). Möödaminnes tegi ta ka mõningaid keelelisi parandusi, eestikeelses osas. Ta jättis enda kätte õiguse teha veel pisikesi, sisusliselt tähtsusetuid, puhtkosmeetilisi õiendusi, järgmise 96 tunni jooksul, kui siin protkollimata variandid 5.0.1, 5.0.2, 5.0.3, ...  - Kmo added graphics (abandoning, however, a wider, more ambitious plan he had previously conceived for adding graphics to the present posting).  In the course of this work, he also made a few linguistic corrections in the Estonian portion. He reserved the right to make further tiny, nonsubstantive, purely cosmetic, tweaks, over the coming 96 hours, as here-undocumented versions 5.0.1, 5.0.2, 5.0.3, ... . 
  • 20180118T0312Z/variant 4.0.0: Kmo tegi mõningaid pisikesi sisulisi parandusi, ja ühtlasti tõikis terve pala inglise keelde. Ta lootis varsti, võib-olla koguni järgmise 18. tunni jooksul, lisada pildimaterjale. - Kmo made some tiny substantive corrections, and at the same time translated everything into English. He hoped soon perhaps even over the coming 18 hours, to add some graphics.
  • 20180116T0106Z/variant 3.1.0: Kmo tegi mõningaid sisulisi ja keelelisi parandusi - sisu näol eriti kavantatud krundimõõtudes. Seega oli ta valmis asuma inglise keelde tõlkimisele, laadides tehtava ingliskeelse tõõ jupp-jupiliselt serverile. - Kmo made some substantive and linguistic repairs - in the case of substance, most notably in the case of the envisaged lot dimensions. He was now ready to start translating into English, in a process of incremental uploads.  
  • 20180114T0505Z/variant 3.0.0: Kmo, olles jälle vajanud rohkem aega, kui ette nähtud, viimati suutis laadida blogspoti serverile lihvitud essee, korralikes lausetes. Tal ei olnud veel aega varuda eesseed ettenähtud pildimaterjaliga. Pildimaterjali lisamine, ka tõlkimine inglise keelde, oli ette nähtud tuleva nädala alguseks, nominaalselt hetkeks UTC=20180116T0001Z. - Kmo, having once again needed more time than foreseen, finally managed to upload a polished, full-sentences essay to the blogspot server. He had not yet found the time to insert the envisaged graphics into the essay. The insertion of graphics, and also his translating of his essay into English, was envisaged for the start of next week, nominally for the UTC instant 20180116T0001Z.  
  • 20180112T0202Z/variant 2.0.0: Kmo, olles vajanud rohkem aega kui algselt ette nähtud, viimati suutis laadida blogspoti serverile peene kondikava. Ta lootis järgmise 20 tunni jooksul sellest toota,  jupp-jupilt, lihvitud essee, korralikes lausetes. Tõlkimine inglise keelde oli nüüd ette nähtud vaid tuleva nädala alguseks, nominaalselt hetkeks UTC=20180116T0001Z.  - Kmo, having needed more time than initially foreseen, finally managed to upload a fine-grained outline to the blogspot server. He hoped over the coming 20 hours to produce from this, through a series of incremental uploads, a full-sentences essay. His translation from Estonian into English was now envisaged for the start of the coming week, around UTC=20180116T0001Z.
  • 20180110T2019Z/variant 1.1.0: Kmo parandas ja laiendas jämedat kondikava.  Ta lootis järgmise 8 tunni jooksul sellest toota peen kondikava, ja siis kuupäeval 2018-01-11 (N) jooksul jupp-jupilt toota peenest kondikavast lihvitud essee, korralikes lausetes. Tõlkimine inglise keelde oli ette nähtud kuupäevaks 2018-01-12 (R). - Kmo improved and expanded his coarse-grained outline. He hoped over the coming 8 hours to produce from this a fine-grained outline, and then on 2018-01-11 (THU) to produce a polished essay, in full-sentences prose. He envisaged writing a translation into English on 2018-01-12 (FRI).
  • 20180109T0351Z/variant 1.0.0: Kmol oli aega blogspoti serverile laadida vaid jämeda kondikava. Ta lootis järgmise 14. tunni jooksul sellest toota peen kondikava, ja siis veel hiljem käesoleva nädala jooksul jupp-jupilt toota peenest kondikavast lihvitud essee, korralikes lausetes. Tõlkimine inglise keelde oli ette nähtud nädala viimasteks päevadeks, kui lihvitud eestikeelne essee olemas. - Kmo had time to upload just a coarse-grained outline. He hoped over the coming 14 hours to replace this with a fine-grained outline, through a process of incremental uploads, and then still later this week to produce a full-sentences essay from the fine-grained outline. He envisaged producing a translation into English toward the end of this week, after making the Estonian full-sentences essay available.
[HOIATAV TEAVE: Tunduvalt vigane bloggeri-nimeline serveri tarkvara on viimaste kuude jooksul näidanud kalduvusi paigutada soovimatut valgevahet niimõnesse siia laaditud esseesse. Kui tundub, et ekraan lõpeb tühja ruumiga, tuleb veel allapoole liikuda, hiire abil. Essee lõpp ei ole käes enne, kui esineb tavaline bloggeri sõnum "Posted by Toomas (Tom) Karmo at". - Bloggeri tarkvara on ka näidanud kalduvusi, vähemalt kui rakendatud minu varema, aegunud, veebi esseedekirjutamise brauseri kaudu, toota HTML-i, mida eri allalaadivad brauserid formaadivad erinevatel viisidel. Mõned allalaadivad brauserid on võimalikult vahest mitte korralikult sisse lugenud kõik need "Cascading Style Sheets'e" (CSS-e), mis igas tavalises veebibrausers juhivad lehekülje servade, kõrvalparagrahvide jms. paigutamist. Kui Te oletate, et Teie kasutuselevõetud brauseris esineb CSS-e probleeme, olge kannatlikud: tõenäone on, et ehkki osa sisust on paigutatud mõnda veidrasse kohta (näiteks, brauseri alumise serva vastu, kui ta pidanuks minema parema serva vastu), siiski kõik serveri sisu on lükatud Teie brauserisse ühte või teisse kätteleitavasse paika. - Viimaseks, on võimalik et on bloggeri iseärasusi-eksitusi, väljaspool minu kontrolli, tähtede suuruse määramises, ridade vahemaa määramises või trükiploki parema serva õgvendamisstiili määramises. - Kes soovib aidata sääraste veebivigade parandamisega, või kes soovib ka teisigi tehnilisi nõuandeid pakkuda, võiks julgesti mulle kirjutada aadressil - CAUTION: A bug in the blogger server-side software has in some past months shown a propensity to insert inappropriate whitespace at some points in some of my posted essays. If a screen seems to end in empty space, keep scrolling down. The end of the posting is not reached until the usual blogger "Posted by Toomas (Tom) Karmo at" appears. - The blogger software has also shown a propensity, at any rate when coupled with my erstwhile, out-of-date, Web-authoring uploading browser, to generate HTML that gets formatted in different ways on different downloading browsers. Some downloading browsers have sometimes perhaps not correctly read in the entirety of the "Cascading Style Sheets" (CSS) which on all ordinary Web servers control the browser placement of margins, sidebars, and the like. If you suspect CSS problems in your particular browser, be patient: it is probable that while some content has been shoved into some odd place (for instance, down to the bottom of your browser, where it ought to appear in the right-hand margin), all the server content has been pushed down into your browser in some place or other. - Finally, there may be blogger vagaries, outside my control, in font sizing or interlinear spacing or right-margin justification. - Anyone inclined to help with trouble-shooting, or to offer other kinds of technical advice, is welcome to write me via]

1. Kuidas perele ning ühiskonnale kasulik olla? - How might one be useful to family and community?

Ma pean sinna asuma, kus saan nii oma (suurele) sugulaskonnale kui ka laiemale ühiskonnale kasulik olla. - I must settle wherever I can be useful both to my (large) family circle and to the wider community.

Praegu, peaegu esimest korda elus, pakuvad mu isiklikud olud pisut manööverdamisruumi. Tundub, et kaitsevõitlus Ontario David Dunlapi-nimelise observatooriumi 76.5.-hektarise haljasala üle on nüüd oma kurba lõppfaasi jõudmas. (Võitlus lõpeb küll ilmse kaotusega. Umbkaudselt 400,000 EUR on kadunud minu arvelt, umbkaudselt 150,000 EUR või 200,000 EUR veel teiste arvelt. Seega olen ma vaeseks jäänud. Raskete kulude juures pole ükski metsapuu vaidlusalusest u. 32 hektarist päästetud. Kannatadasaanud linnarahvale jääb vaid koondatud, u. 45-hektariline haljasala, praegu kavandatud uueks munitsipaalseks astronoomiateemaliseks pargiks.) - At the moment, almost for the first time in my life, my personal circumstances allow me a little room for manoeuvre. It seems that defence operations for the 76.5-hectare David Dunlap Observatory greenspace are approaching their sad final phase. (The fight seems to be ending in defeat. Around 400,000 EUR has been expended from my resources, and around 150,000 EUR or 200,000 EUR from the resources of others. With this outlay, I have become impoverished. Despite the expenditures, not a single tree from the entire contended approximately-32-hectare portion has been saved. To the disadvantaged townspeople is left only a reduced, approximately 45-hectare, greenspace, now municipally planned to become an astronomically themed municipal park.)

Kuhu siis asuda, seda äsja-antud vabadust mõistlikult ära kasutades? Minu suure, laia sugulaskonna raskuspunkt on õnneks Eestis, Hitleri sõja vintsutuste kiuste. Tundub ka nüüd, et suudaksin ühiskondlikus mõttes kasulikum olla Eestis kui siin Kanadas. - Where, then , to settle, making a rational use of this recent acquired freedom? The centre of gravity of my big, wide family is fortunately in Estonia,  the upheavals of the Hitler war notwithstanding. It seems at present that I would also be able to be more useful in a community sense if I were to be living in Estonia, rather than here in Canada.


Käesolevas kirjutises tuleks ritta panna seda, mida ma suudaksin kuidagi Eesti ühiskonnale pakkuda, samas ka pihtides olulisemaid puudujääke: - In the present writeup, it is appropriate to set out what I could in one way or another offer the Estonian community, while at the same time confessing the more significant of my deficiencies:
  • Tervis on veel hea (ma sündisin kaua pärast sõda, alles 1953-07-12), välja arvatud, et mul esineb autism ja äärmuslik müoopia ehk lühinägevus. Autismi juurde kuulub vahest monopolaarne depressioon. Müoopia on vaid osalt kompenseeritud praeguste prillidega. Selle juures on amatöörastronoomia teleskoobitöö küll võimalik, seades okulari ebatavalisse fookusasendisse. - My health is still good (I was born long after the war, so late as 1953-07-12), except that I suffer autism and extreme myopia (i.e., nearsightedness). The autism is on occasion accompanied by monopolar depression. The myopia is only partially compensated by my present spectacles. Telescope work in amateur astronomy remains feasible, upon putting the eyepiece into an anomalous focus position.
  • Haridus on hea. Ma sain Dalhousie Ülikooli hõbemedali, kui selle kooli parim humanitaarteaduste 1974.a. bakalaureus. Oxfordilt sain ma B.Phil. ning D.Phil. 1979.a., erasektori stipendiumi ja Kanada riigistipendiumi toel. Valitud rõhuaasetuseks (analüütilises filosoofias) oli ajamääruste loogika ning analüütiline metafüüsika. Valitud oluliseks kõrvalharuks oli veel Aristoteles. Toronto Ülikoolilt sain ma B.Sc. (Hons.) 1996.a., küberneetika-füüsika "Spetsialiste" õppekavas. Seejuures oli kraad paraku tasemel "Distinction", mitte "High Distinction" (vastavalt brittide süsteemi Upper Second'i, mitte First'i, tasemele). Ma sain veel kõik astrofüüsika "Spetsialistide" õppekavva kuuluvad astrofüüsilised kursused läbi teha aastail 1996-1999, seekord õnneks brittide First'i tasemel. - My education is good. I obtained the Dalhousie University silver medal as that school's top 1974 humanities baccalaureus. I took my B.Phil. and D.Phil. from Oxford in 1979, supported by a private-sector and a Canadian-government scholarship. My selected concentration (within analytical philosophy) was on tense logic (the logic of time-indicators) and analytical metaphysics. Aristotle was a significant selected side-topic. I took the B.Sc. (Hons.) in 1996 from the University of Toronto, in the Computer-Science-and-Physics "Specialist" programme. This degree was unfortunately gained with "Distinction", as opposed to "High Distinction" (corresponding, in the British system, to a degree with Upper Second-Class Honours, as opposed to First-Class Honours). I was additionally able to complete all the "Astrophysics Specialist" astrophysics courses in the years 1996-1999, now fortunately at the level of First-Class Honours.
  • Eesti kõnekeel on rahuldav, kirjakeel (nagu siitsamast ka näha) veidi kõikuv. Kirjakeel on mul omandatud vaid autodidaktiliselt. Minu vanas Saagpaku sõnaraamatus on seega mingisugune pliiatsi- või tindimärge peaaegu igal leheküljel, sageli mitu korda ühel ja samal leheküljel. - My spoken Estonian is satisfactory. My written Estonian (as can be seen from this present piece of writing) is a little shaky. In written Estonian I am only an autodidact. In my old Saagpakk Estonian-to-English dictionary, there is consequently a notation in pencil or ink on practically every page - with, in many instances, several such notations on one and the same page.
  • Inglise keel, mille ma õppisin selgeks 1958.a. kooliaasta esimesel semestril, otse koolimajas, on mul laitmatu. Sealjuures on mul ka laiu kogemusi õpperaamatute keelelises toimetamises. Mulle usaldati näiteks keelelist toimetamist Ontario laialtlevinud gümnaasiumi füüsikaõpiku kirjastamises, kui Nelson Thomson Learningu müürideväline lepingutööline. Ka sama või sarnaste Nelson Thomson Learningu kirjastamisprojektide juures usaldati mulle indekseerimist, omaenda ostetud CINDEX-i tarkvaraga. Samuti olen ma teinud lepingualust keelelist toimetamist Canadian Journal of Physicsi rühmas. - My English, which I mastered in the first semester of the 1958 school year, in the schoolhouse, is faultless. In this connection I should remark on my wide experience with the copyediting of textbooks. I was (to take an example) entrusted with the copyedit of a widely used Ontario physics textbook, as a Nelson Thomson Learning freelancer. Also at this same Nelson Thomson Learning project, or at similar Nelson Thomson Learning projects, I was assigned indexing, on the CINDEX software which I had myself purchased. Additionally, I have performed copyedit under contract within the Canadian Journal of Physics team.
  • Prantsuse keel on mul piisav vestlemiseks, kuid mitte vist populaarteadusliku kõne soravaks ettekandmiseks. Praegu on mul kolm-neli korda kuus mõneminutiline vestlus ühe kvebeklasest tuttavaga, kui me kohtume korrapärasel kolmapäevasel kirikukoosolekul. Vähemalt temaga ma vist ei komista liialt. - My French is adequate for conservation, although perhaps not for the delivery of a popularizing scientific lecture. At present I have a several-minute chat three or four times a month with an acquaintance from Québec, when we see each other at a regular Wednesday Catholic meeting. With him, at any rate, I do not seem to stumble too much. 
  • Saksa keel on mul piisav vaid lugemiseks, kusjuures der Spiegel ning Frankfurter allgemeine Zeitung nõuaksid (nagu katsed on seda ka näidanud) sõnaraamatu lahtilöömist peaaegu iga lause juures. - My German is adequate only for reading. Der Spiegel and Frankfurter allgemeine Zeitung would require (as experiments have indeed demonstrated) opening the dictionary with practically every sentence.
  • Soome keel on nüüd unustatud. (Sellel alal omandasin ma vaid algteadmisi, 50-tunnise eraviisilise stuudiumi näol, 1990.a. suvel.) - My Finnish is now forgotten. (Through 50 hours of private study in the summer of 1990, I obtained just an elementary grasp.)
  • Vene keel on mul peaaegu olemata. Aga seda lünka ma loodan parandada, osalt juba enne kavandatud Eestisse ümberasumist. Siht järgmise kolme aasta jooksul oleks vestelda ja lugeda, ehkki hädiselt, seega viies mu tulevase vene keele oskuse umbkaudselt mu olemasolevale saksa keele oskuse tasemele. - My Russian is almost nonexistent. This deficiency, however, I hope to remedy, in part even before my anticipated move to Estonia. My goal over the next three years would be to converse, albeit clumsily  and to read, albeit  clumsily - thereby raising my Russian competence to the approximate level of my present German competence.
  • Muistne kreeka keel on mul roostes, kuid mitte täiesti käest ära lastud. Kui mu oskused olid oma haripunktil, 1980.a. paiku, sain ma Platonit lugeda ilma tõlgeta, hoides laual vaid algteksti, leksikoni ja grammatika käsiraamatut. Nüüd ma vahest löön vaid Uue Testamendi lahti, paraku jättes leksikoni ja grammatika käsiraamatut lahtilöömata. (Siinjuures tuleks veel  meeles pidada, et Uus Testament on koostatud muistse vahemeremaade rahvasuu "koiné" variandis, Platon aga märksa raskemas kõrgklassitsistlikus Ateena linnriigi kirjakeeles.) - My ancient Greek is rusty, yet not completely lost. When my competence was at its high point, around 1980, I could read Plato without a translation, keeping on my desk just the text, a lexicon, and a grammar handbook. Nowadays I occasionally open the New Testament, regretably without opening the lexicon or the grammar handbook. (Here it ought also to be noted that the New Testmament is composed in the popular ancient Mediterranean-region "koiné", and that Plato composes on the other hand in the significantly more difficult high-classical literary language of the Athenian city-state.)
  • Ladina keel on mul hea, kuigi mitte hiilgavalt hea. Teadmised, mis mul omandatud filoloogiaprominendi prof. Gavin Bettsi klassides Melbourne'is 1982. ja 1983.a., on viimaste aastate jooksul uuesti kätte võidetud, autodidaktiliselt: noil hiljutisil aastail on mul loetud muuseas vist mitusada (või mõnituhat?) rida Caesari de Bello Gallico'st ning Cicerost (muuseas In Catalinamist); Vergilius oli mul käsil vaid prof. Bettsi ajal; Tacituse-Liviusega ma ei ole seni katsunud; tavalises hommikuses-õhtuses katoliku Liturgia Horarumis loen ma kergesti pea kõik palved ja pühakirjapalad, kuid sageli komistan kõvastilihvitud, teisisõnu kõvasti ornamenteeritud, keskaegsete (või renessansiaegsete, või barokiaegsete?) koraalide sõnada juures. - My Latin is good, although not brilliantly so. The knowledge which I secured from the classes of high-profile philologist Prof. Gavin Betts in Melbourne in 1982 and 1983 I have in recent years regained autodidactically: in those recent years, I have read among other things many hundred (or a few thousand?) lines of Caesar's de Bello Gallico and of Cicero (including from in Catalinam); Virgil I have tackled only in the time of Prof. Betts; I have not yet tried Tacitus or Livy; in my customary morning-and-evening Catholic Liturgia horarum, I read pretty much all the prayers and scripture passages easily, and yet I often stumble over the highly polished, in other words over the ornate, mediaeval (or Renaissance, or Baroque?) hymns.
  • Muistsest heebrea keelest on mul laialtlevinud Pratico-van Pelti ingliskeelsest õpikust umbes esimene kaks kolmandikku läbi võetud. Morfoloogiaõpetuses puuduvad mul nüüd vaid arenenud, s.o. keerukamad-kui-paljas-"Qal"-i, pöördkonnad. - In ancient (i.e., Biblical) Hebrew, I have worked through the first approximately two-thirds of Pratico-van Pelt's widely used English-language textbook. In morphology, I am now lacking only the more advanced, in other words the more-intricate-than-mere-"Qal", verb stems.
  • Raadio tehnikas on mul Morse natuke roostes, kuid läinud sügise jooksul suutsin siiski kopeerida helilisest õppevahendist kiirusega 12 sõna/minut. Kanada raadioamatööride määrastiku raames on mul kutsung VA3KMZ täiete saateprivileegidega, kui "Basic with Honours"/"certificat de base avec honneurs". Praktilisi kogemusi omandasin ma 2004.-2006a. paiku, tolleaegse Toronto Ülikooli raadioklubi Hart House'is asuvas radio-onnis, mitmekümnelise isikiliku töötunniga. - In radio technololgy, my Morse is somewhat rusty. Nevertheless, I was able last autumn to copy from the audio resource which is at a speed of 12 words/minute. In terms of Canadian amateur regulations, I hold the call sign VA3KMZ with full transmission privileges, as "Basic with Honours"/"certificat de base avec honneurs". I gained practical experience around 2004-2006 from the then University of Toronto amateur-radio-club's Hart House shack, by putting in many tens of hours of personal work.
  • Küberneetikas on mul korralikke kogemusi Debian GNU/Linuxi operaatori näol. Ma olen Debiani tarbija umbes 2003.a. saadik. Minu jooksvaks igapäevaseks opsüsteemiks on olnud üks või teine GNU/Linuxi variant 1996.a. saadik, ja esimene GNU/Linuxi sisseadmine omaenda lauaarvutisse oli mul juba 1995.a. - seega vahetult pärast minu üheaastase stažeeringu Digital Equipment of Canada infoturbe osakonnas. Digital-Canadas olin ma muude ülesannete kõrval ka tegev kompileeritud C-keelses programmeerimises, kuid praegu on mul kompileeritud C oskused roostes (ja C++, Java, Ruby ja Python õppimata; selle vastu on mul küll tugev, omakäega-kodeerimise, HTML-ning-CSS-i teoreetiline-praktiline oskus, nagu saab ka osalt näha minu saidilt - In computing, I have solid operational experience through Debian GNU/Linux. I am a Debian user since around 2003. My everyday operating system has been one or another GNU/Linux distribution since 1996, with my first GNU/Linux install onto my own desktop  machine already in 1995 - immediately upon my finishing my one-year internship in the information-technology unit at Digital Equipment of Canada. At Digital Canada, my work included the coding of compiled C. Now, however, my knowledge of compiled C has gone rusty.  (And C++, Java, Ruby, and Python remain unlearned. On the other hand, I do have a strong, hand-coding, practical and theoretical knowledge of HTML and CSS, as can indeed to some extent be seen from my site

Mõeldes sellle, mida ma oleksin nagu kohustatud Eestis käsile võtma, panen nüüd esialgu kirja ühe kirikulise ehk vaimse eesmärgi, siis rida ilmalikke eesmärke. Selle juures on mul ilmalikud eesmärgid tähtsuse skaala järgi järjestatud - tähtsaim ilmalik eesmärk ette, minimaalseima tähtsusega (kuid ammugi mitte tähtsusteta) ilmalik eesmärk jäetud lõpuasendisse. - Reflecting over what I might be more or less obliged to undertake in Estonia, I now set down in writing first an ecclesial goal, and then a sequence of secular goals. Here I arrange the secular goals according to their importance - with the most important of the secular goals coming first, and the least important (by no means, however, unimportant) coming last.

(A) Soovitav oleks edasi viia minu praegust katoliku liturgia kasutamist - aga tulevikus (Eestis ning Internetis) ka sellisel näol, et võiksin teistele katoliiklastele kasulik olla. Neid on vähe Eestis, arvukalt aga välismaal. Pikapeale oleks soovitav, et rühm liturgiaharrastajaid - pigem mu enda ilmalikkude kui preestrite-kloostriperede ridadest - koostaks odava ladinakeelse Liturgia Horarumi. Küberneetika ehk infotehnoloogia vaatevinklist võiks asi võtta järgmist (robustset, odavat, jätkusuutliku) kuju: Ladumine olgu TeXi avatud lähtekoodi pakendis, nagu tavalises tänapäevases peenes matemaatika-füüsika ladumises. Selle juures poleks litsensikulusid, ja pealegi oleks vaid minimaalset kartust, et tehnoloogiamuudatuste näol muutuksid algfailid kaugemas tulevikus tarbetuks. Veel TeXi tehniliseks plussiks on asjaolu, et heebreakeelse ladumise probleemid on juba lahendatud, vähemalt kahes eri variandis - nagu näha saitidelt (Yannis Haralambous, kunagi seotud Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales'iga Pariisis, praegu aga võimalikult professor kõrgkoolis Institut Mines-Telecom/Telecom Bretagne) ning (dr Alan Hoenig, võimalikult kunagi, või veel praegugi, Suffolki maakonna avaliku raamatukogu rühmakoosseisus New Yorgi osariigis). - It would perhaps be desirable to continue with my current activities in Catholic liturgy - but in future (both within Estonia and via the Internet) also in such a way as to be useful to other Catholics. There are few Catholics in Estonia, many abroad. In the long term, it would be desirable that a team of liturgy enthusiasts - rather from my own, secular, ranks than from priestly and monastic ranks - put together a cheap Latin Liturgia horarum. From a cyber or information-technology standpoint, the undertaking might perhaps assume the following (robust, inexpensive, sustainable) form: Let the typesetting be done in the open-source TeX package, as in present-day high-grade mathematics-and-physics typesetting. There would in this case be no licensing fee. Further, there would be only a minimal risk of source files becoming unusable in the course of technological change. TeX has the further technical advantage that within its framework problems of Hebrew typesetting are already solved, in at least two different ways - as can be seen from the sites (Yannis Haralambous, at one time connected with the Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales in Paris, now possibly a faculty member in the tertiary-level school which is the Institut Mines-Telecom/Telecom Bretagne) and (Dr Alan Hoenig, possibly with the Suffolk County public library system in New York State).

TeX oli tarvitusel juba 1980.a. Seega peaks ta stabiilne olema. TeXi saab kasutada ka arengumaa tingimustes, või kusiganes operaatoril on Linuxi personaalarvuti, kasvõi 500 MB (või veel väiksema?) suvapöördusmäluga. Järelikult võiks loota, et TeXi kasutamine jääb võimalikuks ka siis, kui mõni kaugema tuleviku majanduskrahh teeb personaalarvuteid uuesti haruldasteks ja kallideks, nagu nad seda olid 1980.a. - TeX was already in use as early as 1980. It therefore should be stable. TeX can be used also in developing-nation conditions, or wherever the operator has access to a Linux personal computer, even with just a 500 MB (or with a still smaller?) RAM. It can therefore be hoped that TeX will remain feasible even if some economic collapse in the remote future once again makes personal computers rare and expensive, as they were in 1980.

Ladumises olgu Liturgia Horarumi ladinakeelne sõnastus, täies ulatuses, nagu Vatikani editio typicas, pakkudes veel ingliskeelseid joontevahelisi filoloogilisi abimärkmeid neile, kellel ladinakeel on puudulik. (Joonte vahel võiks peentrükis näiteks seletada, et mõni antud fraas on käänamise poolest ablatiiv-absoluudis, või et mõni eksitusitekkiv pöördsõna on subjektiivis ehk ladinakeele tingivas kõneviisis.) Mõistlik oleks veel laduda lehekülje alumisse ossa täielik ingliskeelne tõlge, võib-olla samuti peenes trükis. - In the typesetting, let the Latin wording of the Liturgia horarum be used unabridged, as in the Vatican editio typica, with interlinear English-language explanations offered for those readers whose command of Latin is deficient. (By way of an interlinear explanation it might, for instance, be remarked in a small typeface that some given phrase is from a declinations standpoint in the ablative absolute, or again that some potentially tricky verb is in the subjunctive.) It would additionally be reasonable to place at the bottom of each page a full English translation, perhaps likewise in a small typeface.)

Kõrval, s.o. samal lehekülejl, ja aupaklikus seisundis-suuruses, olgu laetud (a) kõik esilekerikvad Uue Testamendi palad korralikus koinés, ja samuti (b) kõik esilekerkivad Vana Testamendi palad (siin domineerivad Taaveti laulud), korralikus masoreetide tekstis (s.o. ühes vokaalide-, kantillatsiooni- ja muude hääldamismärkidega). - Alongside, in other words on the same page, and in a duly respectful typesize and a duly respectful layout position, let there be set (a) all the pertinent New Testament excerpts in their correct koiné, and in the same way (b) all the pertinent Old Testament excerpts (here the Psalms dominate), in the correct Masoretic text (that is, with their vowel points, their cantillation marks, and their other phonemic aids).

Nägemuses ma pakuksin veel järgmist: tekkigu üldine arusaam, et kes suudab (näiteks) Taaveti laule palvetada heebrea keeles, seda ka tehku. Ladinakeel peaks meie kaasaegses katoliku maailmas olema vaid auväärne sild pühakirja algkeeltesse, s.o. heebrea ning koiné sõnastusse. - In this operational conception, I would offer also the following: let there arise a general understanding that any who can pray (for example) the Psalms in Hebrew should do so. In the present-day Catholic world, Latin should be only a respected, honoured bridge to the scriptural source languages, in other words to the Hebrew and the koiné texts.

Veel edasi kübertehnilisest vaatevinklist: TeXi algfailides on siis võimalik ka lihtsal, vaese-kodaniku Linuxi masinal, toota *.pdf-i faile, mida niisugune vasevõitu isik saaks omakorda lasta trükkida - nagu iga *.pdf-ki - oma kohalikus küberkohvikus, kasvõi säärase kohviku tavalises Microsofti keskkonnas. - Further from a cybertechnological standpoint: it is then possible from the TeX source files, even on a poor person's Linux machine, to generate *.pdf files, which such a poor person could then have printed - like any *.pdf - in her or his local cybercafé, even in the usual cybercafé Microsoft environment.

Kellel küberkohviku poognad käes, võiks katsuda, kus iganes ta veel asub (Eestis? Itaalias? Brasiilias? Nigeerias?) omaenda maitse ja rahaliste võimaluste kohaselt neid köita. Võiks unistada okuorrast, kus mõned hakkajad inimsed kuskil arengumaades õmblevad oma Liturgia horarum'i poognad nahkköidetesse käsitsi, nii kümnes-sajas-paarisajas eksemplaris iga üksiku köite puhul. Nad siis müüksid oma toodangut edasi rahvusvahelisel turul, eeskat jõukamatesse riikidesse, kasvõi vahendusel. - People who have cybercafé printouts duly in hand, wherever they may happen to be living (in Estonia? in Italy? in Brazil? in Nigeria?) can then try to bind their printouts, in accordance with their particular tastes and financial resources. One might dream of a situation in which some enterprising people somewhere in the developing nations sew up their Liturgia horarum sheets into leather covers by hand, in (say) ten, a hundred, or a couple of hundred copies for each individual volume. They would then sell their production on the international market, in the first instance to purchasers in the more affluent nations, using as an intermediary perhaps (say)

Praegu on ladinakeelne Liturgia horarum kas täiesti välja müüdud või saadaval vaid tuhande-mõnetuhande EUR-i eest, umbes neljaköitelise komplektina. Ma näeksin ette samasuguse komplekti, või suuremagi (hõlmates kasvõi kümmekond sihvakat kõidet, enstüklopeedia füüsilise riiulivälimusega). Säärane väljaanne maksaks maailma turul võib-olla siiski tunduvalt vähem kui tuhat EUR-i, seega andes vaestele sissetulekut, aga ka tuues filoloogiliselt rikastatud Liturgia horarum'i laiema tarbijaskonna ette. - At the moment, the Latin Liturgia horarum is either sold out or obtainable only at a price of one or several thousand EUR, as an approximately four-volume set. I would imagine a similar set, or a still bigger one (running, perhaps, to ten or so slim volumes, with the shelf appearance of an encyclopedia). Such a publication would cost on the global market perhaps significantly less than a thousand EUR, thereby gaining some income for the poor, and thereby also bringing a philologically enriched Liturgia horarum before a wider community of users.

Ise ma saaksin vaid osa kirjeldatud kirjanduslikust hiigeltööst ära teha, isegi kui arvesse võtta vaid puhta ladumise ülesannet (teisisõnu, jättes köitmise küsimusi alles lahendamata). Aga ma suudaksin eeskuju anda, välismaalasi võib-olla oma vaiksest ja väiksest tulevasest Eesti asukohast veidi ergutada, asju veidi koordineerida. - I would personally be able to carry out only part of the described huge publication project, even if the work were to be limited to just the typesetting (even if, in other words, questions of binding were to be left unaddressed). But I could manage to set an example, perhaps helping in some small tasks of encouragement and coordination from my small, quiet, place of Estonian settlement.

Ja ausalt öeldes ma tahaksin ka köitmise frondil läbi viia oma katseid, võttes ergutust YouTube'i amatöörköitja viideost "Handmade Grimoire Bookbinding Completed" (laadijaks "John The Verbose", ladimise kuupäevaks 2011-09-13, kestvusega 9:26; minu praeguses Ontario kandis on selle pala URL; naha all on sellel töölisel tammepuulauad, ja õmblemises on tal läinud umbkaudselt 3 meetrit siidiniiti). Ka soovitav oleks uurida sama viideo-autori "Creating a Grimoire 101: Binding of 'A Reformed Druid Anthology'", millel laadimise kuupäevaks 2013-03-17, kestvusega 20:50 (minu praeguses Ontario kandis URL-il  - And speaking frankly, I would even on the side of bookbinding like to undertake my own experiments, drawing inspiration from the YouTube amateur-binder video "Handmade Grimoire Bookbinding Completed" (with uploader "John The Verbose", upload date 2011-09-13, duration 9:26; in my current location in Ontario, the URL of this clip is; under the leather, this worker has oak boards, and he has used approximately 3 metres of silk thread in his sewing). Also desirable is a viewing of the same video-uploader's "Creating a Grimoire 101: Binding of 'A Reformed Druid Anthology'", with upload date 2013-03-17, duration 20:50 (in my present Ontario location, at URL

(B) Soovitav oleks kuidagi kasulikuks muuta Tartu Observatooriumile (Tõravares, umbes 20 km Tartust; Tartuga on Tõravare heas bussiühenduses, ka veel teatud rongiühenduses). - It would be desirable to become somehow useful to the Tartu Observatory (in Tõravare, about 20 km from Tartu; Tõravare has a good bus connection with Tartu, and possesses also some degree of rail connection).

Siin on mul olemasolev kogemus, millel najal ma saaksin mõnel määral tulevikuski orienteeruda.  Nimelt olin ma 1998.a. sügisest saadik küllaltki tihedas vahekorras David Dunlapi Observatooriumiga (DDO-ga), umbes 20 km Toronto all-linnast. Esialgu elasin ma küll ise Toronto all-linnas. Aga 2006.a. novembris ma kolisin  DDO lähedusse. 1998.-1999.a.  talvel sidus mind DDO-ga heeliuminõrk, spektraalselt anomaalne kuum täht HD21699, mis sai minu Toronto Ülikooli astrofüüsika lõpuprojekti vaatlusobjektiks. Sellele järgnes loengute pidamist DDO suveturistidele, meie kooli aspirantide kõrval. (DDO koguni tasus nii aspirante kui mind ettekannete eest. Neid võis mul isiklikult olla iga suve jooksul nii oma 3-4-5-6. Ma kandsin sama materjali (seda tuleb kahjuks siin pihtida) ette kordumistega igal suvel, ja siis valisin järgmiseks suveks mõne uue teema. Praegu on vaid üks pealkiri sellest mitmeaastasest tööst meeles - "The Tyranny of Mass", ehk "Masside Türannia". (Tähe mass määrab tema saatust rohkem kui kõik tesied olulised tegurid, näiteks rohkem kui tema metalliderohkus.)) Ka oli palju tööd prof. Robert F. Garrisoni rühmas (osalt ka tema uurimisfondilt tasutud) lähedalasuvate tähtede spektrite kogumise näol, NASA "NStars'i" kavas. 2006.a. novembrist määrati mind osaajalise "teleskoobioperatooriks" ehk ööasistendiks, ja samaaegselt ka prof. C. Thomas Boltoni osaajaliseks uurimisabiliseks. Need palgalised tööd kestsid kuni umbkaudselt 2008-06-30-ni. - Here I have relevant prior experience, on the strength of which I would also in future be to some extent able to orient myself. From the 1998 autumn onward, I was in a rather strong relationship with the David Dunlap Observatory (DDO), about 20 km from downtown Toronto. At first I lived downtown. In November of 2006, on the other hand, I moved into the DDO neighbourhood. What tied me to DDO in the 1998-1999 winter was the helium-weak, spectrally anomalous hot star HD21699, whose observational phenomenology became the topic of my University of Toronto astrophysics final project. This was followed by the delivering of lectures to DDO summer tourists, alongside our school's graduate students. (DDO went so far as to pay the graduate students and me for our presentations. I had three, four, five, or six such tourism assignments each summer. I presented the same material (I must, unfortunately, confess) repetitively within each given summer, selecting some new topic for the summer following. At the moment I recall just one title from my multi-year undertaking, namely "The Tyranny of Mass". (The mass of a star determines its evolution more strongly than do other relevant factors, such as its metallicity.)) There was likewise much work on Prof. Robert F. Garrison's team (in part paid for, from his research grant), in the NASA "NStars" programme. From 2006 November, I was appointed a part-time "Telescope Operator", or night assistant, and simultaneously also a part-time research assistant to Prof. C. Thomas Bolton. These paid positions lasted until approximately 2008-06-30. 

Tõravere näol ma ei saaks loota palgalisele tööle, küll aga võib-olla loodaksin mingisugusele vabatahtlikule kaasalöömisele. - In the case of Tõravere, I could not hope for paid work, but on the other hand might hope for some sort of volunteer-work opportunity.

(a) Üks väike unistus oleks, et saaksin aeg-ajalt olla vabatahtlikuks vaatlejaks kellegi aspirantuurisolevale või doktoreerunud teadlase programmis, kas spektroskoopia või fotomeetria näol, lausa kuplis. - One small dream would be this, that I might from time to time be volunteer observer in the programme of some graduate-school or doctorally qualified scientist, whether in spectroscopy or in photometry, right in the dome.

(b) Teine väike unistus oleks, et saaksin kuidagi aidata Tõravere küberneetikas, vabatahtlikuna.  - A second small dream would be this, that I might somehow be able to assist with Tõravere cyber, as a volunteer.
(c) Kolmas väike unistus oleks, et ma rakendaksin oma olemasolevaid ladina keele oskusi, ja ühtlasi mu kunagi käsilevõetud lugemisi visuaalsete binaarsüsteemide teemal, tõlkides inglise keelde Tartu tähetorni esimese vaatleja F.G.W. von Struve (1793-1864) Stellarum duplicium et multiplicium mensurae micrometricae.  von Struve tabelid ei ole tänapäeva seisukohast tugevalt huvipakkuvad, kuna tabelite andmed on üle kantud Washington Double Star Catalogi andmebaasi, ja seega lõppude lõpuks Strasbourgis asuvale Centre de Données Stellaires'i "Simbad"-"Aladdin"-i serverile või serveritekompleksile.  Aga mul on mulje, et von Struve pikk sissejutav ladinakeelne essee on praegugi vastavatele spetsidele, vähemalt teadusajaloolaste leerist, huvipakkuv.  (Kas ma ikka arvan õieti, et praegu ingliskeelne tõlge puudub?) - A third small dream would be this, that I harness my existing Latin capability, and at the same time my past reading on visual binaries, by translating into English the Stellarum duplicium et multiplicium mensurae micrometricae of Tartu Observatory's first observer, F.G.W. von Struve (1793-1864). von Struve's tables are from a contemporary standpoint not very interesting, since his tabulated data have been incorporated into the Washington Double Star Catalog database, and therefore in due course into the Strasbourg-based Centre de Données Stellaires "Simbad"-"Aladdin" server (or server complex). But I have the impression that von  Struve's long introductory Latin-language essay is even today of interest to appropriate specialists, at any rate to historians of science. (Am I indeed correct in my belief that an English translation is lacking?)

Mis iganes oleks või poleks võimalik ette võtta Tõravere kunagise vabatahtlikuna, ma tahaksin igal juhul ka edasi töötada ühe käimasoleva projekti juures, Royal Astronomical Society of Canada (RASC) kordaastase Observer's Handbook'i eredaimate-tähtede artikli autorina, kus ma paaril viimasel aastal olen koguni olnud peaautoriks. Seda teemat ma natuke valgustasin siinsamas blogspotis, 2018. aastase noodiga, pealkirjaga "The Visually Brightest Stars (Fresh RASC Publishing Initiatives)". Ma kujutan ette, et RASC-il oleks koguni heameel, et üks nende perest loodab arendada informaalseid sidemeid ka ühe Euroopa olulise tähetorniga. - Whatever may or may not prove possible as an eventual Tõravere volunteer, I would at any rate like to continue working on an existing project, in my capacity as an author of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada (RASC) annual Observer's Handbook brightest-stars article.  (In the last couple of years I have even been lead author.) I touch on this topic a little within the present blogspot, in a posting from 2018 entitled "The Visually Brightest Stars (Fresh RASC Publishing Initiatives)". I picture RASC becoming actually somewhat pleased to see a member of its family aiming at the development of informal ties with one of Europe's significant observatories. 

Samas tuleb ka edasi töötada, nüüd suurema pühendumusega kui varasematel aastatel, amatöörastronoomias. Minu peamiseks instrumendiks on 20-cm Dobson, kolme okulariga. See Dobson on varustatud erakorraliselt hea sihtijaga. Tavaline odav sihtija annab peeegelvaadet taevast, minu oma aga vaadet õiges rektsioonis. (Teisisõnu, minu kallivõitu sihtija opereerib sellisel viisil, et näidatud ida ja lääs vastavad taeva atlaselehekülje idale ja läänele. Vastasel juhul atlase tarbimine osutub raskeks, kuna siis tuleb atlase pilti oma kujutelmas peeglikombel muuta, kandes ida läände ja läänt itta). Sellele aparatuurile lisandub astronoomiline 11x80 binokkel - ja veel Nõkogude Liidus toodetud, kuid Ontarios ostetud, 20x50 "турист-3" kiiker, astronoomiliselt sobiva kolmjalaga.  (Kolmjalal on aegalse-liikumise pea, kiikri teravaks sihtimiseks.) On veel viltsavõitu kergekaaluline 7x35 binokkel, nagu võiks keegi matkaja kasutada lindude vaatlemiseks päevaajal; igati korrektne valge-punane ümberkaela-rippuv astronoomiline taskulamp heleduse allakeeramise kontrollnupuga; ja veel ühte ja teist. Parim atlas minu praeguses kogumikus on Tirioni põhjataeva  Uranometria 2000.0. - At the same time, it is necessary to continue working, now with a higher degree of dedication than in bygone years, in amateur astronomy. My main instrument is a 20-cm Dobsonian, with three eyepieces. This Dobsonian is equipped with a notably fine finder. An ordinary, cheap finder presents a mirror-reversed view of the sky, but mine a view in the correct orientation. (In other words, my rather expensive finder makes the presented E and W match the E and W of the atlas page. In the contrary case, using an atlas proves awkward, since it is then necessary mentally to flip the atlas depiction, taking E to W and W to E.) In addition to this equipment, there are astronomical 11x80 astronomical binoculars - and also a spyglass produced in the USSR, and yet purchased in Ontario, a 20x50 "турист-3", with an astronomically suitable tripod. (The tripod has a head with slow motions, allowing the spyglass to be aimed quite precisely.) Further, there are rather wretched 7x35 binoculars, as some hiker might use for viewing birds in the daytime; a fully appropriate white-and-red around-the-neck astronomical flashlight, with thumbwheel for turning the brighhtness down; and various other things. The best atlas in my present collection is Tirion's northern-hemisphere Uranometria 2000.0.

Ma ei unista komeetide ega noovade leiutamist. Mis puutub muutlikutesse tähtedesse, siis ma parema meelega oleksin kellegi palgata vaatleja elukutseliste observatooriumis, soliidse instrumendi juures soliidse kupli all, kusjuuures veel soliidne arvuti pakuks Centre de Données Stellaires'i soliidseid interneti-serveri atalaseid. Aga ma tahaksin küll olla mõnikümmend tundi aastas tähtedega n.-ö. kerge suhtlemise vahekorras, niisama imetledes neid ja mõtiskledes. Siinjuures näide: me teame raamatutest, et μ Cep, kelle tuuma vesinikupõletamise karjäär läbi, on paisunud, vanunenud, jahe ja hiiglasuure läbimõõduga. Raamatutarkusest aga ei piisa. Tuleb oma silmaga näha μ Cep'i, kas läbi astronoomilise binokli või (mis veel eredam, seega subjektiivselt värvirikkam) läbi Dobsoni.  - I do not dream of discovering comets or novas. As far as variable stars are concerned, I would rather be working as an unpaid volunteer within the professionals' observatory, at a solid instrument under a solid dome, within which a solid computer would be offering the solid Centre de Données Stellaires atlases via the Internet. But I would still wish to spend some tens of hours every year in a so-to-speak casual social relationship with the stars, merely marvelling at them and pondering. An example of this: we know from books that μ Cep, whose core has finished its hydrogen-burning career, is bloated, aged, cool, and of a prodigious diameter. Book knowledge, however, is not enough. One has to see μ Cep with one's own eye, whether through astronomical binoculars or (this yields a still brighter, and therefore subjectively a still more colour-rich, view) through the Dobsonian. 

Tulevikus on ka perekonna olud teguriks. Tulevikus olen ma osaliselt ise vastutav, kui "vanaonu Toomas", kolme praeguse mudilase edaspidise vaimse arengu eest. Soovitav (või paremini öeldud, rängalt nõudlik) on meie praegusi mudilasi meelitada  okulari juurde, seletades neile astronoomia (ka füüsika) algmõisteid - ja näidates ka võib-olla mingisuguse savipallidest mudeliga laial murul, kuidas μ Cep on oma läbimõõdu poolest veelgi suurem, kui Jupiteri terve orbiit meie viisakalt kuuma, viisakalt kompaktse, Päikese ümber. Ma näeksin ette, et lastel ja mul tuleks järgmiste aastate jooksul korduvaid praktikume, kusjuunres nemad ise õpiksid atlaste tarbimist, Dobsoni toru sihtimist ja sideerilise päeva-otsetõusu mõistetega opereerimist. - In future, the family situation will also be a relevant factor. I shall be in part myself responsible, as "great-uncle Toomas", for the ongoing intellectual development of three individuals, presently toddlers. It would be desirable (or, to put this better, it would be in a strong way a duty) to entice our present toddlers to the eyepiece, explaining basic astronomy (and also physics) concepts to them - showing them, perhaps, with some sort of clay model laid out on a wide lawn, how μ Cep exceeds in its diameter the orbit of even Jupiter, as it circles our own politely hot, politely compact, Sun. I would envisage repeated practical sessions for the children and me over the coming years. They would be learning  the use of atlases, the correct aiming of the Dobsonian tube, and the deployment of such concepts as sidereal day and Right Ascension.

Kui asuda Tõraverre, või muidu kuskile Tartumaal Tõraverest mitte kaugel (kas Nõo oleks ka mõeldav, kui alev huvitavate noortega, ja Tõraverest vaid 4 km eemal?), siis saaks opereerida Dobsoniga sellise pimeda taeva all, mis mul läbi aastate Kanadas on olnud raske leida. - If one were to settle in Tõravere, or somewhere else in Tartu County not far from Tõravere (would Nõo also be reasonable, as a hamlet with its interesting young people, just 4 km from Tõravere?), then it  would be possible to work with the Dobsonian under the kind of dark sky which has proven hard to find over bygone years in Canada. 

[NOTE ADDED: The Nõo Reaalgümnaasium, teaching Grades 10 through 12, is one of our Republic's small handful of secondary institutions with a special concentration on maths and physics. Many, or perhaps most, students are boarders, I suspect coming from pretty much across Estonia. In the mid-1960s, Nõo became the first secondary school anywhere in the then USSR to acquire a computer - a gigantic valve-based hand-me-down of an URAL, or Урал, which had in the late 1950s been installed at Tartu University, and which the Occupation authorities were now swapping out of Tartu University for more up-to-date hardware. I suppose that if one had the misfortune to be settling in Nõo, a daunting 4 km out from Tõravere, the presence of lots of bright school pupils would be a consolation. I would of course try offering them and their teachers tea and cake in my minuscule sitting-room, in the manner of the Latin master "Chipping" in Jame's Hilton's prewar novella "Goodbye, Mr Chips". To the tea and cake, however, I would be less inclined to add remarks on British politics, as was the case with Chipping (he was a moderate, showing some correct sympathy for the 1926 strikers), than remarks on spherical geometry. One would imagine hauling out my already acquired big plastic Lénárt Sphere (with its spherical ruler, its spherical compass, and its spherical protractor), along with the canister of loose tea. The Sphere, with its accessories, is likely to grab the imagination of any visitor, however young or old. ]

(C) Soovitav oleks kuidagi kasulikuks muuta Tartu Ülikoolile. (See oli ju mu isa isa, mu isa ja mu ema alma materiks, ja sellega on pealegi kõvasti seotud mõned elusolevad lähedased sugulased.) - It would be desirable to become useful, in some way, to Tartu University. (That school was the alma mater of my father's father, of my father, and of my mother. Further, several living close relatives are nowadays closely tied to Tartu University.)

Raskusi ei pruugiks alahinnata. Maailma edutabelis seisab Tartu Ülikool kaugel isegi Toronto Ülikooli taga (Oxfordist-Harvardist rääkimata), olles umbkaudselt võrreldav vaid Kanada Dalhousie Ülikooliga. (Times Higher Education Supplementi hiljutises edutabelis, nagu see on veebil pakutud, leiame me Tartu Ülikooli grupeeringus "301-350", Dalhousie Ülikooli aga ühe redelipurga võrra kõrgemal, veidi edukamas grupeeringus "251-300".) Kui ma katsun natuke luuret läbi viia interneti teel, märkan ma otsekohe puudujääke Tartus - filoloogia kursuste tabelist heebrea keel puudumas; ja matemaatika raamtukogus vaid üks Spivaki teos, Spivaki suuremast toodangust, olemas (ja Moise'i geomeetria, Munkrese toploogia lausa olemata). - The difficulties are not to be underestimated. In the global league tables, Tartu University is far behind even the University of Toronto (to say nothing of Oxford-Harvard), being roughly comparable to Canada's Dalhousie University. (In the Times Higher Education Supplement recent league table, as viewable on the Web, we find Tartu University in the "301-350" grouping, and Dalhousie University one step higher on the ladder, in the mildly more successful "251-300" grouping.) When I try a little reconnaissance over the Internet, I quickly find deficiencies in Tartu - in philology, Hebrew absent from the course offerings; and in the mathematics library holdings, just one Spivak book (out of Spivak's larger output - with Moise's geometry, and Munkres's topology, missing altogether).

Minu enda isiklikkude puudujääkide juures ma ei julgeks kõrgelt hinnata seda, mida ma meie Tartu vaimse templi tunduvaltki väljakutsuvas olukorras pakkuda suudaksin. Aga võib-olla saaksin ma eraviisiliselt tutvuda niimõne füüsika-matemaatika tudengiga. Seega saaksin ehk pakkuda, hüpoteetiliselt nii 2020.a. või 2021. a., omaltpoolt väikest, informaalset, "privatissimumi". (Umbes nii, et Indrek Paas ja Joosep Toots tuleksid minu kitsa elamiskoha poole paar korda kuus, et arutada Spivaki tensorite käsitlust.  Vahest tuleks kaasa ka mõni nende lektorist, või vähemalt aspirandist, semu. Privatissimumi sissepääsu hinnaks oleks - ütleme -  neli kartulit isiku pealt, või nende ekvivalent rukkijahus-banaanides-rosinates.  Möönda tuleb, et asi oleks alati natuke kohmakas, natuke n.-ö. härramauruslik.) - In the face of my own personal deficiencies, I would not dare form a high estimate of what I could personally offer our Tartu shrine amid its challenges. But perhaps I could in a private way form an acquaintance with a few maths or physics students. On the strength of such relationships, I could perhaps offer, hypothetically around 2020 or 2021, a little private, informal, privatissimum of my own. (It would be something like this, that Indrek Paas and Joosep Toots would come to my cramped place of residence a couple of times a month, to discuss Spivak's treatment of tensors. Occasionally they would be accompanied by some pal of a lecturer, or at any rate by some grad-student pal. The price of admission to my privatissimum would be - let us say - four potatoes per head, or their equivalent in rye flour, bananas, or raisins. It does have to be admitted that the thing would be forever rather clumsy, forever rather Maurus-esque.) 

[NOTE ADDED: Indrek Paas and Joosep Toots ("oo" here like "o" in English and Latin "flora", but lengthened) are archetypal clumsy school pupils, respectively from the pre-Soviet classics of Tammsaare and Luts. Paas is well-meaning in his clumsiness, Toots the kind of person who would in a contemporary Canadian classroom get lots and lots of Ritalin. "Maurus" is more than a little sad: in the second volume of A.H. Tammsaare's five-volume Tõde ja Õigus (Truth and Justice) comes the celebrated depiction of a chaotic school run by "Mister Maurus". Tammsaare is there presenting a thinly veiled portrait of one of Estonia's cultural icons, the Treffner Gümnaasium, concerning which he personally had formed a low opinion. It is already perhaps remarkable that Tammsaare did not get lynched by an outraged reading public: "Treffner", as a school, occupies in the national psyche something of the honour accorded to the celebrated armoured trains in the 1918-1920 War of Independence, or to Sir Johan Pitka's contemporaneous naval actions. (These secured for him a 1920 KCMG, from HM George V, on the recommendation of Admiral Sir Walter Henry Cowan.) In their raucous disrespect for school founder Hugo Treffner (1845-1912; a respectful English-language bio is available at, more than a few of Tammsaare's scenes rise  to the hysterically comic level of Wilkins Micawber in Copperfield. I am going some day, should time and energy permit, to have to bring before Anglosaxonia readers here on blogspot a translation of the passage in which mathematics teacher, and Russian patriot, Slopashev breaks down in tears upon unsuccessfully attempting a school commemoration of Pushkin's centenary.)] 

(D) Soovitav oleks kuidagi kasulik muuta Eesti Raadioamatõõride Ühingule (ERAÜ-le). - It would be desirable to become somehow useful to the Eesti Raadioamatõõride Ühing (ERAÜ). 

[NOTE ADDED: This is the umbrella organization for Estonian radio amateurs. Web outreach, in Estonian and English, is at]

(a) Siin ma peaksin peamselt töötama edasi Ontarios alustatud asja juures, nimelt raadiofüüsika selgeksõppimises, ja edaspidi sellel teemal kirjutamises.  Tuleb pikapeale seada tavalised Põhja-Ameerika ülikoolide teise-aasta mõisted minu aeglasevõitu ajus Põhja-Ameerika ülikoolide kolmanda-aasta konteksti, kus magneetiline väli on ometi käsitletud matemaatiliselt piisavalt, kui elektrostaatiline väli liikuvas raamistikus. Matemaatiliselt vajab see mitte pelgalt vektoreid (nagu Põhja-Ameerika teise-aasta kursustes) vaid ka tensoreid. Lõpptulemus oleks jada briifingupabereid, valgustades Einsteini 1905.a.  elektrodünaamika kuuldavasti tensoritele ülesehitatud käsitlust. - Here I should mainly continue a line of work started in Ontario, namely the attempt to master radio physics, with in due course some pertinent writing. It is necessary eventually to place, in my slow brain, the second-year concepts of the North American universities into a third-year context, where the magnetic field is at last treated in a mathematically adequate way, as an electrostatic field in a moving frame. Mathematically speaking, this requires not mere vectors (as in North American second-year courses) but also tensors. The final outcome would be a sequence of briefing papers, illuminating Einstein's 1905 electrodynamics (said to be erected on a foundation of tensors).

Briifingupaberite alusel oleks teistel ERAÜ peres, vajaduse korral, võimalik asuda julgelt aparaatide desaini põhiküsimustele, kaasa arvatud algprintsiipidest lähtuvale antennide desainile. Ma kujutaksin ette, et briifingupaberid oleksid kuidagi pühendatud ERAÜ perele, kuid et nad ka läheksid kuidagi veebile minu ingliskeelses tõlkes, laiema ülemaailmse raadioamatööride pere kasuks. Sellesse peresse kuulub näiteks Radio Society of Great Britain, Ameerika Ühendriikides asuv Amateur Radio Relay League ja Radio Amateurs of Canada/Radio Amateurs du Canada. - On the basis of the briefing papers, it would be possible for others in the ERAÜ family, as need may arise, to proceed confidently to the designing of equipment from first principles, including the designing of antennas. I would imagine that such briefing papers would be somehow dedicated to the ERAÜ family, but that they would somehow also propagate over the Web in my English translation, for the benefit of the wider global radio-amateur family. To this family belong, e.g., the Radio Society of Great Britain, the USA-based Amateur Radio Relay League, and Radio Amateurs of Canada/Radio Amateurs du Canada.

(b) Soovitav oleks ka taotleda Eesti opereerimisloa ja Eesti kutsungi, ja võimalikult nõutud raadioeksami edu puhul panna Eestis käima minu olemasolev radiotelgraafi aparatuur. Peamised olemasolevad kastid minu kavandatud raadiosõlmes on järgmised: 1960.a. (umbes) lampidega Heathkit "Cheyenne" saatja; 1960.a. (umbes) Heathkit "Comanche" lampidega vastuvõtja (ka Heathkit Q-korrutaja, Morse vastuvõtu häälestamise teravdamiseks, vist ühe lambiga); 1980.a. (umbes) transistoritega Kenwood TS-440S transiiver. Praegu on need tummalt istumas siinses Ontario korteris, väljaproovimata. Neid tuleks selle talve või kevade jooksul käiku lasta, s.o. tublisti enne 2018.a. sügiseks kavandatud Eestisse ümberasumist. - It would also be desirable to seek an Estonian operating licence and an Estonian callsign, and in case of success at the perhaps-required examination to put my existing radiotelgraphy equipment into Estonian operation. The following are the principal boxes in my envisaged station: a roughly-1960 valve-based Heathkit "Cheyenne", a roughly 1960 valve-based Heathkit "Comanche" receiver (with also a Heathkit Q-multiplier, for sharpening the tuning when copying Morse;  I think this box has a single valve), and a roughly-1980 transistorized Kenwood TS-440S transceiver. At the moment these items are sitting silently in my Ontario flat, untested. They must be brought into operation this winter or spring, in other words well in advance of my envisaged 2018-autumn resettling in Estonia.

Niisugune edaspidine praktiline töö raadios, kasvõi kunagi edukalt taotletud Eesti kutsungi najal, aitaks kaudselt ka tugevdada minu teoreetilist tööd Einsteini 1905.a.  tensori-mõistete kallal. Ma tahan kirjutada amatööride kasuks mitte kui puhtakujuline teoreetik, vaid ka kui tegev, praktiline, isik, s.o. kui ise praktiseeriv radioamatöör. - Such future practical work in radio, conceivably with a successfully procured Estonian callsign, would in an indirect way also help bolster my theoretical work on Einstein's 1905 tensor concepts. I wish to write for the benefit of amateurs not as a pure theoretician, but as in part a practical operator, in other words as myself a working amateur.

Ka oleks niisugune praktiline töö kaudne panus Vabariigi kaitsele. Ma kujutan ette, asja veel uurimata, et ERAÜ-l on juba olemas teatud  kaastöö Kaitseliiduga. Eesti raadiooludes me peame silmas hoidma mõningaid eri ohte - kui ainult kahte siin nimetada, siis talvelist looduskatastroofi (näiteks jäävihma, mis kukutaks energeetikavõrku, nagu sündiski 1998.a. Ontarios-Québec'is: artikli kohaselt oli selles 35 inimohvrit) ja mõnda laiaulatuslikku, tervet Euroopa põhjalat hõlmavat, Interneti avariid. Nendesuguste, ja veel teistsuguste, kriiside tekkel oleks nii Kaitseliidul kui ka ERAÜ-l raskeid ülesandeid, mille jooksul tuleks igast raadiosõlmest kasu. - Such practical work would also constitute an indirect contribution to the defence of the Republic. I imagine, without as yet having done any probing, that ERAÜ is already in some kind of cooperative arrangement with the Estonian Defence League. 

[NOTE ADDED: Estonia has compulsory national service and a formal defence establishment, with some distinctive NATO contributions in "Cyber", and a record of recent overseas NATO-family service which includes both Iraq (this I deplore) and Afghanistan (this, while questionable, might in the final analysis appear less insane than Iraq). The Defence League, however, is a semi-official structure under the Ministry of Defence, separate from the formal armed forces. The League's service record includes the 1918-1920 War of Independence, and also (in modern times) Balkans-region peacekeeping. Some particulars, including details on ranks and equipment, can be had in English from In Estonian radio conditions, we must keep certain particular dangers in view - to cite just two here, the possibility of a wintertime natural disaster (for instance, an ice storm which brings down the power grid, as indeed happened in 1998 Ontario-Ontarios-Québec: according to the article, there were 35 deaths), or again some widespread Internet outage, affecting all of nordic Europe. In the case of these crises, and indeed of other conceivable, crises, both the Defence League and ERAÜ would face difficult assignments, in the course of which every amateur station would prove useful.]

2. Operatsiooni eramanöövrite määramine - Delineation of specific operational manoeuvres

Kavandatud 2018.a. Eestisse ümberasumisest saaks "Operatsioon Kodune Koli". Inglise keele kitsamas tõlkes oleks see "Operation Domestic Clobber" ("clobber" on asjanduste-värkide kupatus, ehk koli), piltlikumas inglise keeles aga "Operation 'Eastward Ho!'". - The envisaged 2018 Estonian resettlement would be "Operatsioon Kodune Koli". In a strict English translation, this becomes "Operation Domestic Clobber" ("clobber" is a mass of junk-and-stuff, for the Estonian koli), and in more picturesque English "Operation 'Eastward Ho!'".

Nagu vist ikka operatiivses kavandamises, peab operatsioon jagunema eramanöövriteks. - As in perhaps all operational planning, the operation would subdivide into specific manoeuvres.

(1) Vähem kui pooleaasta pärast toimuks Manööver "Luureretk", kui kuuaegne külaskäik Eestisse (seega ainult kolmas minu senielatud elu jooksul).  Kuna peamiseks sihiks oleks uurida odavaid tudengitoas elamisvõimalusi Eestisse lõpliku ümberasumise ajaks (s.o.  allpoolkirjeldatud "Pearsoni Lõppmanöövri" hetkeks), siis soovitav vist oleks Luureretke kavandada 2018.a. juuniks. Kui lennata üle atlandi juunikuust oluliselt varem või oluliselt hiljem, näiteks märtsis või septembris, oleks Tartu tugendeid täis, milletõttu toaleidmise võimalused oleksid piiratud. - Less than half a year from now would come the "Preliminary Recce Manoeuvre", by way of a month's visit to Estonia (just the third in my life as so far lived). Since the principal purpose would be to seek out possibilities for the cheap rental of a student room, in preparation for the instant of final Estonian resettlement (that is, for the instant of the "Pearson End-Manoeuvre", as described below), it would perhaps be advisable to plan Preliminary Recce for 2018 June. If one were to fly over the Atlantic significantly earlier than or significantly later than June, for instance in March or September, Tartu would be full of students, hampering a search for accommodations. 

Kui sobiv tuba kord leitud (see olgu nii kitsas, sünge, külm ja odav kui võimalik), tuleks üüri ka maksta mõneks kuuks ette, et eelseisvaks sügiseks (s.o. "Pearsoni Lõppmanöövri" hetkeks) oleks kindel Tartu varjupaik olemas. Minu Tartus asuv sugulaskond on küll igati abivalmis, kuid ma ei tohiks neid minu pikemaajalise võõrustamisega ülekoormata. - With a suitable room once found (let it be as narrow, dark, cold, and cheap as possible), it would be necessary to pay rent some months ahead, thereby securing a known abode for the coming autumn (i.e., for the instant of the "Pearson End-Manoeuvre"). That part of my family which is in Tartu would, to be sure, be ready with help. But I must not overburden them as a long-duration guest. 

Sekundaarne, kuid siiski tähtis, Luureretke siht oleks Tartu laohoonevõimaluste tundmaõppimine. Ma suudaksin võib-olla koguni jõuda konkreetse lepinguni, kasvõi üüri ettemaksmise näol, et saakisin oma koli saabuval sügisel meretranspordile usaldada konkreetsele sihtaaadressile. (Selleks merelesaatmiseks on kavandatud allpoolkirjeldatud "Suurmanööver".) - A secondary, yet nevertheless important, Prelminary Recce objective would be the examination of Tartu warehousing. I might be able to get as far as a concrete locker-rental agreement, if necessary even with advance payment, so that I can entrust my chattels to sea transport in the autumn on the strength of a concrete destination address. (That sea transport is envisaged as the "Major Manoeuvre", described below.)

Kolmandaks, tuleks uurida võimalikke kitsikusi, kusjuures "oma silm on kuningas" - näiteks mõeldavaid esilekerkivaid probleeme Tartu raamtukogudes, või siis jälle Tartu panganduses. - Thirdly, it would be necessary to investigate possible chokepoints, in respect of which oma silm on kuningas [NOTE ADDED: Estonian folk saying without direct folk equivalent in Anglosaxonia - "One's own eye is king"] - for instance, problems arising in the Tartu libraries, or again in Tartu banking.

Neljandaks, tuleks hakata diplomaatilist pinda sondeerima, eriti katoliku kiriku ja (Tõravere's asuva) Tartu Observatooriumi suhtes. Kui Tartu Observatooriumi personalil on nõu anda, oleks juunikuu sobiv hetk meil mingisugustesse pisikestesse vestlustesse astuda. (Ja teaduslikust-akadeemilisest diplomaatiast alles rääkimata, peaksin ma tutvuma otseste isiklikkude kogemuste näol Tartu-Tõravere bussi- ja rongiühendusega, samuti Tartu bussi- ja rongiühendusega ühe maalasuva perekondliku koduga.) - Fourthly, it would be necessary to start checking out the diplomatic climate, particularly in relation to the Catholic Church and the (Tõravere-based) Tartu Observatory. If Tartu Observatory people have any advice to convey, June would be an appropriate time for us to enter into our minor conversations. (And quite aside from scientific-academic diplomacy, I ought to be getting to know, through direct personal observations, the  Tartu-Tõravere bus and rail links, and likewise the bus and rail links between Tartu and a rural home which is in our family.)

Viiendaks, tuleks kohapeal käivitada krundi ostuvõimaluste, ka ehitusloa taotlemise, uuringuid. Juba selles varajases juunikuises etapis tuleks koguni (muuseas tegeliku panganduse seisukohalt) valmis olla mõeldavateks esilekerkivateks krundi ostmisvõimalusteks. Kas näiteks leidub mõni maaomanik Tõravere 2,5-kilomeetri, ehk 25-minutilise jalutuskäigu, raadiuses, kes oleks krundimüügist huvitatud? Siin ma pean meeles David Dunlapi Observatooriumis 2006-2008.a.  saadud kogenmused, mis näitavad, et saab lüüa kenasti kaasa observatooriumi asjades (Tõraveres võiks see varsti tähendada seminaride-ettekannete kuulamist) kui elukoht on asutuste ustest vähem kui kolm kilomeetrit eemal. Kolme-nelja-viie kilomeetrine vahemaa aga teeks asja juba vähem ahvatlevaks, eriti kuna ma (kui kohmaka, ning halva silmanägemisega, isik) autot ei juhi. - Fifthly, it would be necessary to make an on-the-spot beginning with investigations into a possible building-lot purchase, and into the formalities of securing a building permit. It would already in that early June stage be necessary to be ready in various ways (including from an actual banking perspective) for conceivable emerging purchase opportunities. Is there perhaps, e.g., some property owner within a 2.5-km, i.e., within a 25-minute walking, radius of Tõravere, who is interested in selling a building lot? Here I am mindful of experience obtained over the period 2006-2008 at DDO, which shows that it is possible to participate nicely in the life of an observatory (in the case of Tõravere, this might soon mean attending seminars or presentations), provided one's digs are less than three kilometres from the observatory doors. A separation of three, four, or five kilometres, on the other hand, would already make the task of developing links less attractive, particularly since I myself, as a clumsy person with poor vision, do not drive a vehicle.

(2) Teisel kohal manöövrite jadas, osaliselt võib-olla läbi viidud juba enne Luureretka käivitamist, tuleks Manööver "Mõnus Maandumine". Selle manöövri käigus tuleks selgitada juriidilisi punkte, näiteks E.V. passi saamise nõudeid ja eelseisvaid kraami-tolli-ehtusloa paberiajamisi.  - Second in the sequence of manoeuvres, and in part perhaps already accomplisehd before the launching of Preliminary Recce, would be "Manoeuvre Happy Landing". In the course of that manoevre, I would clarify legal points, for instance the requisites for holding an Estonian passport, and again the nature of the impending shipping-customs-building-lot paperwork.
Nii nagu mulle praegu tundub, peamiselt meie kohaliku Toronto konsulaadi jutust, oleks E.V. passi saamine minu tingimustes kerge, ega vajaks paratamatult (võimalikult kasulikust) praegusest Kanada passist loobumist. - It seems to me at the moment, mainly from what I gather through our local Toronto consulate, that in my circumstances the obtaining of an Estonian passport would be easy, and would not necessary require my giving up my (conceivably useful) current Canadian passport.

Huvitav pisipunkt Mõnusas Maandumises oleks edaspidine akadeemiline kuuluvus. Ma olen, ja tahaksin jääda, viroonuseks (Vironia halduslikus keelepruugis, kui "vilistlane"). Tuleks aga uurida, kas saaks ennast üle viia Korp! Vironia Toronto koondisest Tartu koondisesse. - An interesting minor point within "Happy Landing" is my future fraternity affiliation. I am now, and would wish to remain, a vironus (in Korporatsioon Vironia administrative language, an "alumnus"). It would, however, be necessary to investigate whether I could transfer my affiliation from the Korporatsioon Vironia Toronto convent to its Tartu convent. 

[NOTE ADDED: In late-tsarist and interwar Estonia, academic life was strongly centred on fraternities and sororities, after the German (rather than after the more leisure-oriented American) model. Fraternities and sororities continue active now, both in Estonia and in the diaspora. My own fraternity, Korporatsioon Vironia, was founded in the near diaspora, in Riga, in 1900, in part with the aim of recalling diaspora Estonian students to their cultural roots. It would perhaps be fair to say that our three most prominent members through the decades have been poet Ernst Enno (1875–1934), politician-diplomat Karl Selter (1898-1958; Minister of Economic Affairs, 1933-1938; Foreign Minister, 1938-1939; after the Hitler war, he was the free Republic's informal diplomatic voice with the German Bundesrepublik, although himself resident in Geneva), and diaspora composer Dr Roman Toi (born in 1916, and still living near Toronto).]

(3) Kolmandaks, võimalikult 2018.a. oktoobris-novembris, tuleks hirmuäratav Merelesaatmise Suurmanööver. Seega oleks otsustav hetk käes: minu olemasolev sadakond puust kasti, nagu kirjeldatud blogspot'is kalendristembil 2017-03-27, pealkirjaga "Stackerboxes and the Management of Chattels", peaks laevale minema, lõppsadamaks loodetavasti "Luureretke" käigus juba leitud Tartu laohoone.  - Thirdly, conceivably in 2018 October or November, would come the daunting Major Maritime Manoeuvre. With it, the moment of decision would be at hand: my existing hundred-or-so wooden boxes, as described at blogspot under the date-stamp 2017-03-27, under the title "Stackerboxes and the Management of Chattels", would have to go to sea, their final destination (it is hoped) the Tartu warehouse space located during "Preliminary Recce".      

Praegu, nagu öeldud, on kaste küll vaid sadakond. Ma pean sel talvel-kevadel-suvel ostustama, kas kaste juurde ehitada, äärmisel juhul isegi teise sajakonna ulatuses. Praegune raamatukogu (ning raadiosõlm, ja veel kodune koli nagu riided) ei maha sada kasti. Küllap on ka tavalised pappkastid meretranspordil vastuvuetavad, eriti riiete puhul? - At the moment, as stated, I have just a hundred or so wooden stackerboxes. I will have to decide this winter, spring, or summer whether to build some more, in an extreme case making around another hundred. My current library (and my radio station, and additionally such domestic encumbrances as clothes) would not fit into just a hundred stackerboxes. But no doubt conventional cardboard boxes would also be suitable for sea transport, particularly in the case of clothes?

Lootustäratavaks tõsiasjaks on see, et osa praegusest suurest raamatukogust kuuluks ärakinkimisele enne kui ma Kanadast lahkuksin - eeskätt teatud filosoofiaraamatud, neid kokku mõnikümmend, Our Lady Seat of Wisdom Kolledžile Ontarios või (otsesaadetisena, juba enne Suurmanöövrit?) Tartu Ülikoolile. Samuti on mõnikümmend raamatut inglise filoloogia teemadel (tüüpiline näide: R.L. Traski Mind the Gaffe!, brozhüüritud köites), mis sobiksid varajaseks otsesaatmiseks Our Lady Seat of Wisdomile, või Tartu Ülikoolile, või koguni Tallinnas asuvasse Eesti Diplomaatide Kooli. - It is encouraging that part of my current big library would seem destined to get given away before I leave Canada - in the first instance with certain philosophy books (several dozen of them) going to Our Lady Seat of Wisdom College in Ontario, or (as a direct shipment, in advance of the Major Maritime Manoeuvre?) to Tartu University. There are likewise some dozens of books in English linguistics (a typical example: R.L. Trask's Mind the Gaffe!, in paperback), which would be suitable for advance shipping to Our Lady Seat of Wisdom, or to Tartu University, or even to the Estonian School of Diplomacy in Tallinn. 

[NOTE ADDED: Some details (in English) on the two latter institutions are offered at and]

(4) Neljandaks, võib-olla umbes 2018-11-20 (seega veidi hiljem kui laululehel ette nähtud - "Kui on jõudnud sügise,/ Kolletavad lehed,/ Salatung siis vägisi/ Tartu ajab mehed") oleks Pearsoni Lõppmanööver. Lester B. Pearson on läbi aastakümnete Kanada tuntuim diplomat. Tema 1956.a. Suezi kriisi kallal tehtud töö koguni teenis talle Nobeli rahupreemia. Hr Pearsoni järgi on nimetatud Toronto mandritevaheline lennujaam. Niisiis: Kanadast lahkumine, odav [Flight Centre'lt väljauuritud?] ühesuunaline pilet taskus ühes Kanada passiga; E.V. pass taskus kui ka see on sobivaks osutunud; buss Pearsoni lennujaama; teatud kärsitu sammumine Pearsoni ootesaalis: siis aga turbiinid stardivad, ja mõne minuti pärast kaovad tiibade alt Pearsoni asfaldi- ehk mustkattelambidki. - Fourthly, perhaps around 2018-11-20 (in that case a little later than envisaged on the songsheet - Kui on jõudnud sügise,/ Kolletavad lehed,/ Salatung siis vägisi/ Tartu ajab mehed), would come the Pearson End-Manoeuvre. Lester B. Pearson has been, down through the decades, Canada's most recognized diplomat. His work during the 1956 Suez Crisis earned him the Nobel Peace Prize. In honour of Mr Pearson is named Toronto's intercontinental airport. So, then: departure from Canada, with a cheap one-way ticket [bought through Flight Centre?] in the pocket, along with the Canadian passport; in the pocket is also (should this have proven suitable) an Estonian passport; the bus to Pearson; a certain impatient pacing in a Pearson waiting area: then, however, turbines start up, and a few minutes later tarmac lights disappear beneath aeroplane wings. 

[NOTE ADDED: The old song runs, in literal translation: "When autumn is at hand, and the leaves yellowing, a secret urge drives men to Tartu..." The words would have already been thought sexist in the co-educational 1920s. You are supposed to sing this Bierstube thing in a rather sentimental tone, in jacket and tie, with your fraternity sash and fraternity cap in the colours of your particular Korporatsioon. On the long, bare corporate table is many a Bierstein. Eventually the song livens up, its successive Estonian stanzas in perhaps a mezzo-forte alternating with the fortissimo-Latin Gaudeamus igitur. - How things are in other Korporatsioons I do not know: but in mine, we have special bolt- or rivet-heads on our corporate songbook, so that one's pages do not get damaged if one's songbook inadvertently gets laid down in some tabletop beer puddle. - If, Gentle Reader, you think to yourself, Aber das is ja alles echt deutsch, you are accurately apprehending our particular mise-en-scène.]

3. Provisoorne ehitustööde nägemus sõnades - Provisional Conception of Construction, in Words

Ma olen juba kirja pannud, põgusalt, nägemuse võimalikust elamisest. See oli minu nägemuse n.-ö. "A-variant", uueaastapäevases blogspot'i eessees, pealkirjal "Resolutions for the 2018 New Year". Nägemus oli pakutud lõigus, mis algas sõnadega "/.../ I resolve to continue my efforts at abandoming consumerism, by incrementally and progressively favouring a permaculturist lifestyle" - ehk "võtan ette tarbekultusest loobumistaotluste jätkumist, järkjärguliselt ja edasipürgivalt eeelistades permakultuurilist [s.o. teatud rohelist, jätkusuutelist] elulaadi". - I have already set down in a brief way the way construction might be conceived. That was, so to speak, "Conception, Version A", in my New Year's Day blogspot essay, under the heading "Resolutions for the 2018 New Year". The conception was offered in a passage which started, "/.../ I resolve to continue my efforts at abandoning consumerism, by incrementally and progressively favouring a permaculturist [i.e., a certain green, sustainable] lifestyle."

Nüüd aga tuleks edasi liikuda, pakkudes "A-variandi" asemel veidi viimistletud "B-variandi". - It is now time to move onward, offering in place of "Version A" a somewhat more polished "Version B".

Ehitustöid juhtigu järgmised põhimõtted (siinjuures tähtsaimad toodod ettepole, vähemtähtsamad jäetud lõpupoole): - The construction work is to proceed under the following guiding ideas (which I set down here in order of importance, with the more important set out first, and the less important  left to the end):

(1)  Eelarve peab olema tagasihoidlik. Kõik tuleb läbi viia maksimalselt 35,000 EUR-i kulutusega, kaasa arvatud krundi ostmine ja käibemaksud. - The budget is to be conservative. Everything has to done with a maximum outlay of 35,000 EUR, including the purchase of a lot and the payment of applicable sales taxes.

Insenerist sõber, kellega ma olen oma tagasihoidlikke ehitusplaane telefoniteel arutanud, arvab, et olles hüpoteetiliselt minu saabastes, saaks ta ise sama ehitusprojekti korda saata 7,500 EUR-iga, kui mitte kaasa arvata krundihind. Tema on aga kätega osav ja nobe, mina kohmakas. Töid, mida ta suudaks ära teha minimaalse abiga, vajaksid minu puhul rohkem palgatud abi. - An engineer friend with whom I have discussed my conservative plans, by telephone, believes that if s/he were hypothetically in my shoes, s/he would be able to complete this same building project for 7,500 EUR, exclusive of the lot price. S/he, however, is skilled in manual work and efficient, where I am clumsy. Work which s/he would be able to complete with minimal assistance would in my case require more paid labour.

Minu insenerist sõbra vestlusele-nõuandele lisaks võiks võrdluseks ka võtta "Koda" valmisehitatud pisimajade lahendus, nagu see on reklameeritud saidil, ja veel ajakirjanduslikus stiilis analüüsitud saidil "Koda" on elegantne, kuid minu eelistatud esteetikast modernistlikum. "Koda" ruumijaotus on minu kujutelmast laiem ja suuremõõtmelisem, olles sobivam abielupaarile kui üksikisikule. "Koda" juurde kuulub omajagu maja sisemust reguleerivat infotehnoloogiat, millest ma peaksin ise aga loobuma (osaliselt lähtudes isiklikust pigem-Vargamäe-kui-Siliitsiuimi-Oru esteetikast, osalt aga lähtudes piiratud rahavõimalustest). Vastandina minu 35,000 EUR-i kugusummale pakub "Koda" 85,000 EUR-ist lahendust. See on küll maja enda eest. Käibemaks ja krundihind ei ole tsiteeritud summasse sisse arvatud. - In addition to my engineering friend's conversation-cum-advice, one could take as a point of comparison the "Koda" prebuilt solution, as promoted at, and as additionally analyzed journalistically at "Koda", while elegant, is more spacious and more modernistic than my own conception. In contrast with my conception, the "Koda" layout is more suitable for a married couple than for a lone individual. With "Koda" comes a certain amount of cyber technology, for regulating the house interior. This I would have to veto: in part because  my own favoured aesthetic owes more to Vargamäe than to Silicon Valley, and in part because of my financial constraints.

[NOTE ADDED: It is sometimes said that the Vargamäe farmstead, rather than any human protagonist, is the central character in Tammsaare's Tõde ja õigus (the already-mentioned five-volume novel, whose title in English becomes Truth and Justice). The following publicly usable photo, from (showing an adequately Tammsaare-style 1890 Harju County farmstead, now relocated to Estonia's principal open-air museum (the Vabaõhumuusem), helps fix ideas:] 

In contrast with my total outlay of 35,000 EUR, "Koda" offers an 85,000-EUR solution. This is for the house alone. Sales taxes and the lot price are not part of the cited figure.

(2) Lahendus peab olema sedavõrd roheline, et tema päevast-päeva opereerimine läheneks süsinikuneutraalsusele. Seega oleks munitsipaalse energeetikavõrgu tarbimine lubatud vaid piiratud ulatuses. Küte peaks olema vaid puuga. Ka puukütte näol peab nii vähe kütteainet tarbima kui võimalik. Järelikult peab köetud elamispind olema minimaalne. Ei saa mõelda söögilauale ega enam kui kahe-kolme toolile. Tuleb ka otsida võimalusi osa kogupinnast külma kätte jätmiseks. - The living solution must be sufficiently green to make its day-to-day operation approach carbon-neutrality. Only a modest use of grid electricity would therefore be permissible. Heating should be from wood alone. Even in the case of wood heating, as little fuel as possible should be consumed, meaning that the heated area should itself be minimized. It would not be possible to consider a dining table, or more than just two or three chairs, and it would further be necessary to seek opportunities for leaving part of the living space unheated.

Lahendus peab veel jätma võimalust, kasvõi kaugemas tulevikus, elada ka sajaprotsendiliselt ilma munitsipaalsete teenusteta (seega siis ilma energeetikavõrguta - kuna ühiskondliku-keskkonnaliku katastroofi puhul ei tohiks kavandatud kirjutuslaua valgusti kustuda ega kavandatud raadiotelegraafisõlm vaikida). - The preferred solution should allow for the possibility, perhaps in the distant future, of going fully off-grid (and therefore of being without municipal electricity - since in case of an ecological or social catastrophe, my envisaged writing-table lighting must not go dark, or my envisaged radiotelegraph station fall silent).

(3) Peamine osa elamisest peab olema sedaviisi ehitatud, et ta püsiks elukõlblikuks mõneks sajandiks, nagu need turistidelt ja kohvilauaraamatu-fotograafidelt armastatud pisielamudki Inglismaa-Irimaa keskaegsetes külades. - The principal part of the living arrangement should be constructed to last for some centuries, like those cottages in English and Irish mediaeval villages, so beloved both by tourists and by photographers creating coffee-table books.

(4) Esteetiliselt peab lahendus olema esmaklassiline, tuues koguni isikliku mugavuse ovhriks iluduse altarile. Siin ei oleks sunduslik saavutada'i, ega Torontos peale sõda praktiseerivate pagulaseestlastest arhitektide, skandinaavialikku elegantsust. Mainitud elegantsuse asemele oleks vargamäelik, tammsaarelik pitoresksus teretulnud, koguni eelistatud. Soovitud esteetika rõhutaks betooni-klaasi-terase-alumiiniumi asemele loodusmaterjale, eeskätt savi. - From an aesthetic standpoint, the solution should be first-class, going so far as to sacrifice personal comfort to good looks. Here it is not obligatory to achieve the Scandinavian elegance either of or of the exile-Estonian architects practicing in postwar Toronto. In place of such elegance, a Vargamäe-or-Tammsaare quaintness would be welcomed, even preferred. In place of concrete, glass, steel, and aluminium, the preferred look would stress natural materials, above all cob.

(5) Ehitus peaks olema ratsionaalselt pärandatav, teisisõnu mõistlikult edasiantav mingisugusele sobivale tulevasele põlvele. - The edifice should become an appropriate legal legacy, in other words a suitable donation to some upcoming generation. 

Järgmine on mõeldav stsenaarium. Oletagem, et ma jäen tugeva tervise juurde kuni oma 85. eluaastani (s.o. 2038.a.-ni), ja et pärast seda on mu elu videvik sunnitud kulgema mõnes odavas, kitsas Eesti puhkekodus. (Muide, meil on peres juba ette nähtud matmispaik, ühe tuntud varajase Eesti Vabariigi agronomi kõrvale. Isa soovis oma põrmu soolavetele usaldamist, ema oma põrmu Kanada matmispaigale usaldamist. Mina aga sooviksin korralikku puhkamist, ilma krematooriumi leekideta, korralikus lihtsas männist-kuusest puusärgis juhul, kui ekomatmise kombeid pole veel Eestis juurdunud (aga paremal juhul puusärgita ekomatmisele sobivas raskes linas, mulla vastu?) - ja igatahes Tartumaal nagu mu esiisadki.) - The following is a conceivable scenario. Let us suppose that I remain in good health until my 85th year (i.e., until 2038), and that from that point onward I am obliged to spend my twilight years in some economical, cramped, Estonian nursing home. (Incidentally, we have already discussed the question of burial in the family. We have in view a burial beside a certain early Republic-of-Estonia agronomist. My father wished his cremated remains to be entrusted to tidewater, and my mother for her remains to go to some Canadian place of internment. I, on other other hand, would wish for a correct laying to rest, without the crematorium flames, in a simple pine or spruce coffin, should eco-funeral customs not yet be firmly established in Estonia. On the other hand, if such green customs have become established, then I would ideally wish for burial without coffin, in appropriate heavy linen, right against the soil.)

Kuidas selles stsenaariumis, ütleme hüpoteetiliselt 85. sünnipäeval, eluaset jõuetu raugana edasi kinkina? Võimalusi on mitu: katoliku kirikule, omaenda sugulastele (perering on ju lai, ja kasvabki), mõnele sobivale teaduslikule või hariduslikule asutusele, või koguni E.V. kogukonna kaitseinstansidele - näiteks ERAÜ-le või Kaitseliidule. - In this scenario, let us hypothetically say on my 85th birthday, how should I, as an enfeebled and aged individual, donate my residence? There are numerous possibilities: to the Catholic Church, or to my own relatives (for the family circle is wide, and is even growing), or to some suitable scientific or educational institution, or even to some defence establishment of the Republic - for instance, to ERAÜ or to the Defence League.

(a) Kui kirikule, siis peab minu tagasihoidlik elamu olema juba ehitamisajast saadik oratooriumiks-kabeliks ümberkujundatav. Muudatust võiks sedamoodi ette näha, et minu enda jämedavõitu, talupoegliku sisustuse asemele järgmine omanik paigutaks peenemat tisleritööd. Oleks rõõmustav, kui keegi Eestis oleks sellel hüpoteetilisel 2038.a. edasikinkimisel heebreakeelsest Piiblist huvitatud. Mõeldav oratoorium võiks siis sisaldada häid tamme-, kirsi-, kastani- või koguni oliivipuiseid-seedripuiseid riiuleid, varustatud terve heebrea Piibli rullidega, teisisõnu terve Tanahk'iga. (See saaks olle katoliku kiriku, protestantlike kirikute ja Tallinna sünagoogi ühine ökumeeniline ettevõte. (Ma kirjutan siin "Tallinn" ettevaatuse mõttes, silmas pidades asjaolu, et Tartu väike tänapäevane juudi kogukond ei ole veel suutnud asendada saksa Reich'i poolt hävitatud "Turu tn 57" sünagogi. Võib-olla olud paranevad eelseisvatel aastatel.) Me liiga tihti kujutame Piiblit ette "raamatuna", kui tegemist oli antiikajal siiski raamatukoguga - rullide korv-või-vaas rullide korvi-või-vaasi kõrval rullide korvi-või-vaasi kõrval, füüsiliselt imponeerivas ulatuses, nagu me seda ehk aimata suudame, kui mõtleme Qumran'i ehk Surnumererullide talletuspaiga tänapäevasele arheoloogiale.) - If to the Catholic Church, then my modest residence would already from the time of its construction have to be suitable for conversion into an oratorium-cum-chapel. The conversion could be envisaged as involving the removal of my own coarse, peasant-style, interior furnishings. In their place the new owner would install finer cabinetry. It would be pleasant if someone in Estonia in that hypothetical year 2038 were to be interested in the Hebrew scriptures. The conceivable oratorium could then feature fine shelving in oak, cherry, chestnut, or even olive-cum-cedar, populated with the entire Hebrew Bible on scrolls, in other words with the entire Tanakh. (This could be a joint ecumenical undertaking of the Catholic and Protestant churches with the Tallinn synagogue. (I write "Tallinn" here for prudence, mindful of the fact that Tartu's small Jewish community has not yet succeeded in replacing the synagogue at 57 Turu Street in Tartu, destroyed by the German Reich. Perhaps the situation will improve in coming years.) We too often imagine the Bible as a "book", when in reality it was in the ancient world experienced as a library - comprising vase or basket of scrolls beside vase or basket of scrolls beside vase or basket  of scrolls, in a physically formidable ensemble. We can perhaps imagine this when we ponder the modern archaeology of Qumran, in other words of the Dead Sea Scrolls repository.)

Minu praeguses provisoorses ehituskujutelmas on nurkade-seinte suunamine küll oratooriumi seisukohalt sobiv (nagu saab allpool pakutud joonistest järeldada): kuna kavandatud kamin-ahi jääks elamu lääne poole, siis uue, usulise, objekti külastajad saaksid tõepoolest vaadata rahulikult itta, nagu heas kabelis-kirikus. Idaseina saaks ehk aken sisse lõigata, selle uue akna alla ehk paigutada mõni sobiv maal. Võimalikult võiks oratooriumi paigutada väike altar (ning katoliku hierarhia loa saavutamise puhul ka reserveeritud Sakrament, oma korrektse õlilambiga varustatud kunstiliselt viimistletud tabernaklis). - At least the orientation of walls and corners, in my provisional conception, is suitable from the standpoint of an oratory (as can be deduced from my drawings, below): since the envisaged masonry heating system would be toward the west end of the residence, visitors to the new, devotional, installation would be able to face eastward in tranquility, as in a correctly oriented church or chapel. A window could be cut into the eastern wall. Some suitable painting could perhaps be installed under that new opening. It might be possible also to install a small altar in the oratory (and with it, should the necessary permission be secured from the Catholic hierarchy, also the reserved Sacrament, in an artistically competent tabernacle with its requisite tabernacle perpetual candle or perpetual oil lamp).

(b) Kui hüpoteetiline 2038.a. edasikinkimine on pereliikmetele, siis lubab minu kavand (nagu ma seda allpool pakun, joonistena) lisaehitamist. Seega muutuks algupoolest kitsas-askeetiline elamine avaramaks, abielupaari ja nende laste vajaduste kohaselt. Tuleks vaid pikendada olemasolevat paviljonikatust, ida-ja-või lääne suunas, ja ehitada edasi pikendatud paviljoni alla, sobivas (juba kasutuselolevas rõhutatult talupoeglikus savitehnilises?) stiilis. - If the hypothetical 2038 donation were to be to family members, then my design (as I present it below, through drawings) would allow the erection of annexes. This would make my originally stubby and ascetic residence roomier, to suit the needs of a married couple and their children. It would only be necessary to extend the current pavilion, eastward or westward or both eastward and westward, and to build under the enlarged pavilion in some suitable style (perhaps in the already-envisaged peasant-aesthetic cob?).

(c) Kui hüpoteetiline 2038.a. edasikinkimine on mõnele teaduslikule asutusele, siis praegu ettenähtud ehitis võiks säilida oma praegu kavandatud, üksikisiku elamu näol. Praegu kavandatud onn-elamust saaks sobiv šalee akadeemilistele üksikkülalistele. Küllap me tundsime sellise šalee puudust David Dunlapi Observatooriumis, enne selle asutuse 2008.a. väärmüüki. (Kuni 2008.a. oli meil pidev vool külalisi Euroopast, ühel õnnelikul puhul ka Eestist. Oli kahju, et neid teaduslikult kaalukaid külalisi ei saanud otse Dunlapi kompleksi majutada: tegemist oli ju sageli vaid mõnepäevase, või ühekuise, külaskäiguga. Seejuures peamiseks nõudeks oli vaid päevaaegne rahulik väljapuhkamine, pärast antud teadusliku külalise pingutavat teleskoobiööd.) - If the hypothetical 2038 donation were to be to some scientific institution, then the currently envisaged dwelling could be retained in its present, sole-occupancy, dimensions. The currently envisaged tiny-house dwelling would be suitable as a chalet for lone academic visitors. We felt the need for such a chalet at DDO, in the years leading up to our institution's misconceived 2008 sale. (Up to 2008, we had a steady stream of visitors from Europe, in one happy instance even from Estonia. It was a shame that our scientific guests could not be accommodated right within the Dunlap complex: we were, after all, receiving guests for stays of just a few days, or of a single month. In their circumstances, the main need was simply for quiet daytime recovery, after a hard night's work at the telescope.)

Kui minu n.-ö. maalaev peab asuma mitte kuigi ligidal Tõraverele (seda ma kahetseksin, kuid sellega tuleks äärmisel juhul ka leppida), siis oleks ta siiski ehk sobiv šalee Tartu Ülikooli mitte-astronoomilistele külalistele. Ka niisugune lahendus oleks minu meelest mõeldav, et Tartu Ülikool võtaks hüpoteetilisel 2038.a. edasikinkimisel elamu minult vastu arusaamisega, et ta üüriks selles välja pindala külalistele, Toronto Ülikooli Hart House'i magamistubade mudeli järgi. Kui meie ühine asi võtab sellist pool-ärinduslikku pööret, siis võib-olla kena oleks, kui akadeemilised isikud minu enda Oxfordi kolledžist (selleks on St John's) saaksid peatuda "T.Karmo endises askeetilises väikses maalaevas" eriti odava hinna eest, või koguni tasutult. See ju tugevdaks diplomaatilisi sidemeid mu ema-isa-vanaisa Eesti alma materi ja mu enda Ühendkuningriigi alma materi vahel. - If my so-to-speak earthship were to be located not very close to Tõravere (it might in some extreme case prove necessary to settle for a location far from Tõravere, much though I would regret it), then it might perhaps be suitable as a chalet for (non-astronomical) visitors to Tartu University. A solution which to my mind seems in that radical contingency acceptable is that Tartu University take the dwelling from me, in the hypothetical 2038 donation, on the understanding that it would subsequently be renting the space out to academic visitors, on the model of the bedrooms within Hart House at the University of Toronto. If our joint undertaking were to assume such a half-commercial aspect, then it would perhaps be pleasant if academic visitors from my own Oxford college (that is St John's) could stay in "T.Karmo's former ascetic little earthship" for some specially low price, or altogether for free. That arrangement would strengthen diplomatic ties between my mother's, father's, and grandfather's Estonian alma mater on the hand and my own United Kingdom alma mater on the other.

(d) Kui hüpoteetiline 2038.a. edasikinkimine on ERAÜ-le, siis praegusest ettenähtud ehitisest saaks veel edasitugevdatud raadiokoda. Preagune kava, nagu allpool joonistena pakutud, näeb juba ette poollainedipooli, 20 m pikkuses (nagu sobiv 40 m raadiospekriribal opereerimiseks). Minu enda antennide kava on tagasihoidlik, kuna ma ei suuda palju kulutada. Juhul, kui minu kavandatud eluase peaks ERAÜ valdusse minema, võiks mõelda laiaulatuslikumale antennidefarmile. Iga lühilainerežhiimi raadioinseneri soovunelmaks on romb. Selle mastide rohkus, ja ühtlasi selle jäme jalajälg, on aga tavalisele reakonanikule ebareaalne. (Ruumilisi ja muid nõudeid saab muide lähemalt uurida artiklist - If the hypothetical 2038 donation were to be to ERAÜ, then the currently envisaged dwelling would become an enhanced radio shack. My own current plan, as to be laid out here in due course with drawings, envisages a half-wave dipole, 20 m in length (as appropriate for operations in the 40-m band). My own antenna scheme is conservative, since I cannot spend much. If my conceived residence were to pass into the ownership of ERAÜ, then thought could be given to an enlarged radio farm. Every radio engineer working in the high-frequency ("HF") régime dreams of erecting a rhombic. That  design's proliferation of masts, and with it its huge footprint, places it out of reach of the ordinary citizen. (The engineering requirements, spatial and otherwise, can, by the way, be more closely studied from

Kaudselt analoogsed punktid kehtiksid ka juhul, kui objekti hüpoteetiliseks 2038. a. saajaks osutuks ERAÜ asemel Kaitseliit. - Roughly analogous points would hold also in case the property's hypothetical 2038 donee happens to be the Estonian Defence League, rather than ERAÜ.

Ka mingisugune ERAÜ-Kaitseliidu koostöö oleks võib-olla hüpoteetilisel 2038.a. üleandmisel mõeldav - ütleme, kui on sellel ajal olemas Kaitseliidu "raadioside osakond", mis sellel ajal otsib omale eriti sobivat Tartumaa tugipunkti. - Some kind of cooperation between ERAÜ and the Estonian Defence League would also perhaps be conceivable in the wake of the hypothetical 2038 donation - in case, let us suppose, the Defence League is at that time running a "radio division", and the division happens at that time to be looking for a particularly suitable Tartu County base.


Lähtudes elltoodud põhitõikadest, võiks mõnda pisiasja juba praegu, algatuse algfaasis, ette kujutada. - From the guiding principles now set out, one might start picturing a few details even now, at the start of the overall initiative.

(01) Muretsetud krunt olgu minimaalselt mõõtmetes 15 m x 14 m (mis annaks umbkaudselt 0.021 ha). Mida suurem, seda küll raadio seisukohast parem. Neljakandiline piklik 0.021 ha plats piisaks diagonaalselt asetatud poollainedipooliks, mitte aga rombiks. - Let the procured lot be minimally 15 m x 14 m (yielding an area of around 0.21 ha). The bigger the better, from a radio standpoint. A rectangular 0.21 ha lot would suffice for a diagonally oriented half-wave dipole, although not for a rhombic.

Eriti suur krunt võimaldaks minu eluajal noobli suhkruvahtra ehk Acer saccharumi hiie istutamist (David Dunlapi Observatooriumi hiiest sissetoodud seemnetest?), kasvõi mõnekümne puu näol. Hüpoteetiline 2038.a. edasikinkimise ajaks toodaksid need puud juba võimalikult oma esimest kevadist suhkrumahla. - A specially big lot would make it possible to establish, during my own lifetime, a grove of the noble sugar maple, Acer saccharum (perhaps using seeds imported from DDO's own sugar-maple grove?). At the time of the hypothetical 2038 donation, these trees would perhaps already be yielding their first springtime sap.

Mahla töötlemine pole küll naljaasi. Tuleb koguni 40 liitrit keeta, et saada liiter siirupit. Kanadas säärast aururohket tööd võetakse parema meelega ette (talve viimase lume käes) vaid kas lageda taeva all või eri-ehitatud keetmisonnis.  - Sap operations are, to be sure, no joke. It is necessary to boil down 40 litres to get just one litre of syrup. In Canada, this steamy work is on best practice consigned (in the last snows of winter) either to the open air or to a specially constructed evaporator shack.

Puud ja antennide farm, kogunu romb, saaksid rahulikult koos elada, juhul kui rombi mastid on piisavalt kõrged. (Ülalmainitud artiklist võiks muide sellel teemal eriti uurida mustvalget fotot, millel seletuseks AT&T 2 wire rhombic in Dixon, California, in 1937, used for telephone service to Shanghai, China - "Ameerika Telefoni ja Telegraafi Kompanii 2-traadiga romb Dixon, Californias, 1937.a., tarvitatud telefoniteenusteks Shanghaisse Hiinas". - The trees and the rhombic could co-exist peacefully, provided the masts of the rhombic are sufficiently high. (Incidentally, within the above-mentioned it is helpful to examine particularly the black-and-white photo with caption  "AT&T 2 wire rhombic in Dixon, California, in 1937, used for telephone service to Shanghai, China".)

Mitukümmend aastat hiljem, suhkruhiie maharaiumise ning taas-seemendamise hetkel, pakuksid tüved esmajärgulist tisleripuud, tunduva turuväärtusega. - Some decades in the future, upon the felling of the grove and its re-seeding, the trunks would supply first-class cabinetry wood, of perceptible market value.

(02) Äärmisel juhul, kui ei osutu võimalikuks leida krunti Tõravere ümbruses, siis mõeldav lahendus oleks mõni rikutud maalapp, inglise munitsipaalses halduskeelses pruugis brownfield ehk pruunpõld, Tartu linna piirides. Teine hea variant antud raskustes oleks mõni odav haljaspõllu lapp Tartu linnast ning Tõraverest eemal, ometi ikka lõuna-Tartumaal. - If, in an extreme case, it does not prove possible to find a lot in the vicinity of Tõravere, then a conceivable solution would involve some spoiled land, in English municipal-administration terminlogy a brownfield, within the Tartu city limits. A second reasonable response to the envisaged difficulty would be the acquisition of some cheap greenfield lot outside the city of Tartu and well removed from Tõravere, but nevertheless within southern Tartu County.

Oleks põnev ja kasulik teha mõnest munitsipaalsest pruunpõllust inimliku elamise, pitoreskse majakese ja korraliku köögiaiaga. Kujutagem maaparandamist ette: mahajäänud linnakvartalis on agul, koguni vabrikute jäänuseid - kuid selle kõrbe keskel kerkib nüüd vargamäelik saareke, koguni oma kapsaste-punasõstratega (ja vöimaluste piirides koguni oma krundiäärsete suhkruvahtratega)! - It would be interesting and beneficial to turn some municipal brownfield into a suitable place of human habitation, with its quaint little house and its orderly kitchen garden. Let us visualize such a land-improvement scheme: in a downtrodden quarter of the city is a slum, with even factory ruins - and yet in the middle of that manmade desert there now arises a little island in the spirit of Tammsaare's Vargamäe farmstead, with even its own cabbages and red currants (and, probing the limits of feasibility, perhaps even - at the edge of the lot - its sugar maples)!

(03) Ehitise üle peaks hõljuma pollainedipooli antenn, kui horisontaalne "vasest pesunöör", optimaalselt umbkaudses kagu-loode suunitluses. (Täpne suunitlus ei ole ülitätis; võib vist nii plus-miinus kahekümne kraadi ulatuses vintskleda. Umbkaudne kagu-loode suunitlus pakuks korralikke amatöör-raadiotelegraafi sidevõimalusi Saksamaa-Austria, Itaalia-Hispaania ning Ameerika Ühendriikidega.) - Above the dwelling would have to hover a half-wave dipole antenna, as a horizontal "copper clothesline", optimally in approximately a southeast-northwest orientation. (The exact orientation is not critical. One can perhaps work to a tolerance of plus-minus twenty degrees. An approximate southeast-northwest orientation would offer due amateur-radiotelegraphy links with Germany-Austria, Italy-Spain, and the USA.)

(04) Ehitustöö esimesse faasi kuuluks mitte ainult põranda-aluse betooni valamine vaid ka paviljoni püstitamine. Selle juures oleks paviljoni viilkatus sammastel, pikkusega umbes 5 m, laiuse poolest samuti umbes 5 m. Sambad võiksid olla esialgu rauast või terasest, et ehitamisega kiires tempos edasi minna. Mõne aasta pärast ma saaksin nad võib-olla iluduse mõttes katta kas tellistest mantli või (kui veel ilusam lahendus) raidkivi mantliga.  - Included in the first construction phase would be not only the pouring of an underfloor concrete slab but the erection of a pavilion. The pavilion, of dimensions around 5 m times 5 m, would comprise a gable roof on pillars. The pillars could at the outset be of iron or steel, so as to allow the overall construction project to advance at an appropriately brisk tempo. A few years later, I could perhaps wrap them, for appearances' sake, in a mantle of brick or (as a still better-looking solution) dressed stone.                

Veel enne betooni valamist tuleks kaevu puurimine, kavandatud köögipõranda alla. - Already before the pouring of the concrete would come the boring of a well, under the planned kitchen floor.

Betooni otsa võiks minna tavaline Kanada põrandehitus. Selle juures annavad puust talad termilise eraldamise, ehk isoleeriva õhuvahe, põrandlaudade ja külma betooni-mulla vahel. Mulle on hiljuti toonitatud, et selline lahendus oleks puhtkeraamilisest lahendust parem, kuna puidumaterjal paindub (keraamika kaldub seevastu mõranema) termiliste stresside tekkel - kui näiteks elamu juhtub olema kõvasti köetud, ja kui mõned elamu osad juhtuvad olema termilises otseühenduses kõvasti külma betooni-mulla pinnaga. (Minu puhtkeraamiline lahendus, mis pole selle nõuande kohaselt soovitav, oleks olnud järgmine, pisut roomlaste Britannia-provintsi hypocaustumi näol: betooni pinnale asetatagu kas telliskivid vahedega või neljakandilise läbilõikega põletatud savist truupe, nagu neid ka tuntakse niiskemaa põllutöil. Telliskividest ridade või truupide otsa mingu nähtav põranda kiht, kas keraamika plaatide või telliskivide näol. - Et veel aidata põranda külma peletada, oli mul mõtteks, et read või truubid võiksid kulgeda elamu pikemas suunas, seega kandes natuke soojust edasi põranda all kamin-ahjust, Britannia-roomlaste hypocaustumi moodi. Soojuse levi oleks sel puhul veelgi soodustatud, kui kamina-ahju tulekolded asuksid madalal, koguni mõni senitmeeter allapoole põrandtruupe. Niisuguses desainis - millest, ma kordun, oleks  võib-olla praegu õigem loobuda (aga ma pean veel edasi meistritega plaane arutama) - tulekolded nagu pesitseksid madalates aukudes, kusjuures nende hõõguvad söed soojendaksid truupide otsi.) - Onto the concrete could go the usual Canadian flooring solution. On this solution, wooden joists create thermal partitioning, in other words insulating air space, between the floorboards and the cold concrete-plus-soil. It has been recently stressed to me that the usual Canadian solution would be preferable to an all-ceramic flooring solution, since timber develops a suitable strain response (a suitable deformation) at times of imposed thermal stress - as when, for instance, the dwelling happens to be strongly heated, and when some components of the dwelling happen to be in direct thermal contact with strongly chilled concrete and soil. (My fully ceramic solution, which on this assessment is sub-optimal, would have been the following, rather in the spirit of the Roman-British hypocaustum: onto the concrete slab, lay either spaced rows of bricks or drainage tile in square cross-section (as familiar from agricultural operations in wet fields). Onto the spaced bricks or the drainage tiles, place the visible flooring, either as ceramic plates or as bricks. - To help further in driving cold from the floor, I had the idea that the brick rows or the drainage tiles could run along the dwelling's long axis, thereby carrying some warmth under the floor from the masonry heating system, in the manner of the hypocaustum. The propagation of heat would in that case be further facilitated if the hearths of the masonry heating system were to be placed low down, even some centimetres below the floor channels. In such a design - which, I repeat, seems now perhaps ill-advised  (but I must have further discussions of plans, with specialists) - the hearths would as it were be nesting in shallow depressions, their glowing embers warming the ends of the sub-floor channels.)

Ma kujutaksin ette tegelikku elamist külmana, kuid mitte surmavalt külmana. Jahedavõitu põranda otsa läheks minu õndsa ema Nova Scotias käsitsitehtud vaip kvaasi-eesti motiivides, ja veel mõnigi vabrikust tulnud vaibake, mis samuti on praegu minu valduses. - I would imagine actual living to be chilly, yet not deadly cold. Onto the rather cool floor would go my dear Mum's rug, worked in hand in Nova Scotia in quasi-Estonian patterns, and additionally certain factory-produced rugs, likewise already in my possession.

(05) Kui paviljon on püstitatud kiires korras 2019.a. maikuu esimesel poolel, siis saaks juba sellel samal kuul alustada paviljoni alla saviseintega elamu ehitamist (ühes oma tellikiskivist kamin-ahjuga, nagu allpool kirjeldatud). Seega kaitseks paviljoni katus tehtavaid savitöid ja tehtavaid ahjumeistri töid kevadiste ja suviste vihmasadude eest. Eesmärgiks peaks olema elamu viimine sissekolimiseks sovibale tasemele 2019.a novembriks, veidi enne talviseid lumetorme. - If the pavilion were to be erected speedily in the first half of 2019 May, then it would be possible already in that same month to start constructing a cob dwelling under it (along with its masonry heating system, as discussed below). The pavilion roof would thereby protect the ongoing cob works and masonry works from spring and summer rains. The goal would have to be the achievement of a habitable dwelling by 2019 November, a little before the winter snowstorms.

Savitehnika, ja selle pitorsksed, esteetiliselt igati vastuvõetavad, tulemused, on ära toodud YouTube'is viideos "Earth building in Estonia Eestimaaehitus" (kestvusega 12:29, laadimiskuupäevaga 2017-06-25, laadijanimeks "Eestimaaehitus NGO"; minu praeguses asupaigas, Ontarios, saab seda materjali vaadata URL-ilt  - Cob construction, with its quaint, in terms of appearance fully welcome, outcome, is illustrated in the YouTube video "Earth building in Estonia Eestimaaehitus" (to a duration of 12:29, with upload date 2017-06-25, under uploader name "Eestimaaehitus NGO"; in my current region of residence, in Ontario, this material may be viewed through the URL

Savitehnika asemele võiks küll mõelda tüveotste müüridele, nagu arutatud artiklis Ma siiski ei tahaks rakendada koormatkandvates osades tehnikat, millel praegu veel tõenäoliselt puuduvad oma vilunud Eesti meistrid. Õigem oleks vist ehitada põhiliselt savitehnikas, ja siis mõnel hiljemal aastal lisada puhtdekoratiivseid seina või verandapõranda elemente tüveotste näol. Säärane lihv oleks mõeldav samaks ajaks, kui paviljonisambad saavad oma lõpliku, telliskivist või raidkivist übermähiva, iludusrüü. Verandapõranda dekoreerimise (seega inetu betooni peitmise) puhul oleks kogui mõeldav vahelduvaid ribasid eri tehnikates, kasvõi mustris, kusjuures rakendatavad oleksid munakivi sillutis, telliskividsillutis ja tüveotste sillutis.) - In place of cob, consideration could, to be sure, be given to cordwood masonry, as discussed at But I would not wish to use in load-bearing elements a technique which at present perhaps still lacks its Estonian practitioners. It would perhaps be more appropriate to build essentially in cob, and then in some later year to add purely decorative wall or veranda-floor elements in cordwood masonry. Such an aesthetic refinement could conceivably be undertaken at the same time as the pavilion columns acquire their final decorative mantle, in brick or dressed stone. For the decorating of the veranda floor (and thereby the concealing of some ugly concrete), it would even be conceivable to use alternating strips in alternating techniques, possibly working a pattern in cobblestone pavings, brick pavings, and cordwood-masonry pavings. 

(06) Paviljoni katuse lõunapoolne külg võiks koguni olla järsema kui üks-ühevastase kallakuga, et päikese kiired keskpäeval langeksid pinnale umbkaudselt püstloodis neil aastaaegadel, kus energia kogumine osutub kõige olulisemaks. (See ei oleks alguses, energeetikavõrgust suures sõltuvuse faasis, tähtis, kuid oleks tähtis tegur mõeldavas tulevikus - kui loodetavasti hakatakse katusepinda tarbima fotovoltailiste paneelide, ka võimalikult solaarse kuumaveepaneelide, monteerimiseks.) Viilkatuse kahed pinnad ei pruugiks seejuures olla sama kallakuga. Põhja poole oleks kergem kallak sobivam, võimaldades laia põhjapoolset verandat. Kusagile küttesüsteemi lähedusse, kuiva kätte kuid siiski mitte elamisruumides, peab ju talletama küttepuid. - Mulle on küll juba antud hoiatus, et need spetsid, kes minu plaane peavad pärstpoole kontrollivad, ehk soovitavad sümmeetrilist paviljonikatust, mõõdukate kallakutega, silmas pidades peamiselt lume mahalibimese vajadusi. - The slope of the south pavilion roof might actually be steeper than 1:1, enabling rays of the mid-day sun to hit the surface roughly at right angles in those seasons for which the harvesting of solar energy proves most important. (This would not be a relevant consideration at the early stages, when the dwelling would be significantly dependent on the grid. It would, on the other hand, become an important consideration later on - when, it is hoped, the roof surface would harbour photovoltaic panels, and perhaps also solar hot-water heating.) The two roof slopes would not necessarily have to be equal. On the north side, a gentler slope would be more appropriate, so as to make a wide north-side veranda possible. For somewhere in the vicinity of the heating system, out of the rain and yet not inside the living space, would have to be storage for firewood. - I have, to be sure, already been cautioned that the specialists who will eventually need to be working on my plans might recommend a symmetric pavilion roof, with moderate slopes on both sides, mindful above all of the need for easy shedding of snow.

(7) Eluaseme lagi peaks olema nii madal kui praktiline, ja tugeva kandejõuga. Jämedad tumedad paljad sarikad, ja nende vahel hele savikrohv, annaksid kena muistse anglosaksi-stiilse sisekujundamise efekti. Suur lae kandejõud võimaldaks katuse alla paigaldada (küteta) vihmakindla pööningu, teisisõnu vihmakindla hoiuruumi. Pööningule viiks trepp ning kaldtee ehk ramp (mõlemad lahendused kõrvuti, kastide transpordi hõlbustamiseks) edaspidiselt mainitud põhjapoolsest verandast. - The ceiling of the residence would have to be as low as practical, and capable of bearing a heavy load. Wide, dark, bare beams, and in between them light-coloured clay plastering, would create a pleasantly antique Anglo-Saxon effect. A high load-bearing capacity in the ceiling would make it possible to place under the roof an (unheated) rainproof attic, in other words a rainproof storage room. A staircase, and with it a ramp (with these two modes of access laid side by side, to facilitate the transport of boxes) would link the attic to the northern veranda (to be discussed later in this writeup).

Et maja teha kauge tuleviku vajaduste, eriti järgmiste omanikkude mõeldavate ümberkorraldamistahtmiste, juures sobivaks, tuleks lael koguni moodustada omaette vihmakindla varukatust - see selle mõttega, et paviljoni saaks vajaduse korral demonteerida, säilitades selle all asuvat elujõulist, edaspidiselt vihmakindlat, savitehnikast elamut. - To make the house meet future requirements, especially the conceivable future renovation requirements of conceivable future owners, the entire ceiling should itself become a rainproof reserve roof - the idea here being that in case of future need the pavilion could be demolished, leaving behind a still-habitable, still-rainproof, cob dwelling.

(8) Paviljoni katuse järsu kallakuga lõunapoolset pinda võiks tuua elamust veel natuke veel lõuna poole, ühes mullapealse betoonist platvormiga. See pakuks (kaugemaks tulevikuks?) kerget võimalust kitsa triiphoone paigaldamiseks maja lõunaseina külge, kas (ajutiste) kilede või koguni (alaliste) klaaside näol. - The steeply sloping southern roof could be extended a little distance southward from the dwelling, along with the poured concrete slab. This would make it easy to install (in the more remote future?) a narrow greenhouse against the south wall, whether in (temporary) plastic sheeting or in (permanent) glass.

(9) Kui kujutelda elamut itta purjetava laevana, siis oleks tal sissepääs pakpoordist, ehk laiast (allkirjeldatud) põhjapoolsest verandast. Kui sissepääs teha otse kööki (mille soojakshoidmine ei ole nii oluline kui suurema, töötoa, soojakshoidmine), siis saaks võib-olla ka hakkama ilma esikuta. Vastasel korral peaks väikse puust esiku ehitamine laia verandakatuse alla osutuma suhteliselt odavaks. - If the dwelling is regarded as a ship sailing eastward, then its entrance would be from the port side, in other words from the wide northern veranda to be discussed below. If the entrance is made directly into the kitchen (whose heating is less important than the heating of the big workroom), then it might be possible to live without a foyer. In the contrary case, the construction of a small foyer in wood, under the wide north-veranda roof, should prove comparatively inexpensive.                           
(10) Lihtsuse ja kokkuhoiu huvides asuksid aknad peamiselt lõunapoolses seinas. Nende kogu pindala oleks tagasihoidlik, et mitte liialt soojust kaduma lasta. - In the interest of simplicity and economy, there should be windows chiefly in the south wall. Their total area should be kept small, so as to minimize the leakage of heat.

(11) Elamine-töötegemine (puhtas matemaatikas, elementaarsemas matemaatilises füüsikas, elementaarses küberneetikas, muistses heebrea ja muude keelte filoloogias), ka patjadel-vaipadel magamine, toimuks maalaeva vööripoolses suuremas toas. Väiksemasse tuppa, s.o. ahtripoolsessse kööki, jääks enda pesemine (väljakantavas suures vannis - ta muidu puhaku verandal või pööningul, et mitte jalul olla), pesupesemine (kaheosalises suures valamus, nagu ka allpool kirjeldatud) ja lithne toiduvalmistamine (näiteks smuutide valmistamine vastava ameerikaliku elektrimasinaga, salatite lõikamine-kokkusegamine). - Life and work (in pure maths; in the more elementary parts of mathematical physics; in elementary computing; and in philology, including Biblical Hebrew), and also sleeping with pillows and rugs, would be in the larger, in nautical terms the more forward, of the earthship's pair of rooms. To the smaller kitchen room, in other words aft, would be relegated bathing (with a big portable tub - when not in use, let this be stowed either on the veranda or in the attic, so as to be out of the way), laundry (in the big two-compartment sink, as described below), and simple food preparation (for instance, the preparation of smoothies, in an appropriate American-style electric machine, or again the cutting and tossing of salads).

(12) Kahe toa vahele tuleks elamu tuum, ehk elamu tuksuv ja soe süda, kütteahi-kamin. Praegu, provisoorselt, ma näeksin asja ette mitte puht-eestilikult vaid osalt brittide kultuurilise mõju alt. Korstnaid oleks kaks kõrvuti, heitegaaside voolude poolest üksteisest sõltumatud. Korsten "A" annaks ühendust soome-vene tüüpi kütteahjuga, oma keeruka, lookleva suitsuteega. Selle ahju avaus oleks köögi-vannitamise toas. Lõplik desain vist ei pruugiks sisaldada seda tsaariaegset luksusasja, milleks oli klassikalises vene desainis rauast keetmisplaat, oma väljatõstetavate rauast ketastega. (Keeta saaks kas mikrolaine ahjus või - nagu allpool mul sellest ka juttu tuleb - Rumfordi kaminas.) Ahju looklev suitsutee, enne oma A-korstnasse suubumist, oleks sedamoodi kavandatud, et suurem osa soojust hõõguks mitte kööki vaid kõrvalasuvasse, suuremasse, töötuppa. - Between the two rooms would come a core installation of the dwelling - its warm and beating heart - the masonry heating system. At the moment, provisionally, I would conceive this not in purely Estonian terms but in part under British cultural influence. There would two adjacent chimneys, from the standpoint of waste-gas flows mutually independent. Chimney "A" would be connected to a masonry heater of the Finnish-Russian type, with its complex back-and-forth smoke channel. The door of this heater would be in the cooking-bathing room. The final implementation would perhaps not be obliged to feature that Tsarist luxury which is, in the classic Russian design, an iron cooking plate, replete with removable iron disks. (One could instead cook in a microwave oven or - as described below - in the Rumford hearth.) The zig-zagging smoke path, before its termination at the A-chimney, would be designed to throw most of its heat not into the kitchen but into the adjacent, larger, workroom.

B-korsten annaks omakorda ühendust Rumfordi-tüüpi kaminaga, nagu mõningates briti härrasmajades Napoleoni ajastul. (Taustaseletusi pakub Nagu tsiteeritud allikast selgub, oli tolle termodünaamiliselt tõhusa kaminatüübi leiutajaks Sir Benjamin Thompson krahv Rumford (1753-1814), kes oli ka üks teoreetilise termudünaamika rajajaid.) Rumfordi kamina suu vaataks töötuppa, mitte kööki. Seega oleks esteetiline tulemus mõnel määral võrdne Californias asuva, teatud kaasaegse keskkonna kaitsjate leeris (kuhu sooviksin ise ka kuuluda) omale hea kuulsuse võitnud, Innermost House'iga. Selles California näidiselamuks on minu silmade järgi samuti valitud just krahv Rumfordi termodünaamiline lahendus. - Innermost House'i fotode galerii on muide esitletud saidil Omalt poolt on mul ka pakutud filosoofiline kommentaar, siinse blogspot'i eeseel pealkirjaga "Open Letter to the Innermost House Foundation", kalendristembil 2017-10-16. - The B-chimney would for its part connect with a Rumford fireplace, as in some affluent British homes during Napoleonic times. (Background can be had from As the cited source explains, the inventor of this thermodynamically efficient fireplace, Sir Benjamin Thompson, Count Rutherford (1753-1814), was also among the founders of theoretical thermodynamics.)  The mouth of the Rumford would be in the workroom, not the kitchen. The aesthetics  would consequently be to some degree reminiscent of the Californian - and in certain ecological circles (to which I would myself wish to belong) nowadays highly esteemed - Innermost House. For that Californian Ideal Home, there has been selected what to at any rate my own eye appears precisely Count Rumford's thermodynamic solution. - Incidentally, a photo gallery for Innermost House is presented at I offer my own philosophical commentary here at blogspot, in an essay entitled "Open Letter to the Innermost House Foundation", with datestamp 2017-10-16.) 

Tavaliseks kütteks oleks rakendatud vaid korsten "A", kuna nii põleks küttematerjal kõige kõrgemas temperatuuris, järelikult kõige puhtama suitsuga. Kui on aga soovitud mikrolaineahjus veekeetmisest hetkeks loobuda, või siis jälle leivatüki käsihargil röstida (või koguni Kanada-Šotimaa bannok-leiva ehk Põhja-Ameerika pärismaalaste muqpauraq-leivaga katsetada - nagu seletatud saidil, siis tuleks Rumford kasutusele. Samuti saaks Rumfordisse asetada raskest rauast viieliitrine "hollandi ahi", hõõguvad sõed nii raua all kui raua peal, kui tahetakse mingit pirukat küpsetada. - For ordinary heating, only the "A" chimney would be used, since that would ensure the burning of the fuel at a higher temperature, and therefore with cleaner smoke. When, however, it is desired to get away for a moment from boiling water in the microwave, or again when it is desired to toast a slice of bread on a toasting-fork (or even to experiment with Canadian-Scottish bannock bread,  equivalently with the North American First Nations muqpauraq, as explained at, then the Rumford would come into play. Into the Rumford could again be placed a heavy five-litre Dutch oven, with glowing embers both beneath and on top, for occasions on which it might be desired to bake an Estonian pasty. 

[NOTE ADDED: The Estonian pasty, or pirukas, can be a little like a Cornish pasty. A sweet pirukas can be made with apples, and a savoury pirukas with meat. I would not personally favour the traditional custom of preparing a pirukas, or in the plural (small) pirukad, with deep-fat frying.] 

Rumfordil oleks veel see eelis, et ta annaks kiiret soojust kehaliikmetele olukorras, kus ei taheta välja kannatada seda aega, mida vajaks jääkülma soome-vene ahju kuumaksajamine. - A Rumford would also have the advantage of providing rapid heat for hands and feet, on occasions on which one does not want to wait out that slow process which is the heating up of a chilled Finnish-Russian stove.

(13) Köögipind oleks minimaalselt varustatud. Valamu peaks olema suur, kaheosaline, vastupidavuse huvides vist enameleeritud terasest. (Ma eelistaksin enameleerimist, kasvõi pintslitehnikas, tumedas metsarohelises toonis.) Mahu poolest peaksid  tema pooled vastu võtma suuri klaasist kausse, selleks puhuks, kui seal pestakse mitte riideid väid nuge-taldrikuid-kahvleid. Käepump tõstaks vett köögisasuvast kaevust kõrgesse köögisasuvasse külmaveepaaki. Loodetavasti oleks veel lihtne elektri seadeldis, millega valmistada mõni liiter sooja vett vajaduse korral, nagu ingliskeelses veebis vahest reklameeritud sönadega tankless water heater või hot water on demand. - The kitchen area would be only minimally equipped. The sink ought to be huge, in two sections, and for longevity perhaps in enameled steel. (I would favour enamelling, if necessary with simple brushwork, in a dark forest green.) Its two halves ought to be sufficiently capacious to take big glass bowls, for occasions on which it is not fabrics but cutlery-crockery that is being washed. A hand pump would raise water from the kitchen well into an elevated cold-water tank, likewise kept in the kitchen. One hopes that there would also be a piece of electric equipment for preparing a few litres of warm water when needed. Such equipment is occasionally advertised on the English-language Web in the words tankless water heater, or again hot water on demand.

Köögiala roiskvesi, paraku oma seebi ja mustusega, voolaks (kui kohalikud Eesti seadused seda ka lubavad) pisikesse hallvee pillirootiiki, nagu seletatud saidil Et seebi võimalikult halba mõju pilliroole ja muudele organismidele leevendada, oleks vihmaveevool katuselt ka suunatud tiiki, vastava toruga (kusjuures oleks võib-olla veel, iluduse huvides, kitsas tehisoja, vooderdatud keraamikaga, palistatud põllukividega). - Wastewater from the kichen area, unfortunately with its soap and dirt, would flow (should the local Estonian laws permit this) into a small greywater reedbed, as explained at To reduce the possible adverse effect of soap on the reeds and other living things, rainwater runoff from the roof would also be directed into the reedbed, through appropriate piping (and perhaps additionally, for appearances' sake, with a narrow artificial stream, lined in ceramic and bordered with fieldstones).

Köök oleks varustatud sahvririiulitega, kuid jääks lihtsuse ja kokkuhoiu huvides ilma kappideta. Riiulitel leiduks mitte ainult riisi-jahu-pähkleid-suhkurt jne (oma kinnikaetud klaasist purkides), vaid ka paar lihtsat seadeldist: minu juba olemasolev keraamikast potiga aeglane supikeetja (see tõmbaks, veel olemasolemata Eestile sobiva trafoga, 85 vatti, nagu praegu Ontarioski), ja veel hankimata mahlade-smuutide masin. Suhteliselt lähedas tulevikus, ütleme nii 2022.a. paiku, oleks veel mõeldav muretseda väiksemahuline veskikene teravilja jahvatamiseks, võib-olla poolehobusejõu-klassilise elektrimootoriga. - The kitchen would be supplied with pantry shelves, but in the interests of simplicity and economy would lack cupboards. On the shelves would sit not only rice-flour-nuts-sugar-etc. (in their closed glass jars), but also a couple of simple items of equipment: my existing ceramic slow cooker, or crockpot (this would draw, given an as-yet-unprocured transformer suitable for Estonia, 85 watts, as already now in Ontario), and also an as-yet-unprocured blender-juicer suitable for smoothies. Also conceivable in the rather near future, say for purchase around 2022, would be a small-capacity grain mill, perhaps with an electric motor in the half-horsepower class.

Mõeldav oleks ka väike (köögi põrandanurgas asuv?) külmik, nagu neid leitakse hotellitubades ja kõrtsilettide all. - Also conceivable wold be a small refrigerator (to go into a corner?), such as may be found in hotel rooms and under the beverage bars of public lounges.

(14) Vööri otsas asuks matemaatika kirjutamise laud, oma juba olemasolva klasskate ja juba olemasoleva 24-osalise kirjaluukide pealisega. (Tundub, et sääraste esemete vedamine Ontariost Tartumaale on majanduslikult võimalik.) - Into the extreme bow end of the earthship would go my mathematics writing desk, with its existing glass cover and its existing 24-pigeonhole over-desk hutch. (Sea transport of such things from Ontario to Tartu County appears financially feasible.)

Matemaatika kirjutuslaua paremal poolel, teisisõnu maalaeva tüürpoordi vööriotsas, oleks arvutilaud. Sinna läheks minu olemasolev käsitsi kokkupandud 2 GB-ilise suvapöördusmäluga arvuti, oma "Cosmose" ärimärgiga nägusas täistornis. Eesti elektrioludes, nagu Kanada elektrioludeski, tõmbaks ta täiskoormuse, Seti@Home'i, ajal umbkaudselt 140-150 vatti. - To the right of the mathematics writing desk, in other words at the extreme forward end of starboard, would be a computer table. Onto this would go my existing hand-assembled 2-GB-RAM workstation, in its attractive "Cosmos"-brand full-tower case. Under Estonian electrical arrangements, as in Canada, this computer would draw around 140 or 150 watts under full load, in other words at times of running Seti@Home.

Matemaatika kirjutuslaua vasemal poolel, teisisõnu maalaeva pakpoordi vööriotsas, asuks raadiolaud, oma rohkete ülelaudsete riiulipindadega. Riiulipinndadele tuleks palju ära mahutada: keskse tähtsusega Kenwood TS440S; mõlemad suured (lampidega) Heathkiti kastid; Heathkiti (lambiga) Q-korrutaja; lihtne käsitsi hoitav VHF-UHF transiiver (kuid Eesti oludeks parema antenniga, kui see long rubber ducky, mis mul praegu Ontarios rakendatud) -  ja nende asjadele lisaks vana Brežnevi-ajastu DX-300 viletsavõitu lühilainevastuvõtja, pluss see armas Hruštševi-ajastu Hallicrafters (lampidega) S-120, millega ma omal ajal kuulsin peale inglise- ja maakeelset Ameerika Häält (rõõmsale kajale "Siin Ameerika Hääl, Washington" järgnes kiires tempos okrestri "Yankee Doodle") ja inglise keelset BBC-d ka Te-Kõik-Võite-Vabalt-Aimata-Mida. (Seda viimast ma vahest kuulsin näiteks siis kui armas Mamma ja Pappa olid sängi heitnud. Tollal tuli kõrva panna kõlari ligidale, keerates hääle eriti vaikseks. Nüüd aga on mul selleks vanaks riistaks Ontario raadioamatööride turult odavalt leitud sobivad, teisisõnu kõrge impeedantsiga, kõrvaklapid, oma nägemuse poolest võib-olla lausa ennesõjaaegsed. Nii vilets kui Hallicrafters S-120 veel on, annnab ta eriti kiiret ja selget pilti hetke raadiolevitingimustest, 80-meetrilise spekriribast 10-meetrilise spektriribani välja. - To the left of the mathematics writing desk, in other words at the extreme forward end of port, would be the radio table, with its abundant accompanying shelving. Into this shelving space much would have to be fitted: the centrally important Kenwood TS-440S, both my big (valve) Heathkit boxes, a Heathkit (valve) Q-multiplier, a simple handheld VHF-UHF transciever (but in Estonia with a better antenna than that "long rubber ducky" which I am currently using in Ontario) - and in addition to these items an old Brezhnev-era DX-300 shortwave receiver; plus the dearly beloved Khrushchev-era (valve) Hallicrafters S-120 with which in my own day I monitored, in addition to the English and Estonian Voice of America (a joyous voice intoning Siin Ameerica Hääl, Washington - "This is the Voice of America, Washington" - would be followed by an orchestral Yankee Doodle, in a fast tempo), and the English-language BBC, also You-Know-What. (This last broadcaster I would occasionally monitor when, e.g., my dear Mum and Dad had already gone to bed. In those days, it was necessary to put one's ear close to the loudspeaker, turning the volume way down. Now, however, I have found for this old tool, cheaply, from an Ontario hamfest, a pair of suitable (in other words, of high-impedance) headphones. Going by their looks, they might even be pre-war.) However wretched the Hallicrafters S-120 is, it does at least deliver a quick, clear picture of current propagation conditions, from the 80-metre band right out to 10 metres.

Veel tuleks suurele olemasolevale raadiokompleksile lisada paar-kolm sirgvoolu jõuallikat (seejuures katsudes küll ühe olemasoleva lampideajastu Heathkiti jõuallikat ellu kutsuda). - It would be necessary to add to the current big radio complex two or three DC power supplies (while, admittedly, trying also to call an ancient valve-era Heathkit DC power supply, already in my possession, into life).

Minu FSB-SVR blogspot'i lugejate kasuks tahaksin siin veel viisakalt nentida, et Kolmanda maailmasõja tekke puhul minu raadioinventar tõenäoliselt ei asuks enam kavandatud elamus, vaid elamust kaugel, võimalikult kusagil mõnes sobivas maa-aluses ametlikus või poolametlikus asutuses, kas Tartumaal või Tartumaalt eemal. - Ka kui Tõravere kandi krundiostu olud osutuvad raskeks, olen ma selleks valmis, et elamu oleks küll selles kandis, rahuaegnegi raadiotegevus aga ühes teatud teises punktis. - For the benefit of my FSB-SVR blogspot readers, I would like also to remark respectfully that in the event World War Three breaks out, my radio inventory would probably no longer be in my envisaged residence, but far away from it, perhaps in some appropriate underground official or semi-official establishment, either in Tartu County or outside Tartu County. - Further, if the lot-purchase situation in the Tõravere vicinity should prove difficult, I am ready for a solution on which my residence is indeed in that vicnity, and yet my radio work (even in peacetime) gets planted in some other location.

(15) Vaja läheks veel veeta, ehk komposteerivast, käimlast, omaette putkas majast eemal. Võimalikkude lahenduste hulgas (juhul, kui Eesti kohalikud seadused seda ka lubavad) oleks Rootsi "Clivus Multrum" (, või siis jälle mõni toodang Soome firmadest (nagu seletatud artiklis Biolan, Ekolet, Kekkilä, Pikkuvihreä või Raita Environment.   - Also needed would be a waterless, i.e., a composting, toilet, in a housing of its own separate from my residence. Among the possible solutions (should local Estonian laws permit such an installation) would be the Swedish "Clivis Multrum" (,or again some product from one of the Finnish firms (as explained at Biolan, Ekolet, Kekkilä, Pikkuvihreä or Raita Environment. 

(16) Ka veel vaja läheks kütmata, kasvõi elektrita, aidast, osaliselt riistade, osalt vähemkasutatud raamatute hoidmiseks (ehkki mõnda asja saaks hoida kas ülalpoolkirjeldatud laial verandal või ülalpoolkirjeldatud kütmata pööningus). Üks lahendus oleks laevakonteiner, võimalikult ISO-standardses suuruses 2.43 m x 2.59 m x 12.2m, või (kuna suur pööning on ette nähtud) ISO-standardses suuruses 2.43 m x 2.59 m x 6.06 m. Kokkuhoiu huvides oleks soovitav seda konteinerit muuta kas üldse mitte või minimaalselt. Ühe akna lõikamine oleks küll soovitav - eriti kui aita paigutada (soojemateks aastaaegakeks) tööpink laboritööde, raamatuteköitmise ja muude käsitööde kasuks. - Also needed would be an unheated, perhaps unpowered, shed, in part for the storing of tools, in part for the storing of  infrequently used books (even though one item and another could also be lodged either in the above-mentioned wide veranda or in the above-mentioned unheated attic). One solution would be a shipping container, possibly in the ISO-standard dimensions 2.43 m x 2.59 m x 12.2m, or else (since a large attic is envisaged) in the ISO-standard dimensions 2.43 m x 2.59 m x 6.06 m. To keep costs down, it would be desirable to modify the container either not at all or only minimally. The cutting of a single window would admittedly be desirable - especially if into this shed is to go a workbench, in the warmer seasons supporting laboratory work, bookbinding, and similar manual tasks. 

(17) Amatöörastronoomia varustuse talletamiseks oleks ait sobiv. Ma kujutan ette, et esialgu tuleks Dobsoni niisama tassida aidast aeda, kasvõi valjude ja jääkülmade tuulte kätte. Hiljem võiks võib-olla mõelda paremale lahendusele, võimalikult väiksele keset aeda seisvale alalisele punutud klaasist-plastmassist kuplile. Kuplisse peaks minema vaid Dobson, vaatleja ja pisike töölaud. Tegeliku töö jooksul tuleks igal juhul, kas tilluke amatöörikuppel olemas või olemata, põgeneda iga tunni või pooletunni tagant sooja kätte. "Soojukiks" võiks olla köök, tööruum või ait ise - viimane juhul, kui ait on elektriga varustatud, ja sisaldab käte kiireks soojendamiseks midagi nagu praegu Eestis reklameeritud "Sundirect"-i nimelist infrapunast kiiritusallikat. - Selle aita põgenemise juures ma küll meenutaksin nostalgiliselt, kui mõnus ja lihtne oli David Dunlapi observatooriumis (kui hetkeks Eesti oludes unustada, et Ontario taevas polnud ümbritseva linna tõttu korralikult pime): ma vanasti sain loa hoida oma Dobsoni lausa Dunlapi peahoones, kust oli lihtne teda tassida murule. - The shed would be suitable for the stowing of amateur-astronomy equipment. I imagine that the Dobson would at first have to be dragged out right into the garden, to stand at the mercy of strong, icy cold, winds at observing time. A better solution would perhaps be conceivable later on, possibly in the form of a small dome in the middle of the garden, in fibreglass or plastic. Into the dome would have to go only the Dobsonian, the observer, and a small work table. During the actual work session it would be necessary - whether a tiny amateur dome was available or not - to take refuge after every hour or half-hour in some warm spot. The "warmroom" could be the kitchen, the workroom, or the shed itself - the last of these in case the shed itself is electrified, and is equipped for the rapid warming of cold hands with an infrared heater, of the type currently promoted in Estonia under the brandname "Sundirect". - In the course of such flights into the shed, one would in a nostalgic way recall how simple and pleasant things were at DDO (if one for the moment chose to forget that, thanks to surrounding streets, the Ontario sky was not properly dark): I had in those days permission to keep my Dobsonian right in the DDO administration building, from which it was easy to haul it out onto the lawn.

4. Provisoorne ehitustööde nägemus piltides - Provisional Conception of Construction, in Graphics

Elamu plaan. a = valatud betoonist elaualuse suurplaadi serv; b = paviljoni tugisammas; c = välisuks (see viiks laia, põhapollsesse, verandasse); d1 = ainus põjapoolne aken (suhteliselt väike ja kõrge); d2 = köögiaken (kui seda teha pikaks, ehkki kitsaks, siis võiks teda varustada riiulitega, et seal talvel savipottides hoida vürtsaine taimi, nagu murulauka); d3 = töötoa peamine aken (see olgu pikk ja nägus, ehkki kitsavõitu; vajaduse korral, kui köögis asuvasse välisukseni millegipärast ei pääse, pakuks see hädaväljapääsu); d4 = töötoa suhteliselt väike, kõrge aken; e = lihtsast puust lett (selle alla mahuks pisike külmik, nagu neid leitakse hotellitubades; äärmise vajaduse korral mahuks selle alla ka mingisugune pesumasin, kuid parem oleks ilma elada); f = suur valamu leti sees, kahes osas (sobiv ka pesupesemiseks); g = sahvririiul, kuni laeni; h = soojavõitu nurk, riiete ülesriputamiseks; i = soome-vene tüüpi kütteahju suu; j = Rumfordi kamin (täehelepanuväärne on, et krahv Rumfordi termodünaamiliselt tõhusas desainis kamin pole sügav); k = raamatute riiuli ala, moodustatud kastidest, nagu seletatud siin blogspot'is kalendristembil 2017-03-27 (pala pealjirjaks on "Stackerboxes and the Management of Chattels"), kusjuures oleks kokku umbes 25 riiulimeetrit (igas laeni ulatuvas kastide virnas viis kasti); l = panipaik raamatute vahel, kuhu peaks minema minu olemasolev Willliam Walcoti gravüür Trafalgari väljakust (sarjast, mida ta eksponeeris Fine Art Societyh's 1924.a.) , ja veel olemasolev Eesti maakaart, mis oli kingitud mu emale Rootsi paguluses 1948.a.; m = raadiosõlme laud (kuhu ka läheksid matemaatika niimõnedki tööpaberid n.-ö. ohtliku kõrgevee hetketel); n = matemaatika kirjutuslaud (raske olemasoleva klaasist kattega; selle otsa läheks veel mu olemasolev 24-kirjaluugi komplekt, mille pikk valgusti asub üle klaasiga kaetud tööpinna); o = küberneetikalaud; p1 = kirjutamise tool (võimalikult desaini järgi, miis seletatud artiklis - kas oleks võimalik seda ise ehitada, odavatest materjalidest?); p2 = suur, mugav tugitool, lugemise ajaks või külalisele (soovitav oleks midagi ennesõjaaegset, et olla sobivas kooskõlas Rumfordiga; võiks loota, et selle kõrval asuks veel mingisugune raske ennesõjaaegne põrandalamp). Siin äratoomata on põhjapoolsest verandast pööningule viiv väline kaldtee-trepp.
-  Nagu ikkagi blogspot'il,  on pakutud pilt (ka need pildid, mis siinjuures järgnevad) hiireklõpsuga suurendatav). - Floor plan of residence. a = edge of the poured-concrete slab; b = pavilion pillar; c = exterior door (this would lead to the wide northern veranda); d1 = the sole northern window (rather small and high); d2 = kitchen window (if this were tall, even though narrow, it could be fitted with shelving, for the wintertime keeping of herbs, such as chives, in clay pots); d3 = the main window of the workroom (let it be tall and attractive, even though narrow; in case of need, when it for some reason proves impossible to get to the exit door in the kitchen, this would serve as an emergency exit; d4 = a relatively small, high window for the workroom; e = a kitchen counter of plain wood (under this would fit a small refrigerator, such as is found in hotel rooms; in case of dire need, this space could also accommodate some kind of washing machine, although it would be better to do without); f = large sink in the counter, in two compartments (suitable also for laundry); g = pantry shelving, extending up to the ceiling; h = a rather warm corner, in which to hang up clothes; i = the mouth of the Finnish-Russian masonry heater; j = Rumford fireplace (it is noteworthy that in Count Rumford's thermodynamically effective design, a fireplace does not run deep); k = shelving for books, assembled from stackerboxes as explained here at blogspot under calendar stamp 2017-03-017 (in a posting headed "Stackerboxes and the Management of Chattels), yielding about 25 shelf-metres (with five stacker boxes in each floor-to-ceiling column); l = a niche in the middle of the shelving, meant to take my present William Walcot engraving of Trafalgar Square (from a series which this artist exhibited at the Fine Art Society in 1924), and additionally a presently owned Estonian map, given to my mother in the Swedish branch of our diaspora in 1948; m = table for ham radio station (onto which would also go, at times of so-to-speak dangerously high tide, overflow papers from the mathematics writing desk); n = mathematics writing desk (with heavy glass cover; onto this desk wold go my 24-pigeonhole hutch, whose long luminary is positioned above the glass-covered working surface); o = cyber table; p1 = writing chair (possibly after the design explained at - might it be possible to build such a chair oneself, from cheap materials?); p2 = large, comfortable armchair, for times of reading, or for the use of guests (something pre-war would be ideal, to harmonize with the Rumford; it might be hoped that beside this there would also be some kind of heavy, pre-war, floor lamp). Not shown here is the external ramp-staircase linking the north veranda to the attic. - As is usual in blogspot, this graphic (and also the graphics which follow) can be enlarged with a mouse-click.

Elamu läbilõik. a = muld; b = iluduse kate, võib-olla mustrist, mis oleks koostatud munakivide sillutisest, telliskivide sillutisest ja tüveotste sillutisest, valatud betooni peitmiseks; c1 = kitsas lõunapoolne veranda, paviljoni tubisamba taga; c2 = lai põhjapoolne veranda, paviljoni tugisamba taga; d = elamu põrand, alastalade ja kattega; e = elamu vihmakindel, kandejõuline lagi; f = pööningu põrand (seda võiks ka kitsemaks teha, kui tuleb vaja raha eriti rängalt kokku hoida); g = kütmata pööning-hoiuruum; h = keskpäevase päikese umbkaudne languse suund Tartumaa kõige külmemal ajal, s.o. jaanuari lõpul-veebruari algul. - Tegelikult, nagu mulle seletati pärast joonise koostamist, nõuaks ehitusspets betooni alla veel kruusa. Betooni ei valata niisama mulla peale! Ka tuleb meeles pidada (nagu juba nenditud), et tulevane ehitusspets võiks teistsusuge katuseprofiili soovitada, pidades silmas lume koormuse mahalangemise vajadust.- Cross-section of dwelling. a = soil; b = aesthetic covering, perhaps in a pattern worked in cobblestone paving, brick paving, and cordwood-masonry paving, for concealing the poured concrete; c1 = narrow southern balcony, behind one of the pillars of the pavilion; c2 = wide northern balcony, behind another of the pillars of the pavilion; d = dwelling floor, with its joists and its flooring planks; e = the rainproof, load-bearing ceiling of the dwelling; f = attic floor (this could also be made narrower, should particularly severe economies prove necessary); g = unheated attic storeroom; h = approximate trajectory of mid-day sun in Tartu County at the coldest time of year (i.e., at the end of January and the start of February).- In actual fact, as was explained to me after I finished the drawing, the pertinent construction specialist would call for gravel under the concrete. One does not pour concrete straight onto soil! It must also be borne in mind (as noted above) that a future construction specialist might recommend a different roof profile, with a view to the efficient shedding of snow.

Praegune matemaatika kirjutuslaud, mille puidust pealine ja klaasist kate läheksid Eestisse, seega lõppude lõpuks kavandatud maalaeva vööri. Näha on ka suurem osa nendest 24. kirjaluugist, mis asuvad (koos valgustiga) klasskatte üle. Vasemal paistab praegune raadiolaud, seega osaliselt ka raadioaparatuur - matemaatika kirjutuslaua ligidal 1980.a.-ajastu transistoritega Kenwood TS-440S transiiver, ja kaamerale ligemal 1960.a.-ajastu lampidega Heathkit "Cheyenne"-i mudelist saatja. - My current mathematics writing desk, whose wooden top and glass cover would go to Estonia, finally lodging in the bow of my envisaged earthship. Also visible is the greater part of my 24-pigeonhole hutch, which hovers (with its luminary) over the glass. On the left appears my present radio table, and with it a part of my equipment - near the mathematics writing desk a 1980-era transistorized Kenwood TS-440S transceiver, and closer to the camera a 1960-era valve-based Heathkit "Comanche"-model transmitter.

Praegune lugemisala, mille raamatukastid ja kunstitööd läheksid Eestisse, seega
lõppude lõpuks kavandatud maalaeva, vöörist veidi  ahtripoole. Näha on suurem osa
 minu eesti filoloogia-ajaloo-ilukirjanduse kogust, mis hõlmab umbkaudselt 8 riiulimeetrit. - Padi rahvapärases kirjas, võimalikult kindakirjas, on mu ema õmmeldud. - Lae ligidal paistab William Walcoti gravüür, selle all Emale 1948.a. kingitud Eesti maakaart, Maakart asus, tollal veel raamimata, minu magamistoas Nova Scotias kui ma väike olin. Mul meeldis imetleda seal näidatud metsi, raudteeliine, külasid ja rahvarõivaid. - Alumises
 parempoolses nurgas on imponeeriv, kuid paraku vähekasutatud, Thomas ab Aquino Opera omnia. - My present reading area, whose book-filled stackerboxes and art works would go to Estonia, thereby in the end lodging in my envisaged earthship, somewhat aft of the bow. The greater part of my Estonian philology-history-literature collection, running to about 8 shelf metres, is visible. - The cushion in folk motifs (I think a traditional "mittenscript", or winter mitten pattern) was worked by Mum. - Near the ceiling appears William Walcot's engraving, and under it the map of Estonia given to Mum in 1948. The map sat, back then unframed, in my bedroom in Nova Scotia when I was small. I liked to marvel at its depicted forests, railway lines, and folk costumes. [NOTE ADDED: Costumes, for both genders, vary from Estonian county to Estonian county. A good impression of this side of folklore, with excellent choreography and music, can be had from the YouTube video "Tuljak", to a duration of 2:57, uploaded by YouTube user "GErnesaks" on 2013-10-01. In my corner of the Web, this material may be viewed at the URL] In the lower right hand corner can be seen Aquinas's imposing, but unfortunately by me little-used, Opera omnia.

[Siin praeguse blogspot'i pala lõpp. -
This is the end of the present blogspot posting.]

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