Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Toomas Karmo: 2016-05-03 e-mail to DDO&P-casework public figures, re blog

Coordinated Universal Time (= UTC = EST+5 = EDT+4): 20160503T0002Z


* MPozzebon@metrusdev.com
  __David Dunlap Observatory and Park property-developer project manager
    Mr Michael Pozzebon
    __as a channel of contact for the DeGasperis family
      (as aspiring DDO&P developers) 

* dbronskill@goodmans.ca
  __David Dunlap Observatory and Park property-developer lawyer
    Mr David Bronskill
    __as a channel of contact for the DeGasperis family
      (as aspiring DDO&P developers) 

* info@observatoryhill.ca
  __a general mailbox for the envisaged
    520- or 530-home David Dunlap Observatory and Park subdivision
    __as a channel of contact for the DeGasperis and Muzzo families
      (as aspiring DDO&P developers) 

* info@marel.to
  __for Marel Contractors
    __as a channel of contact for the Muzzo family
      (as aspiring DDO&P developers) 

* officemayor@richmondhill.ca, 
  __as municipal authorities relevant to the
    David Dunlap Observatory and Park heritage-conservation case

* shelton@astro.utoronto.ca, sheltonfam2001@hotmail.com,  
  __as contact mailboxes for the current key officer of the
    (somewhat misleadingly named, 
    in fact not fully heritage-conservation-supportive) 
    "David Dunlap Observatory Defenders" 

* Jason@cherniaklaw.com, virginia@virginiamaclean.com
  __additional lawyers in one way or another
    relevantly linked to the DDO&P heritage-conservation case

* attorneygeneral@ontario.ca, tmcmeekin.mpp.co@liberal.ola.org, 
  premier@ontario.ca, rmoridi.mpp.co@liberal.ola.org
  __Ontario provincial authorities 
    relevant to the DDO&P heritage-conservation case

* justin.trudeau@parl.gc.ca, rona.ambrose@parl.gc.ca, 
  thomas.mulcair@parl.gc.ca, elizabeth.may@parl.gc.ca, 
  __Canadian federal authorities 
    relevant to the DDO&P heritage-conservation case

* nuntiatura@nuntiatura.ca, archbishop@archtoronto.org 
  __ecclesial authorities             
    relevant to the DDO&P heritage-conservation case

* nationaltrust@nationaltrustcanada.ca 
  __an additional public or quasi-public authority 
    relevant to the DDO&P heritage-conservation case

* mbeck@yrmg.com, KZarzour@yrmg.com
  (community-newspaper) media authorities
  immediately relevant to the DDO&P heritage-conservation case

* news@nowtoronto.com, editorial@torontolife.com, 
  Newsroom@globeandmail.ca, gmason@globeandmail.com, 
  city@thestar.ca, hmallick@thestar.ca, 
  jfiorito@thestar.ca, jennifercheng@postcity.com, 
  letters@macleans.ca, letters@torontolife.com
  __media authorities
    more remotely relevant to the DDO&P heritage-conservation case


* persons active at the Richmond Hill Naturalists, 
  or active in other branches of the southern-Ontario
  heritage conservation and greenspace conservation 

* possible other persons or institutions 

FROM: Toomas (Tom) Karmo
      __lay Catholic pursuing perceived lay (non-diocesan)
        vocation as religious hermit, within the ordinary
        disciplines of the Catholic laity
      __2006-November-thru-2008-June employee
        of David Dunlap Observatory
      __blogger since 2016 April at

RE: DDO&P conservation: blog launched 
    (analyses of 2012 OMB, of UofT possible-ongoing, etc)


Dear observers of
David Dunlap Observatory and Park ("DDO&P") 
heritage-conservation case: 

This present e-mail is a further transmission in the series
of mailings which I am trying to make to all of you, every
few months, describing the state of my DDO&P casework.

I have now launched a blog, serving the purpose of DDO&P
conservation advocacy and various other purposes, at

(A) Within this blog, I sometimes touch in various, sometimes minor
and sometimes major, ways on DDO&P. 

It is necessary for me to draw to your attention a rather major
discussion of DDO&P, in my blog posting of 2016-04-26, 
entitled "Essay on Sorrow - Its Anatomy and Its Remedies". 

The following aspects of this 2016-04-26 essay should be noted: 

* an analysis of the surprising Ontario Municipal Board 
  development of 2012-09-10, when a lawyer I identify 
  in the blog as "MM", ostensibly retained at my 
  prodigious expense to argue the conservationist case  
  for the Richmond Hill Naturalists, 
  in fact seems to have departed from client instructions
  in a way helpful to our pro-development adversary; 
  in this essay, I reiterate my earlier appeals for
  "MM" to set up a clarifying meeting with me, 
  so that I can in my admitted poverty settle
  her outstanding bill

* an analysis of the particular sorrows of the would-be
  developers, the DeGasperis and Muzzo families, 
  with reference to 

  + my putative 2008 encounter with
    the late Alfredo DeGasperis (I believe he was
    then investigating me, in a kindly way)  

  + the case of 2016 convict Marco M. Muzzo
    (a nephew of the would-be DDO&P property-development
    firm Corsica)

  + the discouraging 2016-04-18 (MON)
    resumption of development work on the DDO&P greenspace,
    after an encouraging hiatus lasting some months

  + the need for the DeGasperis and Muzzo families 
    to respond to my repeated entreaties for a private
    meeting with them, so that we can as Catholics
    discuss our points of ethical agreement and our points
    of ethical disagreement, safely in advance of my
    envisaged legal (nonobstructive) 2016 picket of their
    envisaged DDO&P-subdivision 2016 sales centre

* an analysis of the 
  (limited, but real) evidence suggesting, 
  contrary to ordinary public appearances, 
  a continuing financial University of Toronto stake
  in the projected DDO&P subdivision

(B) It should additionally be noted that my various
philosophical or political disputants need a platform in which
they can engage me in open, uncensored, debate. I indicate
in the blog posting of 2016-04-14, entitled "Background FAQ,
regarding purpose and conduct of this blog", that my blog
is such a platform. I there pretty much lay out the terms on which
adversarial persons or institutions can post on DDO&P. It is (I
pretty much just recapitulate those terms in this present e-mail
paragraph) both necessary and sufficient that the envisaged
posting be accompanied by contact particulars, and that it
refrain from abusive language. My policy is not to censor any
offered DDO&P-pertinent essays, although I do reserve the usual
blogger's right to reply to my guest essayists in blog-comment format.

(C) I state in my blog, but may as well also state here in this
present e-mail, that I am now too poor to afford a lawyer,
and that I therefore envisage attempting to self-represent
in any court proceedings which anyone may at any stage desire
to launch.

(D) This present e-mail from me to you serves as a kind of
model of how I seek to conduct my e-mail operations: I
receive or transmit DDO&P-relevant e-mail, and then (if the
mail is in any way important) I post to the blog, for everyone
to read. I do this in a kind of Wikileaks, or Snowden, or
Mossack-Fonseca-probe spirit of openness. With the advent of
the Internet, we may at last be able make progress toward Sir
Karl Popper's old ideal of an "Open Society".


Toomas Karmo 

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