Monday, 18 April 2022

Toomas Karmo: Open Letter to His Eminence the Titular Metropolitan of Volokolamsk, Regarding Tactical Nuclear Weaponry

Quality assessment: 

On the 5-point scale current in Estonia, and surely in nearby nations, and familiar to observers of the academic arrangements of the late, unlamented, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (applying the easy and lax standards Kmo deploys in his grubby imaginary "Aleksandr Stepanovitsh Popovi nimeline sangarliku raadio instituut" (the "Alexandr Stepanovitch Popov Institute of Heroic Radio") and his grubby imaginary "Nikolai Ivanovitsh Lobatshevski nimeline sotsalitsliku matemaatika instituut" (the "Nicolai Ivanovich Lobachevsky Institute of Socialist Mathematics") - where, on the lax and easy grading philosophy of the twin Institutes, 1/5 is "epic fail", 2/5 is "failure not so disastrous as to be epic", 3/5 is "mediocre pass", 4/5 is "good", and 5/5 is "excellent"): 3/5. Justification: it is arguable that I knew enough to treat my subject adequately within the limited scope I set myself.

Revision history:

UTC=20220427T182100Z/version 1.1.0: Kmo made tiny change needed for accuracy regarding Tõravere cafeteria: queue, not trays. 

UTC=20220418T135800Z/version 1.0.0: Kmo uploaded base version. He then planned to continue producing, in a way not documented here, minor tweaks, over the coming 96 hours, as versions 1.0.1, 1.0.2, ... . . 

Your Eminence: You know as well as I, perhaps better than I (for I write as a layman, without significant links to any national government) that now, on the Monday which is 2022-04-18, one question above all others is taxing the best minds in Foreign Ministries and Ministries of Defence in Europe and North American, in Australia and New Zealand, and now crucially also in China. The question is: How, without precipitating a nuclear tit-for-tat and World War Three, do we respond to the small, and yet no longer negligible, possibility of a Russian tactical nuclear detonation in Ukraine? For China, in particular, with so much to lose from any widened conflict, and with so much commercial leverage over Russia, the question has surely the following accompaniment: What mixture of commercial threats and commercial blandishments can we in Beijing make, in secretly arranged concert with our Western trading partners, to dissuade Russia from detonation?

Although the prospect remains small, it looms somewhat larger from one day to the next as long as Mr V.V. Putin clings to power, evading the religious reclusion which remains his last and best personal hope. Mr Putin may be gone days or hours from now, following what is on at least some assessments the sad recent  fate of Defence Minister Sergei Kuzhugetovich "cardiac patient" Shoigu. But (I repeat) Mr Putin's departure, if possible or probable, is not now a certainty. 

And the prospect of a nuclear detonation might continue looming even after the conceivable departure of Mr Putin. Events have their own terrible inner logic, beyond the control of individuals. 

We can breathe more easily once the anniversary date of 9 May is behind us. Until then, it is as in the Taizé Passiontide hymn (use, for instance, "Stay here with Me, remain here with Me, watch and pray..." 

You therefore need to see to it that your team, including your Patriarch, prepare a plan, especially as the politically and militarily charged anniversary date of 9 May (central in the contemporary militarized Russian culture) approaches. Perhaps the tactical nuclear strike will never happen. But if it does, say in the period of maximum current peril, around 1 May or 5 May, when the Kremlin is specially anxious to parade some kind of "success" in Ukraine, what will your team do?

You might collectively today, on the Monday which is 2022-04-18, consider that the Kremlin government would be right in using a tactical nuke, as enhancing the nobility and moral worth of that thing-which-looks-like-a-war-but-is-not-even-though-tens-of-thousands-are-already-dead, that "special military operation", that специальная военная операция. In that case, your team at the Patriarchate must  have a reasoned theological case written out, ready for publication at just a few minutes' notice, to reassure a public suddenly in acute need of spiritual guidance. 

You and your Patriarch might, on the other hand, follow me in considering a tactical nuclear detonation to be a criminal atrocity, akin to those clear atrocities which were Hiroshima and Nagasaki, or again akin to those clear atrocities which constituted the Shoah. In that case, once again, your team must have a reasoned theological argument written out, ready for publication at just a few minutes' notice. To undertake less preparation than that - no matter what your particular stance regarding the morality of a nuclear detonation - is in my respectfully submitted assessment to leave your flock inadequately shepherded. 


It is helpful in the current situation to reflect on the historical, physical realities of the Passion and Resurrection. I would in this particular Easter season recommend the anatomist Dr Pierre Barbet (1884-1961), as an early worker in a line of investigation which has in more recent decades amassed additional scientific practitioners. You can find Dr Barbet's 1950 book, in a 1953 English translation, in PDF format, by searching on such text strings as 

  barbet doctor at calvary translated by earl of wicklow pdf

I would suggest that despite its great age, this is the work of a correctly disciplined scientific mind, and that subsequent investigations are likely to have altered Dr Barbet's findings in details, not in essence. Self-discipline, such as Dr Barbet musters, fortunately proves possible not only in maths and physics, but also in the fuzzier worlds of history and medicine.

It will to some minds appear unfortunate that Dr Barbet starts with the Shroud of Turin. Some, possibly including you, will join me in finding this a problematic beginning, since the Shroud has been dated by Carbon 14 measurements in our own day as mediaeval, not as a relic of classical antiquity. I for my part do note, however, admittedly without writing from any position of diligent study, that the Carbon 14 dating result has been recently called into question. We must on all accounts  follow physical truth ruthlessly, being prepared to abandon our Faith itself should science give us conclusive reason for doing so, and to endure in that act of abandonment our own little crucifixion at the hands of community authorities. However, it may now be that a careful reexamination of Carbon 14 dating, far from undermining the plausibility of the Shroud, will leave the question of its dating once again open, as it was open for the so-careful Dr Barbet. 

The entire book is a bit long, as I have myself found on being forced to read it in a hurry. But it suffices to read Chapter 12, which recapitulates the essentials of Chapters 1 through 11 while adding fresh insights. In the 1953 publisher's page numbering, this is the chapter that starts on page 158. The start of Chapter 12 corresponds to “page 80” in the numbering imposed by my own Microsoft computer's PDF display software, and very likely imposed by your software also.  

A caveat is necessary. Dr Barbet's key Chapter 12 is marred by a perceptible and hideous, although not quite in-your-face-Nazi, antisemitism. To my own mind, hideous though the author's antisemitism is, it gives his words added force, reminding one of the barbaric era in which he is himself anchored. One literally cries out at the computer screen, noting the author’s own historical limitations as well as the unspeakable details of his ancient-Jerusalem researches. 

You may now reflect, Your Eminence, as a (1995) doctorally qualified theologian from the same leading British school which gave me a 1979 philosophy doctorate: this thing, this Roman execution,  happened, even as the assassination of "Ivlivs Caivs Caesar" happened, and its medical details are likely to correspond, in a reasonable approximation, to Dr Barbet's anatomically informed reconstructions: in the face of this thing, I, Hilarion the Titular Metropolitan of Volokolamsk, have as a shepherd of souls a duty to make up my mind now regarding the morality or immorality of a possible tactical nuclear detonation in Ukraine. 

Here "now" means "now, in the week of 2022-04-18", not next week, and not in procrastination as late as the week of 9 May. You, being as a Western-educated Titular Metropolitan no stranger to the realities of public life, can picture still more clearly than I the eventual national panic under the minute-to-minute pressure of events in the geopolitical crisis which a detonation would precipitate. The detonation, if it comes, will see television programmes not in Russia alone, but in every industrialized nation, interrupted for special bulletin upon special bulletin. The horror, if it comes, may well see parts of the media, including parts accessible to ordinary Russians, indicating to their terrified audiences that Kremlin decision-makers have been spotted exiting Moscow. You cannot wait for images of exit helicopters to fill your personal screen. To do less than prepare now, this week, would be to abdicate your personal pastoral responsibility at the foot of the Cross. 


Easter is a time of rebirth. What might rebirth mean in the present circumstances, with a morally resolute Ukraine standing up to a brutalized and depressed Red Army, and with a pampered and decadent West now seeking for itself a moral courage at least dimly mirroring Ukraine's?

I will not examine possibilities for the West here, beyond saying that if some expanding 2022 nuclear war does not destroy us all, then over coming decades Western people can unite in peaceful and legal ways against those twin Western evils which are (a) the supranational corporations (the past beneficiaries, in many instances, of post-1991 Russian commerce)  and (b) the corporate facilitators,  our corrupt (our hired, our purchased) Western parliamentary factions. These are not factions on the "Populist Right" alone, but factions ranging across much of the current Western parliamentary spectrum, in most or all Western democracies, here in Estonia and far afield. 

One such peaceful and legal way will be the rejection of a consumerist lifestyle, and concomitantly with that rejection a return to personal minimalism - through a simple, straightforward, "Refusal to Buy", through a straightforward "Insistence on Simple Living", in any case needed as we Western citizens strive alongside our often-clumsy governments to support Ukraine. 

As  regards Russia, I suggest that scant hope can be now placed in government. How can a government structure be endorsed which recruits even infants to its cult of war, as reflected in those familiar Internet photos? You are unlikely to need such photos yourself. And yet to ensure that my point becomes fully clear I do supply you with two of them. They will serve to remind you and my wider readership of the extent to which public authorities now betray the Gospel, or at any rate connive in its betrayal:

Photo: Moscow Times, 2019-05-10, reporting 9 May festivities in Pyatigorsk.

Some hope remains, on the other hand, for the efforts of your Russian natural scientists, your Russian historians, and your other Russian intellectuals, as local witnesses to Truth. 

And there is hope, if we care to see it, in your own Russian Orthodox Church. You know better than I the decay which has for centuries beset Russian Orthodoxy. The Vatican has the unfortunate distinction of having in recent years operated (owned? leased?) a helicopter, capable of shuttling at least between Vatican City and the suburban Castel Gandolfo. You, on the other hand, have perhaps yourself boarded, as I have not, the yacht "placed at the disposal of the Patriarch" should his pastoral duties happen to take him to the isolated monastery of Valaam. Pope Francis lives in a kind of hostel-for-prelates, foregoing the private traditional papal apartments, and is said to take his meals in a cafeteria alongside ecclesial colleagues, much as we do at the observatory campus here in Tõravere, with our humble cafeteria queue. In the Patriarchy, simplicity is less prized. 

Further, you have likely set foot, as I have not, in the new Moscow Oblast "Military Cathedral". You, Your Eminence, know this gargantuan celebration of militarism better than I, and my other readers can quickly research it through (for example)

It remains the case that your Church has the graces to lead a national spiritual revival, in concert with constructive, anti-consumerist, social forces in the West, notably with forces allied to the Holy See. It has the graces to lead that revival in the teeth, if necessary, of whatever enigmatic factions may this year be emerging in some enigmatic post-Putin Kremlin. 

I do not call you to martyrdom in the manner of  Rev. Dietrich Bonhoeffer or Saint Franz Jägerstätter or Saint Edith Stein. In calling you to articulate your stand in the face of a possible tactical nuclear strike in Ukraine, I call you only to what seems possible from a human standpoint. 

I additionally herewith join, as an obscure Catholic layman, with western ecclesial authorities, including a former Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury, in calling for a Ukraine ceasefire to mark the Russian Orthodox Easter, and I join with Pope Francis in the recent prayers consecrating Russia and Ukraine to Our Lady. 

Finally, I herewith enjoin you from the theologically unassailable position of a lay pastoral supplicant, obedient to my Bishop, to my local Nuncio, and to the Vatican - and I do so in the name of Christ, thereby presuming even to bind you - to acknowledge receipt of this present (e-mail, papermail, and blogspot) communication. My previous efforts at obtaining receipts of communication from you have failed,   in large part through my own ineptitude. As time passes, however, I become better in my various methods, and I remain in this Easter season hopeful of success. 



Saturday, 9 April 2022

Toomas Karmo: Nähtavalt Eredaimate Tähtede Astrofüüsiline Ülevaade, 2022 / Astrophysical Overview of the Visually Brightest Stars, 2022

Kuvatõmmis minu Debian GNU/Linuxi arvutilt. Ühes brauseri aknas eredaimate tähetede essee oma 2022.a. versioonis, nagu seda saab lugeda RASC serverist, teises brauseri aknas minu 2019-01-19 blogspot essee varema versiooni teemal, kusjuures ka mõned fotod talvisest Tartu observatooriumi pimedataeva linnakust, mõni sada meetrit minu töötoast. Xterm akendes jooksevad vaated 2022.a. versiooni tugimärkmetesse. Nagu alati blogspotis, saab pilti suurendada klõpsuga esimesele (vasakpoolsele) hiirenupule. - Screenshot from my Debian GNU/Linux computer. In one browser window is my brightest-stars essay in its 2022 version, as avilable from the RASC server, and in the other browser window my 2019-01-19 blogspot essay on the topic of an earlier version.This is accompanied by some photos of the Tartu Obsrvatory dark-sky campus, a few hundred metres from my workroom. In the xterm windows are views into the 2022 version working notes. As always in blogspot, the image can be enlarged by clicking on the first (the leftrmost) mouse button. 

Kvaliteedihinnang: - Quality assessment:

Selle viiepallilise skaala kohaselt, mis kehtib praegu Eestis, ja kindlasti ka naaberriikides, ja on tuttav kadunud, mitte tagantjärele leinatud, NSVL-i akadeemilise elu vaatlejatele (siin rakendades neid kergeid, lõtvu, kriteeriume, mida Kmo rakendab oma nõgises fantaseeritud "Aleksandr Stepanovitsh Popovi nimelises sangarliku raadio instituudis" ja oma nõgises fantaseeritud "Nikolai Ivanovitsh Lobatshevki nimelises sotsialistliku matemaatika instituudis" - kus, fantaasias ette kujutatud kaksikinstituutide lõdva ja vähenõudliku hindamisreeglite kohaselt 1/5 on "eepiline läbikukkukmine", 2/5 "läbikukkumine, mis pole nii katastrofaalne, et eepilusust saavutada", 3/5 on "kehvavõitu läbipääsemine", 4/5 on "hea" ja 5/5 on "eeskujulik": 2/5. Põhjendus: Teema ei võimaldanud sügavat käsitlemist. -  On the 5-point scale current in Estonia, and surely in nearby nations, and familiar to observers of the academic arrangements of the late, unlamented, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (applying the easy and lax standards Kmo deploys in his grubby imaginary "Aleksandr Stepanovitsh Popovi nimeline sangarliku raadio instituut" (the "Alexandr Stepanovitch Popov Institute of Heroic Radio") and his  grubby imaginary "Nikolai Ivanovitsh Lobatshevski nimeline sotsalitsliku matemaatika instituut" (the "Nicolai Ivanovich Lobachevsky Institute of Socialist Mathematics") - where, on the lax and easy grading philosophy of the twin Institutes, 1/5 is "epic fail", 2/5 is "failure not so disastrous as to be epic", 3/5 is "mediocre pass", 4/5 is "good", and 5/5 is "excellent"): 2/5. Justification: The chosen theme did not provide opportunities for depth.  

Variandikroonika: - Revision history:

Kõik kalendrip
äevad-kellaajad variandikroonikas on ära toodud UTC-s. UTC, ehk "Maailmakell", on vana GMT-i, ehk "Greenwich Mean Time"-i, täpsustus. Tarvitusel on ISO ettekirjutatud YYYYMMDDThhmmZ ajastembi formaat (kusjuures YYYY on UTC aasta, MM UTC kuu, DD UTC kuupäev, hh UTC tunniarv, mm UTC minutiarv). UTC praegu jookseb Toronto tsiviilkellast 4 tundi ette, Tallinna tsiviilkellast 3 tundi taga. - All times in these blog "revision histories" are stated in UTC (Universal Coordinated Time/ Temps Universel Coordoné,  a precisification of the old GMT, or "Greenwich Mean Time"), in the ISO-prescribed YYYYMMDDThhmmZ timestamping format. UTC currently leads Toronto civil time by 4 hours and currently lags Tallinn civil time by 3 hours.

  • 20220409T084200Z/versioon 1.0.0 : Kmo koostas algversioonii, jättes endale õiguse teha timmimisi, kui siin mitte dokumenteeritud versioonid 1.0.1,1.0.2, ... , järgmise 96 tunni ookul. - Kmo produced a base version, reserving the right to make small adjustments, as here-undocumented versions 1.0.1, 1.0.2, ... , over the coming 96 hours. 

Uueaasta päeval 2018.a., minu viimase Kanadas elamise aasta alguses, ma postitasin oma peamisele blogiruumile, kui, esssee pealkirjaga "The Visually Brightest Stars (Fresh RASC Publishing Initiatives)". Siin "RASC" on Kanada amatööastronoomide selts, ametlikult "Royal Astronomical Society of Canada". Mainitud 2018.a. "Publishing Initiatives", ehk "kirjanduslikud algatused", hõlmasid RASC-i vaatleja käsiraamatu seni laiemat raamatuturule pakkumist, nüüd kahes paralleelses variandis. 2018. aastast saadik oli üks variant suunatud Kanada, teine aga USA lugejaskonnale. Selle juures oli ka minu visuaalselt eredaimate tähtede astrofüüsilise ülevaate esimene koostamine RASC-i serveril, kui PDF-väljaanne kättesaadav ülemaailmsele lugejaskonnale (nii RASC-i liikmetele kui ka laiemale avalikkusele, kasvõi Eestis). Sama teema on käsitletud siin ka kuupäeval 2019-01-19, kui - On New Year's Day in 2018, at the start of my final year of residence in Canada, I posted to my principal blogging space, as, an essay under the title "The Visually Brightest Stars (Fresh RASC Publishing Initiatives)". Here "RASC" is Canada's association for amateur astronomers, formally the "Royal Astronomical Society of Canada". These 2018 "Publishing Initiatives" included a widened offering of the RASC observer's handbook to the book market, now in two parallel variants. From 2018 onward, one variant was directed to  Canadian, the other to USA readers. Along with this was my own first compilation of a brightest-stars astrophysical overview on the RASC server, as a PDF accessible world-wide (both to RASC members and to the general public, Estonia included). The same theme is discussed here also under the date 2019-01-19, as


Praegu juhiksin tähelepanu ülevaate värskeima, ehk 2022.a., versiooni ilmumisele RASC-i serveril, ikka kui PDF kättesaadav igas riigis. Ülevaade on aastast aastasse kasvanud. Praegune, ehk 2022.a., versioon hõlmab 106 lehekülge. Sissejuhatavas essees, 2022.a. umbes 26 lehekülje ulatuses, pannakse erilist rõhku spektraalsele (Morgan-Keenan ehk "MK") klassifitseerimisele, tähtede evolutsioonile MK kontekstis, Be-fenomenile (kus noorevõitu, kuum, kiiresti pöörlev täht heidab välja ekvatoriaalselt ümbritseva, nii fotomeetriliselt kui spektroskoopiliselt tajutava, hiigelketta) ja (esimest korda 2022.a.) binaarsete süsteemide iseärasustele. - I would now direct attention to the publication of the most recent, i.e. the 2022, version on the RASC server, still as a PDF accessible from all countries. The overview has grown from year to year. The current (2022) version comprises 106 pages. In the prefatory essay, in 2022 running to about 26 pages, special emphasis is placed on spectral (Morgan-Keenan, or "MK") classification, on stellar evolution in the MK context, on the Be phenomenon (where a youngish, hot, rapidly spinning star ejects a huge surrounding equatorial disk, observable both in photometry and in spectroscopy) and (for the first time in 2022) the properties of binaries. 

Eesseele juurdekuuluvas tabelis, kus on käsitletud  umbes 320 eri visuaalselt ereda tähe astrofüüsilisi omadusi, ma juhiksin hetkel erilist tähelepanu delta Sco umbes leheküljepikkusele kirjeldusele. Binaarne süsteem delta Sco, viimastel aastakümnetel hakanud ootamatult esitlema Be-fenomeni tunnuseid, läbib oma periastroni 2022.a. maikuus. Sealjuures on spektroskoopia ja fotomeetria soovitavad, ka amatööride tasemel, nii enne kui ka mitu kuud pärast periastroni. - In the table accompanying the essay, which examines the astrophysical propertiesof about 320 visually bright stars, I would at the moment direct particular attention to the discussion (about a page in length) of delta Sco. The binary system delta Sco, which in recent decades has unexpectedly begun to present the Be phenomenology, is passing through periastron in May of 2022. Spectroscopic and photometric observations are desirable, including observations at an amateur standard, both before the periastron and for many months after it. 


PDF-i kätteleidmiseks võib (a) külastada koduleht, siis (b) "Publications" menüüst valida "Observer's Handbook", siis (c) antud "Publications" lehekülje vasemal asuvast menüüst valida "Supplemenents" ja siis lõpuks (d) antud "Supplements" leheküljelt klõpsutada hüperlingile "Brightest Star supplemental essay as on p. 275 of OH 2022". Ma pakuksin aga siinsamas ka otsese ajutise lingi, mis vist töötab kuni praegusi versiooni väljavahetamiseni, kunagi 2023.a. esimestel kuudel: . - To access the PDF, one may proceed as follows: (a) visit the homepage; then (b) from the "Publications" menu, select "Observer's Handbook"; then (c) from the menu near the left edge of the "Publications" page, select "Supplements"; and finally (d) from the "Supplements" page, click on the hyperlink "Brightest Star supplemental essay as on p. 275 of OH 2022". I would also here offer a direct temporary link, liable to remain live until the updating of the current version, at some point in the first months of 2023: .

Selgeid taevaid kõigile!  - Clear skies to all! 



Sunday, 3 April 2022

Toomas Karmo: Open Letter to Ukrainian Foreign Ministry, and to His Eminence the Titular Metropolitan of Volokolamsk

Quality assessment: 

On the 5-point scale current in Estonia, and surely in nearby nations, and familiar to observers of the academic arrangements of the late, unlamented, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (applying the easy and lax standards Kmo deploys in his grubby imaginary "Aleksandr Stepanovitsh Popovi nimeline sangarliku raadio instituut" (the "Alexandr Stepanovitch Popov Institute of Heroic Radio") and his grubby imaginary "Nikolai Ivanovitsh Lobatshevski nimeline sotsalitsliku matemaatika instituut" (the "Nicolai Ivanovich Lobachevsky Institute of Socialist Mathematics") - where, on the lax and easy grading philosophy of the twin Institutes, 1/5 is "epic fail", 2/5 is "failure not so disastrous as to be epic", 3/5 is "mediocre pass", 4/5 is "good", and 5/5 is "excellent"): 2/5. Justification: it is arguable that I knew enough to treat my subject adequately within the limited scope I set myself, an d yet the scope was VERY limited. (Sorry, although I did at first try to award myself 3/5, the Institutes insisted on going down to 2/5. Even the grubby hinterland has its standards.) 

Revision history:

UTC=20220403T1645000Z/version 1.0.0: Kmo uploaded base version. He then planned to continue producing, in a way not documented here, minor tweaks, over the coming 96 hours, as versions 1.0.1, 1.0.2, ... . . 

War is liable to bring out the worst in everyone, not only in the people we oppose but within our own ranks. We recall, for instance, the problematic course of the Royal Air Force (RAF) in the 1939-1945 war. Their fight - conducted with an entire nation, arguably much of an entire continent, under existential threat - fell safely with in the scope of Catholic "Justified War" theory. By the time the war was in its later phases, however, the RAF was carpet-bombing German civilians. The RAF became (to take one example from several possible) complicit in the July 1943 Hamburg firestorm. From that firestorm, German civilians in basements sheltered in vain. Winds in the streets attained speeds estimated at around 65 m/s or 70 m/s, in other words approximating the worst of all recorded hurricanes. So intense was the heat that even asphalt burst into flame. In some instances, the number of casualties in basements had to be estimated roughly, from the quantity of human ash. 

I could reinforce this lesson in human wartime depravity by first documenting the high moral tone of the Roosevelt and Truman administrations, then citing those American war crimes, with still more civilian victims than in Hamburg, which were Hiroshima and Nagasaki. 

And I recall from my Estonian-exile childhood, in Canada, an album (I saw it in the Reader's Digest Condensed Books version) entitled German Faces. There were photo portraits of brave, civically minded 1945-era Germans. There were photo portraits of opportunistic 1945-era Germans working the black market; of complacent 1945-era Germans (fortunate in never being bombed), cold toward their own internal refugees; of embittered Germans; and of at least one youthful fanatical German, praising the songs he had been accustomed to singing under the now-extinguished Reich.

I was much taken at the time, and I still recall with anguish, the portrait photo of a mother and child, some quite tiny "Gerhard" or "Heinz". The mother explained to the author how things had gone for her with the Red Army. Since I do not have text and photo in front of me here in Estonia, I can now only paraphrase. What I read back then, roughly six decades ago, ran something like this: "So they did it, in the snow. I don't know how I kept track, but I did keep track: twenty-two times. One of them was different from the others, shy. The others said, 'Go on, do it, do it.' He did not want to, but eventually he did it too. I like to think that he is the father of little Heinz, here."


Now we have Monsieur le Président Vladimir Vladimirovich inflicting spiritual harm, committing an assault, on Syrian men. Details can be had from various sources, for instance from 

The current Russian President's deal is this: You, a Syrian, can fight in Ukraine; we will pay you many times more than you could hope to earn in Syria; and in the event of your death, your family members back home will receive a monetary death benefit.

I need not dwell on the morality of dangling such an obscene temptation before traumatized men with starving families. You, Your Eminence the Titular Metropolitan of Volokolamsk, will agree with me that your President errs in proffering such a temptation. You will agree with me, as a trained theologian from my own UK university and sharing my own Faith, that the judgement of history may prove heavier on your current President than on those poor Syrians who in their weakness may soon be taking his bait. I beg of you in Christ, as I renew my efforts to get letters to you, that you discuss the theology with him directly, or alternatively with him through your Patriarch, pressing me also into back-channel service in any way you can devise.  


War (to reiterate) is liable to bring out the worst in everyone, from the brutalized rank-and-file of the 1940s Red Army right up to the 1940s RAF élite. What, now, would be an appropriate response from Kyiv to the emerging Syria problem? How can the Ukrainian side, at least, avoid sinking into Mr Putin's theological morass?

If Syrian mercenaries should come, Kyiv must avoid the temptation to a reciprocal brutality. "They are combat-hardened soldiers" - it might be pleaded in extenuation - "accustomed to inflicting cruelty, and moreover fighting over here from commercial motives; let our lads give them what they deserve." Very well then: let those Syrians be as hardened as we may choose to imagine; let them share even in the brutality of 1945 Red Army personnel in Berlin: brutality must on no account be reciprocated with brutality. 

Some skilled people within the Foreign Ministry of Ukraine may now be able to reach out in Arabic and English to these incoming wretches, in terms that they will understand, despite their limited access to information, and moreover in terms that do not ask the emotionally impossible of them. Let there be no preaching. Let us reserve our homilies for Monsieur le Président Putin, via (so I hope and pray, admittedly still here groping in darkness) His Eminence my so-far-silent Oxford confrère the Titular Metropolitan of Volokolamsk. For the mercenaries, let Kyiv make merely an offer, of the simplest kind, by way of a counter-offer to the offer that brought them into Ukraine: If in a spirit of adroit cooperation you let yourself be "captured" by "unexpectedly materializing Ukrainian forces", then we for our part will provide you employment in some steady and physically safe capacity in the west of Ukraine, far from the killing fields. In legal documentation, you will be a prisoner of war. In physical reality, on the other hand, you will be a manual worker. Paying due regard to your de facto status of worker, we will pay you ten percent more than  Moscow would have paid you to fight in the far east of Ukraine. Additionally, mindful of your sad reasons for having attempted to fight, we will facilitate the remitting of your pay (should you desire this) to your impoverished family back home in Syria. 


Servant of God Екатерина Фёдоровна де Гук-Дохерти, урождённая Колышкина, witness to the spiritual mission of Russia in the family of nations, intercede for us now.