Monday, 6 January 2020

Toomas Karmo: USA Vabariigi Rahukoraal / Peace Hymn of the USA Republic

Taustakirjeldus - Background

Ma ei kirjutanud  avalikult, kui Donald Trump sai 2016.a. USA presidendiks antud häälte vähemusega (H.Clinton 65,853,514, D.Trump 62,984,828). Ma ei kirjutanud avalikult, kui ta 2019.a. pillus oma Kurdist liitlased huntidele, ehkki ma sain juba tollal aru, et siin peitub võimalik õppetund Eesti Vabriigile, kui USA liitlasriik. Ma ei kirjutanud avalikult, kui ma hakkasin mõistma, et ta oli saanud kogusummas,  paari aastakümne jooksul, Deutsche Banki laene koguulatuses umbkaudselt 2,5 miljardit USD, ja et  laenutehingud ei olnud alati arusaadavad tavalise ärimudeli järgi (mille kohaselt pank ei annaks laenu omaenda pankrotti väljakuulutanud isikule, saati isikule, kes oli ise osutunud hagijaks laenuandva panga vastu). Ma isegi siis ei kirjutanud avalikult, kuii lugesin 2020.a. ajakirjanduses püstitatud hüpoteesi, et paradoksaalsete laenude taga seisis mõni teine, garanteeriv, pank, ja ühtlasi leidsin ajakirjanduse vihjed Deutsche Banki panganduslikkude sidemetele Venemaaga. Ka ei kirjutanud ma avalikult, kui Donald Trumpi  süüdistati rahvusvahelise õiguse rikkumises, olles käima pannud eduka atentaadi, kell UTC=20200102T2200Z, Iraani "Number Kahe", kindral Qasem Soleimani vastu.  - I did not write publicly when in  2016 Donald Trump became the USA president with a minority of the popular vote (H.Clinton 65,853,514, D.Trump  62,984,828). I did not write publicly when in 2019 he flung his Kurdish allies to the wolves, even though I understood already at that time the possible lesson his action bore for the Republic of Estonia, as a USA ally state. I did not write publicly when I began to understand that he had obtained, over a couple of decades, Deutsche Bank loans totalling around 2.5 billion USD, and that that loan transactions were not always comprehensible in terms of conventional business models (under which a bank would not advance loans to a person who has declared bankruptcy, let alone to a person who has sued the loan-granting bank). I did not write publicly even when I read the hypothesis offered in 2020 media, under which behind the paradoxical loans there was some different, guarantor, bank, and not even when I read journalistic references to Deutsche Bank ties with Russian banking. Again, I did not write publicly when Donald Trump was accused of breaching international law, having launched a successful assassination, at UTC=20200102T2200Z, of Iran's "Number Two", General Qasem Soleimani. 

Täna õhtu aga  minu kannatus lõppes. Pimedas bussis sõites Tartust Tõraverre, ja uudisi lugedes nutitelefonil, sain järgmist teada: Donald Trump on öeldnud, et kui Iraan tasub kindral Soleimani surma mõne omapoolse sõjalise sammuga, siis USA võimaliukult purustab Iraani kultuuripärandit (vt Seega, kus USA president nüüd ähvardab selge sõjaroima toimepanekuga, on vaikimine võimatu. - This evening my patience ran out. Sitting in a darkened bus from Tartu to Tõravere, and reading the news on my smartphone, I learned the following: Donald Trump has said that if Iran avenges the death of Soleimani with some act-of-war of its own, then the USA may undertake retaliatory destruction of Iranian cultural heritage  (cf With this fresh development, where the American President has threatened the commission of a clear war crime, it  is impossible to stay silent. 

Kui USA viis oma väed Iraqi 2003.a.,  kirjutasin ma "USA Vabariigi Rahukoraali", minu serveri ruumil Keegi hea inimene leidis minu pala kiiresti Internetist kätte ja lasi seda vabaõhu jumalateenistusel laulda, Massachusettsis. Koor või kogudus oli liigutatud, kui õhtku tõusis nende helinate saatel kotkas, kadudes silmapiirilt üle kõrvalasuva tiigipinna, nagu mingisuguses isamaalikus filmikaadris.  - When the USA took its forces into Iraq in 2003, I composed a "Peace Hymn of the Republic" in my server space Some kindly person found my work quickly on the Internet and caused it to be sung in an open-air service, in Massachusetts. The choir or congregation was touched when to the accompaniment of their performance an eagle took flight, disappearing from view over the surface of an adjacent pond, as though in some patriotic ciné clip. 

Ma sooviksin, et eestlased peaksid meeles, kuidas need "USA Vabariigi Rahukoraali" mõtted on leidnud varemaltki kajastust Massachusettsis. Teisisõnu, ma sooviksin, et eestlased ei kipuks praegu kogu USA mõttelaadi ja eetikat hindama Donald Trumpi alusel. - I would desire Estonians to be mindful  of the way in which these "Peace Hymn of the Republic" notions have in the past been received in Massachusetts. I would, in other words, hope that Estonians will not now be appraising the overall American mentality and morality on the basis of Donald Trump.  

Ma ka juhtiksin eestlaste tähelepanu asjaolule, et natuke aega pärast oma edukat Suleimani atentaati Pres.Trump võttis tagasi oma ähvardust rünnata Iraani kultuurobjekte, nüüd nentides, et kui kultuuripärandirünnak oleks rahvuvahelises jurisprudentsis seadustevastane, siis ta seda ette ei võtaks. Samas värskes kõnes nentis üldiselt, et temale isilikult on seadustest kinnipidamine meeelpärane. Seegi kõne peaks leevendama eestlaste praegust võimalikku hukkumõistmist, ehkki ta jätab teatud mulje, et tegemist on ebastabiilise juhiga. (Värkset kõnet saab kontrollida URL-il : see on tarbija "Evening Standard"-i ülesmaadimine, kalendristembil 2020-01-08, pikkusega 00:44. Sisulisetl sama materjal on kätteleitav mujalgi YouTube'is, nagu selgub kui annakse YouTube'i otsingumootorile mingisugune  fraas nagu Trump cultural sites retraction, ja uurida tulemusi piisavalt terava pilguga.)  -  I would additionally direct the attention of Estonians to the fact that shortly after his successful Suleimani assassination, Pres. Trump retracted his threat to attack Iranian cultural sites, now asserting that if such an attack were to be contrary to (international) law,  he would not undertake it. In the same  fresh speech he asserted in general terms that himself is fond of complying with the law. This speech should moderate the possible current condemnation by Estonians - even though, admittedly, it leaves an impression of instability in a leader. (The fresh speech can be checked at the URL : this is the upload of user "Evening Standard", under datestamp 2020-01-08, to a length of 00:44. The same content is retrievable also from elsewhere in YouTube, as becomes apparent when one first gives the YouTube search engine some such search phrase as  Trump cultural sites retraction and then inspects the retrieved links with close attention.)  

Siinjuures pakuksin uuesti oma 2003.a. tööd, ühes oma tolleaegse ingliskeelse kommentariga, ühe vajaliku pisimuudatusega laulusõnades, ja ühtlasi kommentaari eestindamisega. - I would herewith offer my 2003 work once again, with my English-language commentary from that year, although with one small change in the lyrics, and additionally with an Estonian translation of my commentary.  

Varem, 2003.a. variant, ilmus ka Kanada luuleajakirjads Poemata, mille väljaandaks oli Canadian Poetry Association. - The previous, 2003, version appeared also in the Canadian poetry journal Poemata, published by the Canadian Poetry Association.  

Nendele, kas tahavad kuulda esitust praegusel hetkel tavaliste sõnadega, võiksid valida St Paul'si Londoni toomikiriku leinateenistuse esitamist, 2001-09-14, nagu pakutud URL-il (YouTube'i  üleslaadimine kellegi "julius 923" poolt, kalendristembiga 2009-09-13, kogupikkuses 5:35,  koguduse ühislaul algab umbes hetkel 01:30). - Those wishing to hear a performance with the currently customary lyrics could select the 2001-09-14 memorial service from St Paul's Cathedral in London, as offered at YouTube under the URL (YouTube upload from a "julius923", under calendar stamp 2009-09-13, to a total duration of 5:35; the congregation begins singing at around 01.30). 

Eelnev Kommentaar ja Koraalisõnad - Preliminary Commentary and Hymn Lyrics 

* 20190106T183600Z-version 0001.3000 
  __changed "raping" to the more appropriate (because more
    explicitly environmentalist, and also less militant) "fouling" 
* 20190106T164500Z/version 0001.2000
  __changed "now we fear the dark of war" to "now we've loosed
     the dogs of war" (cf Shakespeare, Julius Caesar Act III scene 1
     line 273, "Cry Havoc! and let slip the dogs of war"
  __added Estonian translation of 2003 commentary  
  __uploaded not to
    but to my more Web-visible server space 
* 20030217T192953Z/version 0001.1001
  __supplemented background note
    in light of {roy.macgregor} Battle Hymn remarks
    in Toronto _Globe and Mail_ 2003-02-17 page A2
* 20030217T012912Z/version 0001.1000
  __corrected inappropriate triumphalist nuance in "city on a hilltop" 
  __made other small changes
* 20030216T055907Z/version 0001.0000


This poem was written at a time of public spiritual emergency, on 15
and 16 February 2003, when Washington seemed ready to launch an unjust
war. - See luule sai kirjutatud avalikul vaimulikul häirehetkel, 15. ja
16. veebruaril 2003, kui tundus, et Washington oli valmis ebaõiglase sõja

Was it presumptuous of me, as a citizen of Estonia and Canada, to
rewrite the Battle Hymn of the Republic?  No. A line of thinkers going
back to John Winthrop, first governor of Massachusetts, has correctly
proclaimed America a "city on a hill", a beacon to nations. America is
a political project, an intellectual and moral project, 
in which we all - regardless of our formal citizenship - 
rightly participate, and for whose integrity we all now rightly fear.
- Kas oli minu poolt pretensioonikas, kui Eesti ja Kanada kodanik, 
USA Vabariigi Lahingukoraali ümber kirjutada? Ei. Jada mõtlejaid, 
mis ulatub tagasi kuni John Winthropini, kui esimene Massachusettsi 
kuberner, on piisava põhjendusega hüüdnud USA-d "linnaks mäetipul", signaalileegiks 
maailma rahvastele. Ameerika on poliitiline ettevõte, mõisteline ja eetiline
ettevõte, milles me kõik - hoolimata meie formaalsest kodadkondsusest - 
täieõiguslikult osaleme, ja mille auvääärikuse üle me nüüd kõik 
täieõiguslikult muretseme. 

When Julia Ward Howe published her Battle Hymn of the Republic in
February, 1862, she was herself fitting new words to an existing
marching song, "John Brown's Body".  What she did, and what I am
trying to do here, others may well do, again and and again, as
circumstances change. - Kui Julia Ward Howe andis välja oma Vabariigi 
Lahingukoraali 1862.a. veebruaris, oli ta ise uusi sõnu koostamas
olemasolevale marssilaulule, "John Brown's Body". See, mida tegi tema,
ja mida ma ise katsun siin ära teha, teised võimaliult omalt poolt
edaspidigi teevad, kord ja veelkord, tuleviku muutuvates oludes. 

Howe, appalled by the violence of Civil War troops, devoted
her later life to peace. What we now know as Mother's Day might 
be considered a feeble echo of her 1872 mother's-day-of-peace
initiative. - Howe, masendatud Ameerika kodusõja 
lahinguliste jõhkrusest, pühendas oma hilisema elu rahuliikumisele. 
Seda, mida me praegu tunneme Emadepäevana, võiks pidada nõdraks
kajastuseks tema 1872.a. emade-rahupäeva algatusest.  

My hope is that my words will be sung occasionally at peace rallies as
we urge the present Washington officeholders to return to the liberal
ideals of America's founders. - Minu lootuseks on, et mu sõnu lauldakse
tulevikus, vahetevahel, rahuliikumise meeleavaldustel, kui me manitseme
praeguseid Washingtoni ametikandjaid tagasi tulla Ameerika asutajate
liberaalsetele aadetele. 

Toomas Karmo (&  


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Peace Hymn of the Republic



Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord:/ 

He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored;/ 

He hath loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword:/

    His truth is marching on. 

Glory, glory, hallelujah!/ 

Glory, glory, hallelujah!/

Glory, glory, hallelujah;/

    His truth is marching on. 

We lived in ease and splendor and disdained the huddled poor,/ 

Fouling soils and seas and foreign skies, in arms and gold secure:/ 

Now we've lost our proud twin towers, now we've loosed the dogs of war;/

    God's truth goes marching on.

Glory, glory, hallelujah!/

Glory, glory, hallelujah!/

Glory, glory, hallelujah;/

    God's truth goes marching on. 

Unhappy world, you grieve for us, and yet for you we mourn;/

Some billion souls seek sustenance, a tithing of our corn:/

From dying fields, from teeming slums, fresh terrors will be born -/

    Can truth go marching on?

Glory, glory, hallelujah!/

Glory, glory, hallelujah!/

Glory, glory, hallelujah;/

   Can truth go marching on? 


Our strength lies not in battle gear but in humility;/

Through anguished meditation we discern our destiny:/

Our city on a hilltop shall embrace humanity;/

    God's truth shall lead us on.

Glory, glory, hallelujah!/

Glory, glory, hallelujah!/

Glory, glory, hallelujah;/

    God's truth shall lead us on. 

[See on praeguse blogspoti pala lõpp. - This is the end of the current blogspot posting.]     

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