Thursday, 8 September 2022

Toomas Karmo: En remerciement: Elizabeth II, du Royaume-Uni (1926-)1952-2022


Foto tehtud minu töötoas Tõraveres, Tartumaal, BBC reaalaja ülekandest Maailmakella (Temps universel coordoné) järgi 20220908T174112Z. / Photo taken in my workroom in Tõravere, south-central Estonia, from BBC live feed at UTC=20220908T174112Z. 

See sama vikerkaar, mida avalikkus imetles Londonis surmauudise saabumise minutite ajal, on ka äratanud "Postimehe" joonistaja tähelepanu. / The same rainbow at which a surprised London public gazed during the minutes in which the death announcement was made has also aroused the notice of the "Postimehe" sketch-artist. [Note added: "Postimees" is the principal Estonian newspaper, serving since 1857 as our national newspaper-of-record. The 2022-09-09 lead article writer has used the headline "Ajastu lõpp", or "End of an Epoch". The pull-quote "Ajal, mil pärast Bexiti referendumit 2016. aastal on Ühendkuningriigil olnud neli peaministrit, oli kuninganna oma riigi alamatele justkui ankruks, millest kinni hoida. Nüüd on see ankur kadunud" might be translated as follows: "In a period during which, in the wake of the 2016 Brexit referendum, the United Kingdom had four prime ministers, the Queen was for subjects in her country an anchor on which to seize hold. Now that anchor is gone."] 

"Kui saabub rahu, mäletagem, et jääb meile, praeguse päeva lastele, teha homsest maailmast parema ja rõõmsama paiga." / “When peace comes, remember it will be for us, the children of today, to make the world of tomorrow a better and happier place.”  - Elizabeth II 


Thursday, 1 September 2022

Toomas Karmo: souvenir reconnaissant de Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev / Михаил Сергеевич Горбачёв (1931-2022)


Brandenburger Tor, Berlin, at site of the wall which until 1989 November 09 separated the Soviet sphere of influence from the West. M.S. Gorbachev's decision not to intervene in the German internal 1989 political process secured a peaceful resolution to a crisis which could have destroyed the member states both of the Warsaw Pact and of NATO.  Photo published at, with attribution "Owen Franken/Corbis via Getty Images". 

"XXI век станет либо веком тотального обострения смертоносного кризиса, либо же веком морального очищения и духовного выздоровления человечества. Его всестороннего возрождения. Убежден, все мы – все разумные политические силы, все духовные и идейные течения, все конфессии – призваны содействовать этому переходу, победе человечности и справедливости. Тому, чтобы XXI век стал веком возрождения, веком Человека." - M.S. Gorbachev, cité à   ["XXI sajand saab olema kas surmava kriisi täieliku laienemise sajand või moraalse puhastuse ning inimkonna vaimuliku toibumise sajand,   tema täieliku taaselustumise sajand. Olen veendunud, et me kõik - kõik mõistlikud poliitilised jõud, kõik vaimulikud ja mõttelised voolud, kõik ülestunnistused - oleme kutsutud kaasa aitame selles üleminekus, inimlikkuse ja õigluse võiduks. Et XXI sajandist saaks uuestisünni sajand, Inimese Sajand."] ["The 21st century is destined to be either the century in which a death-dealing crisis expands to overwhelming proportions or the century of a moral purification and a revival of human spirituality. Of a full return to life. I am convinced that all of us - all rational political forces, all spiritual and philosophical movements, all faith confessions - are called to assist in this transition, for the victory of humanity and justice. So that the 21st century may become a Century of Rebirth, a Century of the Human Person."]

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