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Päripäeva, alates parema serva alumisest nurgast: (1) Nagu on traditsiooniks kujunenud Tallinna Tehnika Ülikooli külastajatele, surun ka mina igavese tudengi Julius Tipikase kätt. Julius olevat oma pika elu jooksul teeninud hulgaliselt nii magistri- kui ka doktorikraade, mitmes eriaines. Perekonnafoto, tehtud 2018-05-15. (2) Eesti kurvem külg (a): mahajäänud tsaariaegseid laevatase tööliselamuid Kopli ranna juures, Tallinnas. Mulle on seletatud, et raekoda on püüdnud neile peremeest leida, kes suudaks nad konverteerida luksuskorteriteks, kuid et ettenähtud projekt on osutunud tehnilisil põhjusil ebareaalseks. Seejärel lammutamisele mõistetud elamud moodustavad omaette kvartali (mis siin vaid osaliselt pildistatud), rohkete munakivisillutistega. Ajalooise kvartali asemele tulevad tuliuued korterid, kusjuures (nagu mulle seda seletati) püütakse arhitektuuriliselt meenutada kadunud tsaariaegsete korpuste profiile. Perekonnafoto, tehtud 2018-05-15. (3) Eesti kurvem külg (b): praegu veel hoolsa peremeheta Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia 1938-1940 ruumid Laial tänaval Tartus. Tartu Ülikooli püüdlused leida sobivat ostjat ei ole seni vilja kandnud. Foto allikaks on ajalehe Postimees veeb. (4) Kontradmiral Johan Pitka (1872-1944), nagu teda maalis umbes 2005.a. Välis-Eesti kunstnik Erik Schmidt (kelle onuks oli Naissaarelt pärit optikainsener Bernhard Schmidt (1879-1935; laiaväljalise astronoomilise "Schmidti kaamera" leiutaja)). Maali kõrval seisab kingituse üleandmise ajal olnujd kaitsevägede juhataja (viitseadmiral) Tarmo Kõuts (1953-). Foto allikaks on http://www.mil.ee/et/arhiiv/5153/v%C3%A4liseestlasest-kunstnik-maalis-kaitsev%C3%A4ele-admiral-johan-pitka-portree. Ma olen sellest www.mil.ee fotomaterjalist osa maha lõiganud, kompaktsuse ja elavuse huvides. (5) Guugeldamisega leitud Tallinna profiil (allikas kahjuks minu märkmetes jäädvustamata). (6) Tartu Toomkiriku varemed, mille ühes osas asus rektor Georg Friedrich Parroti ajast (1802.a.?) kuni 1982.a. Tartu Ülikooli pearaamatukogu. Praegu, kus pearamatukogu on viidud Toomemäelt pisut allapoole, asub tema endistes Toomkiriku ruumides ülikooli muuseum. Toomikiriku kõrval on mälestatud luuletaja Kristian Jaak Peterson (1801-1822), ilmselt oma jalamatkal Tartust (kus ta oli tudeng) Riiga (kus elasid tema vanemad). Jalgade juures seisavad tema järgmised read: "Kas siis selle maa keel/ laulu tuules ei või/ taevani tõustes üles/ igavikku omale otsida?" Foto allikaks on http://kerstilinask.swiftfish.org/about-tartu-university/. Nagu ikkagi blogspot'is, on pakutud pilt hiireklõpsuga suurendatav. - Clockwise, starting from the bottom-right corner: (1) As has become traditional for visitors to the Tallinn University of Technology, so I too shake the hand of the eternal student Julius Tipikas ("A-plus Julius"). Julius is said over his long lifetime to have procured numerous master's and doctorate degrees, covering a wide range of disciplines. Family photo, from 2018-05-15. (2) Estonia's sadder side (a): derelict tsarist workers' accommodations, from the shipyard at the Kopli shore in Tallinn. It has been explained to me that City Hall has tried to find an owner who would be capable of converting these buildings into luxury flats, but that the envisaged project has proved not technically feasible. The buildings, which are now consequently slated for demolition, make up a whole neighbourhood (here seen only in part), with an abundance of cobblestone paving. In place of the heritage neighbourhood will come brand-new flats, whose design (it has been explained to me) will seek to recall the architectural profile of the lost tsarist structures. Family photo, from 2018-05-15. (3) Estonia's sadder side (b): the 1938-1940 offices of the Estonian Academy of Sciences (Academia scientiarvm Estoniae). The efforts by Tartu University to find a suitable purchaser have so far not borne fruit. Photo from the Web site of newspaper Postimees. (4) Rear Admiral Sir Johan Pitka (1872-1944), as depicted around 2005 by Diaspora-Estonia painter Erik Schmidt (who had as an uncle the optical engineer, from Estonia's Naissaar island, Bernhard Schmidt (1879-1935; inventor of the wide-field astronomical "Schmidt Camera")). Beside the painting, at the moment of its handover to the defence forces, stands the then commander-in-chief (Vice-Admiral) Tarmo Kõuts (1953-). The photo is from http://www.mil.ee/et/arhiiv/5153/v%C3%A4liseestlasest-kunstnik-maalis-kaitsev%C3%A4ele-admiral-johan-pitka-portree. I have cropped this www.mil.ee photo material in the interest of compactness and vivacity. (5) A profile of Tallinn found by googling (with source unfortunately not recorded in my notes). (6) The ruins of the Tartu cathedral, in one part of which was located, from the time of rector Georg Friedrich Parrot (1802?) until 1982, the University's main library. Now, with the main library transferred to a site a little below the heights of Toompea, those cathedral rooms instead house the University museum. Beside the cathedral stands a memorial to poet Kristian Jaak Peterson (1801-1822), here evidently depicted on his hike from Tartu (where he was a university student) to Riga (where his parents were living). At his feet are his lines "Kas siis selle maa keel/ laulu tuules ei või/ taevani tõustes üles/ igavikku omale otsida?" ("Cannot then this land's speech, rising heavenward on the winds of Song, seek eternity for itself?"). The photo source is http://kerstilinask.swiftfish.org/about-tartu-university/. As is normal in blogspot publishing, the image enlarges when mouse-clicked. |
Kvaliteedihinnang: - Quality assessment:
Selle viiepallilise skaala kohaselt, mis kehtib praegu Eestis, ja kindlasti ka naaberriikides, ja on tuttav kadunud, mitte tagantjärele leinatud, NSVL-i akadeemilise elu vaatlejatele (siin rakendades neid kergeid, lõtvu, kriteeriume, mida Kmo rakendab oma nõgises fantaseeritud "Aleksandr Stepanovitsh Popovi nimelises sangarliku raadio instituudis" ja oma nõgises fantaseeritud "Nikolai Ivanovitsh Lobatshevki nimelises sotsialistliku matemaatika instituudis" - kus, fantaasias ette kujutatud kaksikinstituutide lõdva ja vähenõudliku hindamisreeglite kohaselt 1/5 on "eepiline läbikukkukmine", 2/5 "läbikukkumine, mis poli nii katastrofaalne, et eepilusust saavutada", 3/5 on "kehvavõitu läbipääsemine", 4/5 on "hea" ja 5/5 on "eeskujulik": 3/5. Põhjendus: Kmo'l oli piisavalt aega seletada vajalikke punkte sobivas pikkuses, kuid materjal oli paratamatult kergekaaluline. - On the 5-point scale current in Estonia, and surely in nearby nations, and familiar to observers of the academic arrangements of the late, unlamented, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (applying the easy and lax standards Kmo deploys in his grubby imaginary "Aleksandr Stepanovitsh Popovi nimeline sangarliku raadio instituut" (the "Alexandr Stepanovitch Popov Institute of Heroic Radio") and his grubby imaginary "Nikolai Ivanovitsh Lobatshevski nimeline sotsalitsliku matemaatika instituut" (the "Nicolai Ivanovich Lobachevsky Institute of Socialist Mathematics") - where, on the lax and easy grading philosophy of the twin Institutes, 1/5 is "epic fail", 2/5 is "failure not so disastrous as to be epic", 3/5 is "mediocre pass", 4/5 is "good", and 5/5 is "excellent"): 3/5. Justification: although Kmo had time to develop the necessary points to reasonable length, the points themselves were of necessity rather lightweight.
Variandikroonika: - Revision history:
Kõik kalendripäevad-kellaajad variandikroonikas on ära toodud UTC-s. UTC, ehk "Maailmakell", on vana GMT-i, ehk "Greenwich Mean Time"-i, täpsustus. Tarvitusel on ISO ettekirjutatud YYYYMMDDThhmmZ ajastembi formaat (kusjuures YYYY on UTC aasta, MM UTC kuu, DD UTC kuupäev, hh UTC tunniarv, mm UTC minutiarv). UTC praegu jookseb Toronto tsiviilkellast (suvekellast) 4 tundi ette, Tallinna-Tartu tsiviilkellast (suvekellast) 3 tundi taga. - All times in these blog "revision histories" are stated in UTC (Universal Coordinated Time/ Temps Universel Coordoné, a precisification of the old GMT, or "Greenwich Mean Time"), in the ISO-prescribed YYYYMMDDThhmmZ timestamping format. UTC currently leads Toronto civil time (summer time) by 4 hours and currently lags Tallinn-Tartu civil time (summer time) by 3 hours.
- 20180925T224300Z/variant 3.2.1: Kmo adjusted English-language title (he had carelessly referred to "Operation 'Domeestic Clobber'", where preferred title is "Operation 'Eastward Ho!'").
- 20180530T0201Z/variant 3.2.0: Kmo parandas vihjed Tõravere spetsidele, olles uurinud nende ametikoha nimetusi ja teaduslikke kraade lehelt https://www.to.ee/est/meist/koosseis. Ta ka lisas vihjet uudisterartiklile https://www.to.ee/est/uudised/eFJlMzEwMjZz/atraktsioonide_park_avati_p_auml_ikselise_perep_auml_evaga. Ta jättis enda kätte õiguse teha veel pisikesi, sisusliselt tähtsusetuid, puhtkosmeetilisi õiendusi, järgmise 48 tunni jooksul, kui siin protkollimata variandid 3.2.1, 3.2.2, 3.2.3, ... . - Kmo improved his references to some Tõravere specialists, having now checked their qaualifications and formal staff designations from https://www.to.ee/eng/about_us/staff. He also added a reference to the news report at https://www.to.ee/eng/news/eFJlMzEwMjZz/observatory_rsquo_s_theme_park_was_opened_with_a_sunny_family_day. He reserved the right to make tiny, nonsubstantive, purely cosmetic, tweaks over the coming 48 hours, as here-undocumented version 3.2.1, 3.2.2, 3.2.3, ... .
- 20180524T2328Z/variant 3.1.0: Kmo tegi pisimuudadusi eestikeeles osas ja lihvis ingliskeelset osa, ja veel lisas fotomaterjali. Ta jättis enda kätte õiguse teha veel pisikesi, sisusliselt tähtsusetuid, puhtkosmeetilisi õiendusi, järgmise 48 tunni jooksul, kui siin protkollimata variandid 3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.1.3, ... . - Kmo made some small changes in the Estonian, polished the English portion, and added photo material. He reserved the right to make tiny, nonsubstantive, purely cosmetic, tweaks over the coming 48 hours, as here-undocumented version 3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.1.3, ... .
- 20180523T1955Z/variant 3.0.0: Kmo lihvis eestiskeelset proosat ja lisas (veel lihvimata) ingliskeese tõlke. Ta lootis mõlemat keelt veel lihvida, ja ka lisada natuke fotomaterjali, järgmise 24. tunni jooksul. - Kmo polished his Estonian prose and added (as yet unpolished) English translations. He hoped to polish his work in both languages, and also to add a little bit of photo material, over the coming 24 hours.
- 20180523T0330Z/variant 2.0.0: Kmo suutis konverteerida kondikava korralikku proosasse, ehk täislausetesse, kuid ei leidnud veel aega lihvimiseks-kontrollimiseks ega tõlkimiseks inglise keelde. Ta lootis kõik lõpetada enne UTC=20180523T2000Z. - Kmo managed to convert his outline into correct full-sentences prose, but lacked the time for checking and polishing, and for writing out the requisite English translations. He hoped to finish everything by UTC=20180523T2000Z.
- 20180523T0113Z/variant 1.0.0: Kmo laadis serverile lihvitud kondikava, peamiselt eesti keeles. Ees ootasid (a) kondikava konverteerimine korralikku proosasse (täislausetes), ning (b) korraliku proosa eestikeelse osa tõlkimine inglise keelde. Ta lootis neid töid läbi viia enne UTC=20180523T0330Z. - Kmo uploaded a polished outline, for the most part in Estonian. He now had (a) to convert the outline into correct full-sentences prose and (b) to translate the Estonian portion of his prose into English. He hoped to complete these tasks before UTC=20180523T0330Z.
[HOIATAV TEAVE: Tunduvalt vigane bloggeri-nimeline
serveri tarkvara on viimaste kuude jooksul näidanud kalduvusi paigutada
soovimatut valgevahet niimõnesse siia laaditud esseesse. Kui tundub, et
ekraan lõpeb tühja ruumiga, tuleb veel allapoole liikuda, hiire abil.
Essee lõpp ei ole käes enne, kui esineb tavaline bloggeri sõnum "Posted by Toomas (Tom) Karmo at". - Bloggeri
tarkvara on ka näidanud kalduvusi, vähemalt kui rakendatud minu varema,
aegunud, veebi esseedekirjutamise brauseri kaudu, toota HTML-i, mida
eri allalaadivad brauserid formaadivad erinevatel viisidel. Mõned
allalaadivad brauserid on võimalikult vahest mitte korralikult sisse
lugenud kõik need "Cascading Style Sheets'e" (CSS-e), mis igas tavalises
veebibrausers juhivad lehekülje servade, kõrvalparagrahvide jms.
paigutamist. Kui Te oletate, et Teie kasutuselevõetud brauseris esineb
CSS-e probleeme, olge kannatlikud: tõenäone on, et ehkki osa sisust on
paigutatud mõnda veidrasse kohta (näiteks, brauseri alumise serva vastu,
kui ta pidanuks minema parema serva vastu), siiski kõik serveri sisu on
lükatud Teie brauserisse ühte või teisse kätteleitavasse paika. - Viimaseks, on võimalik et on bloggeri
iseärasusi-eksitusi, väljaspool minu kontrolli, tähtede suuruse
määramises, ridade vahemaa määramises või trükiploki parema serva
õgvendamisstiili määramises. - Kes soovib aidata sääraste veebivigade
parandamisega, või kes soovib ka teisigi tehnilisi nõuandeid pakkuda,
võiks julgesti mulle kirjutada aadressil Toomas.Karmo@gmail.com. - CAUTION: A bug in the blogger
server-side software has in some past months shown a propensity to
insert inappropriate whitespace at some points in some of my posted
essays. If a screen seems to end in empty space, keep scrolling down.
The end of the posting is not reached until the usual blogger "Posted by Toomas (Tom) Karmo at" appears. - The blogger
software has also shown a propensity, at any rate when coupled with my
erstwhile, out-of-date, Web-authoring uploading browser, to generate
HTML that gets formatted in different ways on different downloading
browsers. Some downloading browsers have sometimes perhaps not correctly
read in the entirety of the "Cascading Style Sheets" (CSS) which on all
ordinary Web servers control the browser placement of margins,
sidebars, and the like. If you suspect CSS problems in your particular
browser, be patient: it is probable that while some content has been
shoved into some odd place (for instance, down to the bottom of your
browser, where it ought to appear in the right-hand margin), all the
server content has been pushed down into your browser in some place or
other. - Finally, there may be blogger
vagaries, outside my control, in font sizing or interlinear spacing or
right-margin justification. - Anyone inclined to help with
trouble-shooting, or to offer other kinds of technical advice, is
welcome to write me via Toomas.Karmo@gmail.com.]
0. Sissejuhatus/ Introduction
Minu maikuiseks bloggimiseks paneksin kirja oma praeguse suure uudise,
nimelt, et Operatsiooni "Kodune Koli" manööver "Luureretk" on edukalt
läbi viidud. Lahkumine Kanadast odava lendudekombinatsiooniga oli 2018-04-23, saabumine
Kanadasse odava lendudekombinatsiooniga New Yorgi üleöise vahepeatusega (tukkumisega LaGuardia lennujaama ooteruumis) 2018-05-17.
Enne lõplikku emigreerumist Kanadast seisavad veel ees (nagu siin
blogspot-is 2018-04-02 ka kirejeldatud) (a) osa manöövrist "Mõnus
Maandumine", ja veel (b) "Merelesaatmise Suurmanööver" ning (c)
"Pearsoni Lõppmanööver". - As my blog offering for the month of May, I should like to write out my current piece of big news, namely, the successful completion, within "Operation Eastward Ho", of the "Preliminary Recce Manoeuvre". Departure from Canada, with a cheap combination of flights, was on 2018-04-23. The return, via a cheap combination of flights, and with a New York stopover (and with overnight napping in a LaGuardia concourse) was on 2018-05-17. Before my final emigration from Canada there await (as indeed described here on blogspot, on 2018-04-02) (a) part of the "Happy Landing Manoeuvre", and (b) the "Big Maritime Shipment Manoeuvre", with (c) the "Pearson Airport Endmanoeuvre".
Loodan, et saan kõik lõpuni viia, seega asudes alaliselt ümber Tõravere astroomia-alevikku Tartumaal, kunagi 2018.a. sügisel. - I hope that I can complete everything, settling permanently into the Tõravere observatory hamlet in Estonia's Tartu County, in the autumn of 2018.
1. Üldisi Muljeid Kodu-Eestist/ Some General Impressions of Home- (as Opposed to Diaspora-) Estonia
Tunnen vähem sisemist pinget Kodu-Eestis kui Välis-Eestis, kuna Kodu-Eestis saab emakeelt julgesti rääkida. Emakeele kasutamine muutub Välis-Eestis aastast aastasse raskemaks. Ennesõjaaegne põlv on manalasse varisemas, ja kolm nooremad põlved on üldreeglina - leidub ka rõõmutoovaid erandeid - kõikuva keeleoskusega. - I experience less inner stress in Home-Estonia than in Diaspora-Estonia, since it is in Home-Estonia that using the mother tongue becomes fully feasible. Within the diaspora, the use of Estonian is becoming from year to year less feasible. The prewar diaspora generation is dying away, and the three younger diaspora generations as a general rule labour - with, to be sure, happy exceptions - under various linguistic challenges.
Hingelisi pingeid Eestis leevendab veel looduse erakorraline lähesus. Looduse kättesaadavuse osas sarnaneb Eesti pigem Kanada Nova Scotia kui Kanada Ontario provintsiga. - Inner stresses in Estonia are also relieved by the exceptional nearness of nature. In its proximity to the natural world, Estonia is more similar to Canada's province of Nova Scotia than to Ontario.
Sõites bussiga Tallinna Ülemiste lennujaamast Tartu kesklinnani on siiski üllatuseks, kuivõrd sarnaneb Kodu-Eesti maastikupilt lõuna-Ontario vähemasusustatud osadega. Kodu-Eesti kasemetsad tunduvad mulle küll Ontario omadest tihedamad ja arvukamad, kusjuures tüved on ka vist sirgemad. Ma ei tea veel, kas tegemist on siin liikide erinevusega. Kui mitte kasemetsadele vaadata, siis puhta looduse pildi järgi ei saaks aru, läbi mille riigi buss sõidab. - Upon travelling by bus from the Tallinn-Ülemiste airport to the Tartu town centre, it is nevertheless surprising how closely the Home-Estonia landscape resembles those parts of southern Ontario which are sparsely settled. The birch forests of Home-Estonia do, on the other hand, seem to me thicker and more numerous than those of Ontario, with the birch trunks being perhaps also straighter. I do not yet know whether this is due to a difference in botanical species. The birches aside, one cannot tell from the natural landscape through which of the two countries one's bus happens to be travelling.
Hingelisi pingeid Eestis leevendab veel looduse erakorraline lähesus. Looduse kättesaadavuse osas sarnaneb Eesti pigem Kanada Nova Scotia kui Kanada Ontario provintsiga. - Inner stresses in Estonia are also relieved by the exceptional nearness of nature. In its proximity to the natural world, Estonia is more similar to Canada's province of Nova Scotia than to Ontario.
Sõites bussiga Tallinna Ülemiste lennujaamast Tartu kesklinnani on siiski üllatuseks, kuivõrd sarnaneb Kodu-Eesti maastikupilt lõuna-Ontario vähemasusustatud osadega. Kodu-Eesti kasemetsad tunduvad mulle küll Ontario omadest tihedamad ja arvukamad, kusjuures tüved on ka vist sirgemad. Ma ei tea veel, kas tegemist on siin liikide erinevusega. Kui mitte kasemetsadele vaadata, siis puhta looduse pildi järgi ei saaks aru, läbi mille riigi buss sõidab. - Upon travelling by bus from the Tallinn-Ülemiste airport to the Tartu town centre, it is nevertheless surprising how closely the Home-Estonia landscape resembles those parts of southern Ontario which are sparsely settled. The birch forests of Home-Estonia do, on the other hand, seem to me thicker and more numerous than those of Ontario, with the birch trunks being perhaps also straighter. I do not yet know whether this is due to a difference in botanical species. The birches aside, one cannot tell from the natural landscape through which of the two countries one's bus happens to be travelling.
Eesti on Kanadast natuke moodsam, aga samas Kanadast tunduvalt vaesem. Kurvalt torkavad silma hooned, kas NSVL-i okupatsiioniajast või enne maailmasõda (tihti koguni tsaaride ajast), kellel veel, juba veerand sajandit pärast okupatsioonivägede lahkumist, puudub korralik peremees. See Kanada vaatepilti häiriv asi, mis on globaalse hullmajanduse Walmartide-Macdonaldsite rohkus, torkab kohati ka Eestis silma, eriti magisraalteede juures linnades. - Estonia is a little more modern than, and yet at the same time noticeably poorer than, Canada. A sad sight is presented by buildings, whether from the time of the Soviet occupation or from before the war (and in many case from tsarist times) which still, a quarter of a century after the departure of occupation forces, lack duly diligent owners. That distressing Canadian sight which is the proliferation of globalizing commercial stupidity, through such things as Walmart and MacDonalds, likewise crops up in Estonia, particularly beside the major traffic arteries in towns.
Võõra kaasmaalase viisakus on tähelepanuväärne Kodu-Eesis nagu nendes Välis-Eesti lõikudes, mida ma hästi tunnen, nimelt Austraalias-Kanadas-USAs-Suurbritannias. - The courtesy of compatriots who happen to be strangers is notable in Home-Estonia, as it is in those segments of Diaspora-Estonia that I know well (namely, in the Australian, Canadian, USA, and British diaspora communities).
Nagu mulle tuntud Välis-Eesti lõikudes, näib, et ka Kodu-Eestis pannakse tunduvat rõhku toitude kvaliteedile. Kui Välis-Eestis minu Nova Scotia lapsepõlves oli näiteks perenaise auks ja uhkuseks heade sültide-skumbriate-pashade-kringlite valmistamine pidude ajaks, analoogselt leian ma praegu Kodu-Eestis märgatavalt kõrget taset muuseas leibade, juustude, kohukeste ja mõru šokolaadi osas. - As in those parts of Diaspora-Estonia which I know, so too in Home-Estonia much attention is given to the quality of food. As in the Diaspora-Estonia of my Nova Scotia childhood the housewife took pride in the preparation of her head-cheeses, her chilled fish salad, her sweet egg-and-dairy pasha, and her saffron coffeecake, analogously I find now in Home-Estonia a notably high standard in (among other things) breads, cheeses, dairy confectionery-batons, and bitter chocolate.
Nagu mulle tuntud Välis-Eesti lõikudes, näib, et ka Kodu-Eestis pannakse tunduvat rõhku toitude kvaliteedile. Kui Välis-Eestis minu Nova Scotia lapsepõlves oli näiteks perenaise auks ja uhkuseks heade sültide-skumbriate-pashade-kringlite valmistamine pidude ajaks, analoogselt leian ma praegu Kodu-Eestis märgatavalt kõrget taset muuseas leibade, juustude, kohukeste ja mõru šokolaadi osas. - As in those parts of Diaspora-Estonia which I know, so too in Home-Estonia much attention is given to the quality of food. As in the Diaspora-Estonia of my Nova Scotia childhood the housewife took pride in the preparation of her head-cheeses, her chilled fish salad, her sweet egg-and-dairy pasha, and her saffron coffeecake, analogously I find now in Home-Estonia a notably high standard in (among other things) breads, cheeses, dairy confectionery-batons, and bitter chocolate.
Kanada ja Kodu-Eesti asustatud paikade üldpildid erinevad kultuurselt. Kanadas on vaid hõre ajalookiht, kui mitte arvesse võtta Québec'i provintsi prantsusmaalikku omapära. Lõuna-Ontarios see kiht ulatub vaid Napoleoni sõdade ajasse, kohati vaid kuninganna Victoria lõppaastateni. Pärismaalased, ehkki umbes niisama iidsed Ontarios kui seda on eestlased Eestis, ei ole jätnud Ontario talude, külade ega linnade pilti silmatorkavat omapära. Eestis on seevastu sama tihe ja raskekaaluline ajalookiht nagu seda leidub Inglismaal või (nagu ma piltidelt ja inimeste juttudest oletaksin) Venemaal. - The general cutural aspects of the settled regions in Canada and in Home-Estonia differ. Canada has only a thin historical overlay, once one disregards the specially Gallic heritage of Québec. In southern Ontario, that overlay extends only into the time of the Napoleonic wars, and in places only into the later years of Queen Victoria. The aboriginals, although about as ancient in Ontario as the Estonians are in Estonia, have not left a visually prominent mark on Ontario's agricultural, village, or urban scenes. In Estonia, by contrast, the historical overlay is as thick and massive as it is in England or (as I would imagine it, on the strength of pictures and of what people tell me) Russia.
Eesti keskaegki on ettekujutav, osaliselt tänu säilinud kitsastele tänavatele ja madalatele majaprofiilidele. Eesti hiline tsaariaeg (nagu Eesti hilisemadki ajad) vaatab igal pool vastu, kas mornilt või rõõmsalt. Tooksin sellest vaid üht näidet kümnetest võimalikkudest: Tartu Vallikraavi-Lossi tänava kandis kõndides märkasin pretensioonideta tõllakuuri, mis muinsuskaitse plakati järgi pärines umbes aastast 1875. Kerge oli seal vaimusilmaga näha, kuidas madala kuuri laiadest ustest väljub hobune ja vanker, hobuste ohjad mõne eestlasest kutsari peos, kutsar kodokootud joppes - ja kuidas vankrit ja kutsarit maja juures ootab mõni paremini riietatud saksasoost või kadakasklasest "Tante" oma "Herraga".- Even the Middle Ages in Estonia can be pictured readily, in part thanks to the surviving narrow streets and the low skylines of homes. Estonia's later tsarist period (as also for Estonia's more recent historical periods) confronts one everywhere, whether in sorrow or in good humour. I would give just one example here, out of dozens of possible examples: walking in the Tartu Vallikraavi ("Moat Street" and Lossi tänav ("Castle Street") district, I came across an unpretentious coach house, which according to its heritage-conservation plaque dated from around 1875. It was easy to see in the mind's eye how from those wide coach-house doors there emerge a horse and cart, with the reins in the hands of some Estonian coachman in his homespun jacket - and how by the house there stand, awaiting the cart and its attendant, some better-dressed German or Juniper-German "Tante" with her "Herra". [NOTE ADDED: The "Juniper Germans" were 19th-century and early 20th-century Estonians who affected German manners, for example by speaking some German in the dining room, or by leaving some German newspapers in view in the parlour, or by cultivating social ties with some local German Lady-of-Fine-Family. Old Estonia was always more a German colony than a Russian one. The German conquest started in 1208, whereas Russian rule was significantly imposed only in the period from Peter the Great up to the 1918-1920 War of Independence. Even during the tsarist period, much legal and university business was transacted in German. I think many or most local people resented the whole protracted soap opera, from one weary century to the next - with, in particular, those 19th-century locals who did affect some German manners drawing upon their heads a certain nuanced ridicule from the more patriotically upright. Our short 16th-century Polish occupation, in southern-central Estonia, is now largely forgotten. I personally consider this lack of interest in Polish administration a pity. - The one thing everyone does remember cheerfully from pre-modern Estonia is the 17th-century "vana hea Rootsi aeg", or "Good Old Swedish Time".]
Tartus kõndides tundub, et sammun esimest korda elus õigetel tänavatel (vähemalt siis, kui olen magistraalidest eemal, ajaloo keskel, näiteks Vallikraavil). - Walking in Tartu one feels that one is for the first time in one's life walking along the right streets (at any rate when one is away from the big urban arteries, and is consequently surrounded by history - as for instance on Vallikraav).
Tõraverega tutvust luues olin õnnelik, et sain ühel avalikul üritusel (vt https://www.to.ee/est/uudised/eFJlMzEwMjZz/atraktsioonide_park_avati_p_auml_ikselise_perep_auml_evaga) esimest korda elus näha Päikese protruberantse. Seda pakuti kõrgetasemelise amatööri refraktori läbi (suurendusega võimalikult nii 40x-50x), mille objektiivi juures oli vesinik-alfa filter. - On getting to know Tõravere, I was fortunate in being able at a public event (cf https://www.to.ee/eng/news/eFJlMzEwMjZz/observatory_rsquo_s_theme_park_was_opened_with_a_sunny_family_day) to see solar prominences, for the first time in my life. This sight was offered through a high-grade amateur refractor (under a magnification of around 40x or 50x), its objective equipped with a hydrogen-alpha filter.
Samuti olin õnnelik, et sain samal üritusel esimest korda elus näha Veenust päeva ajal, läbi Tõravere suure (1.5-metrise) reflektori kahe refraktorist abiteleskoopi (esiteks läbi sihtija, siis kõrge suurendusega läbi giideri). - I was also fortunate in being able for the first time in my life, at this same public event, to see Venus in the daytime, through two of the big (1.5-metre) Tõravere reflector's auxiliary refractors (first through the finder, and then, under high magnification, through the guider).
Oma enda pisikesi amatöörtõid tehes amatööridele pühendatud Tõravere platsilt märkasin, et Elva linna kardetud kuma ei olnud (mulle) kätteleitav. Taevas oli pealegi sedavõrd pime (terve "Luureretke" juures puudus oluline Kuu), et Linnutee oli selgelt nähtav juba öö algtundidel, kui ta hõljus vaid 30 kraadi, ehk kolm rusikat, üle idahorisondi. - On carrying out my own tiny amateur-astronomy tasks from Tõravere's amateur-astronomy plaza, I found that the feared urban glow from Elva was not (at any rate to me) discerible. The sky was so dark (there was no significant Moon at any point in the Preliminary Recce Manoeuvre) that the Milky Way proved clearly visible already at the start of the night, when it hovered just 30 degrees, or three fists, above the eastern horizon.
Minu lõuna-Kanadas harjunud silmale oli ebamugav, et taeva ekvaator asus nii ligidal lõunahorisondile. Siiski tõdesin, et tänu metsapuude kaugusele Tõravere amatöörideplatsi lõunaservalt, vaade lõunahorisondi poole oli sisuliselt takistusteta. Leidsin oma reisibinokliga kätte mitte ainult alfa Sco-d, vaid koguni lõunataeva tau Sco-d, oma kulminatsioonist vist mitte kaugel. Viimane oli küll vaevalt 1-2 kraadi horisondilt kõrgem. Tema 2018.5 epohhi kääne on -28 kraadi 15 minutit, kusjuures Tõravere enda laius on +58 kraadi 48 minutit. Epohhil 2018.5 oleks seega tau Sco kulminatsiioni nurk vaakumi tingimustes lõunahorisondi vastu vaid (90 kraadi miinus (58 kraadi 48 minutit + 28 kraadi 15 minutit)) = (90 kraadi miinus 87 kraadi 03 minutit) = 2 kraadi 57 minutit; kirjutades siin vaakumi tingimustest, ma toonitan, et valguskiire paindumine horisondiatmosfääri paksus kihis tõstaks näilise tähe küll kõrgemale. - It was uncomfortable to my eye, accustomed as it is to southern Canada, to find the celestial equator running so close to the southern horizon. Nevertheless, I did establish that thanks to the generous distance of trees from the southern edge of the Tõravere amateur-observer plaza, the view to the south is basically unimpeded. With my lightweight travelling binoculars, I found not only alpha Sco, but even the southern-sky tau Sco, I suppose not far away from its culmination. Tau Sco admittedly hovered just one or two degrees above the horizon. Its epoch-2018.5 declination is -28 degrees 15 minutes, with Tõravere's own latitude +58 degrees 48 minutes. Tau Sco's 2018.5 culmination under vacuum would consequently be (90 degrees minus (58 degrees 48 minutes + 28 degrees 15 minutes)) = (90 degrees minus 87 degrees 03 minutes) = 2 degrees 57 minutes; in referring here to vacuum, I am drawing attention to the fact that the refraction of the stellar ray in the thick atmospheric layer at the horizon would raise the apparent star a little higher.
Keerukates reisitingimustes ei olnud võimalik palju matemaatikat õppida. Siiski sain oma armsa sugulase "ABCD" Tartus-asuva laua taga, ja veel Tõravere peahoone kohviku või raamatukogupiirkonna laudade taga, teha mõned tunnid praeguste aktuaalsete probleemide lahendamiseks. Lahke Lugeja saab aimu minu madalast tasemest (oluline magistrikraadki puudub), kui ta lubab mul põgusalt seletada, mis praegu käsil on. Et raadio (Maxwelli) füüsikas edasi jõuda, pean kunagi asetama Maxwelli neli vektoriformalismi võrrandit tensorite-(Eintseini) erirelatiivsuse formalismi. Selleks pean tundma õppima determinanti mitte sedavõrd oma keskkooli-matemaatika ruutmatrikside kontekstis kui väljapaistva tensorite näitena, konkreetsemalt kui paradigmaatiline "alterneeruv tensor". Determinant on defineeritav nii lihtsa Leibnizi kui ka keerukama rekursiivse Laplace'i valemitega. Minu praegune väljakutse on endale tõestada, opereerides Leibnizi valemite permutatsioonideraamistikus, et Laplace'i rekursiivselt definieeritud determinandi mõiste ongi tõepoolest Leibnizi kergemini kirjapandava mõiste ekvivalent. - It was not possible to study much mathematics in the complex circumstances of travel. Nevertheless, I was able behind the table of my dear Tartu relation "ABCD", and again at the Tõravere main-building cafe or library-area tables, to work a few hours toward the solution of my current problems. The Gentle Reader may gain an impression of my low achievement level (even a relevant Master's degree is lacking) by allowing me to explain briefly the work currently in hand. To make progress in the (Maxwell) physics of radio, I must eventually transplant the Maxwell four-vector-equation formalism into the tensor formalism of Einstein's Special Relativity. For this, I must in turn study the determinant, not so much in its high-school operations-with-square-matrices context as in its aspect of a tensor - more concretely, as a specially prominent "alternating tensor". The determinant is definable both with Leibniz's simple expression and with the more complex recursive formulation of Laplace. My current challenge is to prove to myself, working within the permutations framework of Leibniz, that Laplace's recursively defined determinant really is equivalent to Leibniz's more easily expressed quantity.
Ka sain ma Tõravere kohviku või raamatukogupiirkonna laudade juures teha väikest algust Royal Astronomical Society of Canada (RASC) artikli 2018.a. täiendamises - seega viies edasi algatust, mida RASC-i pere pakub avalikkusele URL-il (autoriteks Karmo-Corbally-Gray) https://www.rasc.ca/supplements, lingi all "This is the extended table mentioned on p. 275 of the 2018 Handbook." - I was also able at the Tõravere cafe or library-area tables to make a small beginning on extending a 2018 Royal Astronomical Society of Canada (RASC) aricle - thereby carring forward an initiative which the RASC family offers to the public at the URL (authors are Karmo-Corbally-Gray) https://www.rasc.ca/supplements, under the hyperlink "This is the extended table mentioned on p. 275 of the 2018 Handbook."
Tõraveres olles sain ma pikemaid arutlusi pidada kolme vanemas seisuses spetsialistiga - vanemteadur dr K. Annuk (keda ma tunnen juba sellest ajast, kui ta tuli Ontario David Dunlapi nimelisse observatooriumi külalisvaatlejana), teadur (nint IT peaspetsialist) hr T. Eenmäe ja vanemteadur dr I. Kolka. Olin veel õnnelik, et sain tutvust luua ühe noorema doktoritöö-valmistajaga, ESTCube-satelliidirühma I. Sünteriga. - While in Tõravere, I was able to have extended conversations with three senior specialists - with Senior Engineer Dr K. Annuk (whom I know already from the time of his visit to Ontario's David Dunlap Observatory, as a guest observer), with Research Fellow (and IT Senior Specialist) Mr T. Eenmäe, and with Senior Research Fellow Dr I. Kolka. I was addtionally fortunate in being able to form a acquaintance with a younger doctoral student, I. Sünter, from the ESTCube satellite team.
Ja kes tahab Kuningliku Mereväega tutvuda, see uurigu YouTube'i materjale, kasvõi vana mereseebikat "Warship: Series 1 - Episode 1 - Hot Pursuit". Selle URL-iks minu praeguses, Kanadas asuvas, Interneti nurgas on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ok3Mpu4CL3Y&t=2890s (YouTube'i tarbijalt "Rhonda Cortez", laadimiskuupäevaga 2017-11-25, kestvusega 1:58:22). - And those wishing to acquaint themselves with the Royal Navy should check out YouTube materials, if only the old naval soap "Warship: Series 1 - Episode 1 - Hot Pursuit". In my present, Canadian, corner of the Internet, the "Warship" URL is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ok3Mpu4CL3Y&t=2890s (from YouTube user "Rhonda Cortez", in an upload of 2017-11-25, to a length of 1:58:22).
Neid näpunäiteid ma pakuksin veel täahelepanekuga, et iga observatoorium on nii-öelda laev Jumala Mereväes, iga vaatleja nii-öelda oma väike Sir Johan Pitka. - I would offer these tips with the further remark that every observatory is so-to-speak a ship in God's Navy, and every observer so-to-speak his or her own little Sir Johan Pitka. [NOTE ADDED: English-language background on Sir Johan Pitka (1872-1944), as the War-of-Independence founder of the Estonian navy, and additionally as a settlement pioneer in British Columbia, can be had from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johan_Pitka.]
Ma ei taha siin palju kirjutada sugulastest ega hõimlastest, ehkki neil oli rõõmus ja tähtis - kogune keskne? - koht üldises "Luureretkes". Praegu tuleb vaid kirja panna mõned laused poolelijäänud asjadest nooriima põlve juures. - I do not wish to write much here regarding my relations, even though they played a happy and important - even a central? - role in the general Preliminary Recce Manoeuvre. At the moment it is appropriate merely to write out a few sentences, recording unfinished business with the very youngest generation.
(A) Armsa noorpreili "PQRS"-i osas: - Regarding the dear Young Miss "PQRS":
It is almost, but not quite, superfluous to add a Tourist-Estonia, or Hollywood-Estonia, remark on music.
To appreciate Estonicity from the inside, one must listen to music.
(a) Helpful here would be one of the patriotic songs. I would select, as poignantly Lutheran-and-Nordic, "Eesti Lipp" ("Estonian Flag"), in the YouTube upload of "AndrusEST" from 2009-08-01, to a length of 0:03:14. In my present corner of the Internet, in Canada, the upload is under the URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QqShI-A0yCM.
(b) Also helpful would be some bit of dance. I would here select, as an especially colourful open-air presentation of that perennial cliché which is "Tuljak" (by now absolutely danced to death, I should think, both in Diaspora-Estonia and in Home-Estonia) the YouTube upload of "GErnesaks" from 2013-10-01, to a length of 0:02:57. In my present corner of the Internet, the upload is under the URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JK5xUhLL9bs.
It is also useful to step back from Estonia for a moment. We do well to avoid chauvinism, instead recalling how Estonian efforts at preserving and enhancing a specific national culture find parallels within other ethnicities. The Diaspora-Estonia author Arvo Mägi (1913-2004) remarks somewhere on parallels between the histories of Estonia and Ireland. Let the non-Estonian Gentle Reader, then - perhaps from within Anglosaxonia or Russia (these are the two cultural spheres most strongly represented in my recent blogspot server logs) put into YouTube the search term Margaret Gallagher Ireland. Several interesting film clips will come up, one of them entitled "All I've Ever Known: Margaret Gallagher's Story" (from YouTube user "John Callister", on 2015-04-28, to a length of 0:29:26; in my present corner of the Internet in Canada, the upload is under the URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lRL9iIN3R8s).
If our Estonian raw-anchovy-with-onion-on-black-ryebread, and wife-carrying-competition, and hot-saun-with-birchbranch-whipping, and endless-Tuljak-dancing (et cetera) culture is found extreme, then let its Irish parallels be pondered instead. Let attention be given to the sense in which Ulster local-history specialist Margaret Gallagher's life is rich and full, not in despite of, but rather in and through, her diligently chosen freedom from modern gadgetry. We in Estonia must ourselves move in Margaret Gallagher's direction, resisting the blandishments of globalism and commerce. Anglosaxonia and Russia will recover their respective ancient spiritual strengths by doing likewise.
Always our questions, whatever our particular given ethnicity, must be: how did our forefathers discharge their duty of care toward their towns and countryside? and: what are now our own duties of restoration and remembrance?
In my own case, the duties of restoration and remembrance entail personal attention to something already venerable, namely Estonian astronomy, and more generally to the welfare of that venerable Tartu University which educated my mother, my father, and my father's father, and under whose administrative wing Tõravere itself now operates.
Other people, living within other ethnicities, will have other sets of duties.
I will not pause here to remark on the special challenges facing Anglosaxonia, as it struggles with material overabundance, silly "social media", and the UK-USA 2016 undercuttings of normal parliamentary politics. But I will allow myself to remark briefly here that in the specially and distinctively troubling case of Russia, what is required is a return to selected pre-1917 institutions and ways - including, I would respectfully suggest to my current FSB or SVR blogspot surveillance officers, the Old Church Slavonic liturgies and the local-municipality democracy of the zemstvo/земство.
I have previously remarked here on blogspot, but will say this month again, that a way forward for Russia is suggested by the writings - now available also in Russian - of émigrée Ontario-based theologian Ekaterina Fyodorovna Kolyschkine de Hueck Doherty (Екатерина Фёдоровна Колышкина; 1896-1985).
[Siin on praeguse blogspot-i pala lõpp. / This is the end of the current blogspot posting.]
Eesti keskaegki on ettekujutav, osaliselt tänu säilinud kitsastele tänavatele ja madalatele majaprofiilidele. Eesti hiline tsaariaeg (nagu Eesti hilisemadki ajad) vaatab igal pool vastu, kas mornilt või rõõmsalt. Tooksin sellest vaid üht näidet kümnetest võimalikkudest: Tartu Vallikraavi-Lossi tänava kandis kõndides märkasin pretensioonideta tõllakuuri, mis muinsuskaitse plakati järgi pärines umbes aastast 1875. Kerge oli seal vaimusilmaga näha, kuidas madala kuuri laiadest ustest väljub hobune ja vanker, hobuste ohjad mõne eestlasest kutsari peos, kutsar kodokootud joppes - ja kuidas vankrit ja kutsarit maja juures ootab mõni paremini riietatud saksasoost või kadakasklasest "Tante" oma "Herraga".- Even the Middle Ages in Estonia can be pictured readily, in part thanks to the surviving narrow streets and the low skylines of homes. Estonia's later tsarist period (as also for Estonia's more recent historical periods) confronts one everywhere, whether in sorrow or in good humour. I would give just one example here, out of dozens of possible examples: walking in the Tartu Vallikraavi ("Moat Street" and Lossi tänav ("Castle Street") district, I came across an unpretentious coach house, which according to its heritage-conservation plaque dated from around 1875. It was easy to see in the mind's eye how from those wide coach-house doors there emerge a horse and cart, with the reins in the hands of some Estonian coachman in his homespun jacket - and how by the house there stand, awaiting the cart and its attendant, some better-dressed German or Juniper-German "Tante" with her "Herra". [NOTE ADDED: The "Juniper Germans" were 19th-century and early 20th-century Estonians who affected German manners, for example by speaking some German in the dining room, or by leaving some German newspapers in view in the parlour, or by cultivating social ties with some local German Lady-of-Fine-Family. Old Estonia was always more a German colony than a Russian one. The German conquest started in 1208, whereas Russian rule was significantly imposed only in the period from Peter the Great up to the 1918-1920 War of Independence. Even during the tsarist period, much legal and university business was transacted in German. I think many or most local people resented the whole protracted soap opera, from one weary century to the next - with, in particular, those 19th-century locals who did affect some German manners drawing upon their heads a certain nuanced ridicule from the more patriotically upright. Our short 16th-century Polish occupation, in southern-central Estonia, is now largely forgotten. I personally consider this lack of interest in Polish administration a pity. - The one thing everyone does remember cheerfully from pre-modern Estonia is the 17th-century "vana hea Rootsi aeg", or "Good Old Swedish Time".]
Tartus kõndides tundub, et sammun esimest korda elus õigetel tänavatel (vähemalt siis, kui olen magistraalidest eemal, ajaloo keskel, näiteks Vallikraavil). - Walking in Tartu one feels that one is for the first time in one's life walking along the right streets (at any rate when one is away from the big urban arteries, and is consequently surrounded by history - as for instance on Vallikraav).
2. Momente "Luureretke" Teaduslikust Osast/ Scientific Aspects of the "Preliminary Recce Manoeuvre"
Tõraverega tutvust luues olin õnnelik, et sain ühel avalikul üritusel (vt https://www.to.ee/est/uudised/eFJlMzEwMjZz/atraktsioonide_park_avati_p_auml_ikselise_perep_auml_evaga) esimest korda elus näha Päikese protruberantse. Seda pakuti kõrgetasemelise amatööri refraktori läbi (suurendusega võimalikult nii 40x-50x), mille objektiivi juures oli vesinik-alfa filter. - On getting to know Tõravere, I was fortunate in being able at a public event (cf https://www.to.ee/eng/news/eFJlMzEwMjZz/observatory_rsquo_s_theme_park_was_opened_with_a_sunny_family_day) to see solar prominences, for the first time in my life. This sight was offered through a high-grade amateur refractor (under a magnification of around 40x or 50x), its objective equipped with a hydrogen-alpha filter.
Samuti olin õnnelik, et sain samal üritusel esimest korda elus näha Veenust päeva ajal, läbi Tõravere suure (1.5-metrise) reflektori kahe refraktorist abiteleskoopi (esiteks läbi sihtija, siis kõrge suurendusega läbi giideri). - I was also fortunate in being able for the first time in my life, at this same public event, to see Venus in the daytime, through two of the big (1.5-metre) Tõravere reflector's auxiliary refractors (first through the finder, and then, under high magnification, through the guider).
Oma enda pisikesi amatöörtõid tehes amatööridele pühendatud Tõravere platsilt märkasin, et Elva linna kardetud kuma ei olnud (mulle) kätteleitav. Taevas oli pealegi sedavõrd pime (terve "Luureretke" juures puudus oluline Kuu), et Linnutee oli selgelt nähtav juba öö algtundidel, kui ta hõljus vaid 30 kraadi, ehk kolm rusikat, üle idahorisondi. - On carrying out my own tiny amateur-astronomy tasks from Tõravere's amateur-astronomy plaza, I found that the feared urban glow from Elva was not (at any rate to me) discerible. The sky was so dark (there was no significant Moon at any point in the Preliminary Recce Manoeuvre) that the Milky Way proved clearly visible already at the start of the night, when it hovered just 30 degrees, or three fists, above the eastern horizon.
Minu lõuna-Kanadas harjunud silmale oli ebamugav, et taeva ekvaator asus nii ligidal lõunahorisondile. Siiski tõdesin, et tänu metsapuude kaugusele Tõravere amatöörideplatsi lõunaservalt, vaade lõunahorisondi poole oli sisuliselt takistusteta. Leidsin oma reisibinokliga kätte mitte ainult alfa Sco-d, vaid koguni lõunataeva tau Sco-d, oma kulminatsioonist vist mitte kaugel. Viimane oli küll vaevalt 1-2 kraadi horisondilt kõrgem. Tema 2018.5 epohhi kääne on -28 kraadi 15 minutit, kusjuures Tõravere enda laius on +58 kraadi 48 minutit. Epohhil 2018.5 oleks seega tau Sco kulminatsiioni nurk vaakumi tingimustes lõunahorisondi vastu vaid (90 kraadi miinus (58 kraadi 48 minutit + 28 kraadi 15 minutit)) = (90 kraadi miinus 87 kraadi 03 minutit) = 2 kraadi 57 minutit; kirjutades siin vaakumi tingimustest, ma toonitan, et valguskiire paindumine horisondiatmosfääri paksus kihis tõstaks näilise tähe küll kõrgemale. - It was uncomfortable to my eye, accustomed as it is to southern Canada, to find the celestial equator running so close to the southern horizon. Nevertheless, I did establish that thanks to the generous distance of trees from the southern edge of the Tõravere amateur-observer plaza, the view to the south is basically unimpeded. With my lightweight travelling binoculars, I found not only alpha Sco, but even the southern-sky tau Sco, I suppose not far away from its culmination. Tau Sco admittedly hovered just one or two degrees above the horizon. Its epoch-2018.5 declination is -28 degrees 15 minutes, with Tõravere's own latitude +58 degrees 48 minutes. Tau Sco's 2018.5 culmination under vacuum would consequently be (90 degrees minus (58 degrees 48 minutes + 28 degrees 15 minutes)) = (90 degrees minus 87 degrees 03 minutes) = 2 degrees 57 minutes; in referring here to vacuum, I am drawing attention to the fact that the refraction of the stellar ray in the thick atmospheric layer at the horizon would raise the apparent star a little higher.
Keerukates reisitingimustes ei olnud võimalik palju matemaatikat õppida. Siiski sain oma armsa sugulase "ABCD" Tartus-asuva laua taga, ja veel Tõravere peahoone kohviku või raamatukogupiirkonna laudade taga, teha mõned tunnid praeguste aktuaalsete probleemide lahendamiseks. Lahke Lugeja saab aimu minu madalast tasemest (oluline magistrikraadki puudub), kui ta lubab mul põgusalt seletada, mis praegu käsil on. Et raadio (Maxwelli) füüsikas edasi jõuda, pean kunagi asetama Maxwelli neli vektoriformalismi võrrandit tensorite-(Eintseini) erirelatiivsuse formalismi. Selleks pean tundma õppima determinanti mitte sedavõrd oma keskkooli-matemaatika ruutmatrikside kontekstis kui väljapaistva tensorite näitena, konkreetsemalt kui paradigmaatiline "alterneeruv tensor". Determinant on defineeritav nii lihtsa Leibnizi kui ka keerukama rekursiivse Laplace'i valemitega. Minu praegune väljakutse on endale tõestada, opereerides Leibnizi valemite permutatsioonideraamistikus, et Laplace'i rekursiivselt definieeritud determinandi mõiste ongi tõepoolest Leibnizi kergemini kirjapandava mõiste ekvivalent. - It was not possible to study much mathematics in the complex circumstances of travel. Nevertheless, I was able behind the table of my dear Tartu relation "ABCD", and again at the Tõravere main-building cafe or library-area tables, to work a few hours toward the solution of my current problems. The Gentle Reader may gain an impression of my low achievement level (even a relevant Master's degree is lacking) by allowing me to explain briefly the work currently in hand. To make progress in the (Maxwell) physics of radio, I must eventually transplant the Maxwell four-vector-equation formalism into the tensor formalism of Einstein's Special Relativity. For this, I must in turn study the determinant, not so much in its high-school operations-with-square-matrices context as in its aspect of a tensor - more concretely, as a specially prominent "alternating tensor". The determinant is definable both with Leibniz's simple expression and with the more complex recursive formulation of Laplace. My current challenge is to prove to myself, working within the permutations framework of Leibniz, that Laplace's recursively defined determinant really is equivalent to Leibniz's more easily expressed quantity.
Ka sain ma Tõravere kohviku või raamatukogupiirkonna laudade juures teha väikest algust Royal Astronomical Society of Canada (RASC) artikli 2018.a. täiendamises - seega viies edasi algatust, mida RASC-i pere pakub avalikkusele URL-il (autoriteks Karmo-Corbally-Gray) https://www.rasc.ca/supplements, lingi all "This is the extended table mentioned on p. 275 of the 2018 Handbook." - I was also able at the Tõravere cafe or library-area tables to make a small beginning on extending a 2018 Royal Astronomical Society of Canada (RASC) aricle - thereby carring forward an initiative which the RASC family offers to the public at the URL (authors are Karmo-Corbally-Gray) https://www.rasc.ca/supplements, under the hyperlink "This is the extended table mentioned on p. 275 of the 2018 Handbook."
Tõraveres olles sain ma pikemaid arutlusi pidada kolme vanemas seisuses spetsialistiga - vanemteadur dr K. Annuk (keda ma tunnen juba sellest ajast, kui ta tuli Ontario David Dunlapi nimelisse observatooriumi külalisvaatlejana), teadur (nint IT peaspetsialist) hr T. Eenmäe ja vanemteadur dr I. Kolka. Olin veel õnnelik, et sain tutvust luua ühe noorema doktoritöö-valmistajaga, ESTCube-satelliidirühma I. Sünteriga. - While in Tõravere, I was able to have extended conversations with three senior specialists - with Senior Engineer Dr K. Annuk (whom I know already from the time of his visit to Ontario's David Dunlap Observatory, as a guest observer), with Research Fellow (and IT Senior Specialist) Mr T. Eenmäe, and with Senior Research Fellow Dr I. Kolka. I was addtionally fortunate in being able to form a acquaintance with a younger doctoral student, I. Sünter, from the ESTCube satellite team.
3. Momente "Luureretke" Administratiivsest Osast/ Administrative Aspects of the "Preliminary Recce Manoeuvre"
(A) Peamised observatooriumi puudutavad administratiivsed punktid on järgmised: - The following are my principal points regarding observatory administration:- On teatud lootusi tulevikus kaasa aidata, vabatahtlikuna, teleskoobivaatleja töös. Teema on teatud määral "Luureretke" jooksul arutatud nii dr Annukiga kui ka dr Eenmäe ja dr Kolkaga. Ma loodaksin (a) rakendada neid oskusi, mida ma omandasin David Dunlapi nimeliseses observatooriumis Ontarios (peamiselt spektroskoopilise ööasistendina ajavahemikul 2006-11/2008-06), ja veel (b) ennast täiendada Johnson-Cousins UBV fotomeetrias. - There is a some prospect of being able to assist in telescope work, as a volunteer. This point got to a certain extent discussed during the "Preliminary Recce Manoeuvre" with Drs. Annuk, Eenmäe, and Kolka. I would hope (a) to use the skills which I acquired at the David Dunlap Observatory in Ontario (mainly as a spectroscopy night assistant in the period 2006-11/2008-06), and (b) to educate myself in Johnson-Cousins UBV photometry.
- On teadud lootusi tulevikus kaasa aidata, vabatahtlikuna, raamatukogu asjus. Mul oli üsna põhjalik jutuajamine Tõraveres asuva raamatukogu vastava spetsialistiga, pr M. Veldrega. Selle arutelu jooksul mul tekkis paraku mulje, et minu enda keeleoskused ei komplekteeri olulisel määral pr. Veldre omi: minu ladina, muistse-kreeka ja prantsuse oskused ei saa minu meelest olulised olla Tõravere raamatukogunduses, ja minu (küll oluline) olemasolev saksa keel ei lisa midagi olulist sellele oskusele, mis on pr. Veldrel niikuinii olemas. Siiski tundus pr. Veldrele ja mulle, et saaksin vabatahtlikuna kaasa lüüa näiteks andmebaasi täiendamisel, andmete sissekandmisega arvutisse. Ma kasutasin juhust mainida pr. Veldrele, et Tõravere suure teleskoobi tornis on niimõndagi huvitavat, mis tahaks sissekandmist üleriiklikusse ESTER-i raamatukogude üldkatalogi. Seal ma eriti mainisin talle Harvard Annals-e, mis istuvad ühes torniruumis, köidetuna, suures mahus, ja milledes Harvardi Pickering avastas (muuseas?) oma tsaariaegset fotomeetriat. - Veel võiks seda mainida, et pr. Veldre lahkelt julgustas mind istuma nii kohvikulaudade kui ka raamatukogupiirkonna laudade juures oma isikliku (matemaatika-ning-RASC-i) reisikohvris kaasatoodud tööotstega. Ma koguni kasutasin, kellegi unustatud isiku soovitusel, kohviautomaati umbes kolm korda - olles küll iga valmisjoodud kohvi eest nüüd maksma valmis, kui kohviku hooldajad hakaksid minult tagantjärele lõive paluma. Sügisel, kui on mul kavas alaliselt ümber asuda Kanadast Tõraverre, ma loodaksin uuesti arutada Tõravere perega võimaliu töölaua küsimust. Mulle oli praegu, "Luureretke" jooksul, ühelt teadurilt vihjatud võimalusele, et ehk saaksin oma tööotsi tuua mõnda suure teleskoobi kupli all asuvasse ruumi, kus valitseks muuseas Interneti juurdepääs. - There is a certain prospect of assisting as a library volunteer. I had a fairly detailed conversation with the appropriate specialist in the Tõravere astronomical library, Mrs M. Veldre. In the course of our conversation, I unfortunately did get the impression that my present linguistic skills would not complement Mrs Veldre's skills in a useful way: my Latin, classical Greek, and French skills cannot in my view be relevant to Tõravere librarianship, and my (relevant) German does not add anything to Mrs Veldre's existing skillset. Nevertheless, it appeared to both Mrs Veldre and me that I could usefully assist as a volunteer in database entry at the computer. I used this opportunity to note to Mrs Veldre that the big Tõravere telescope tower has interesting items, which it would now be appropriate to enter into the Republic-wide ESTER all-libraries catalogue. I particularly referred her to the Harvard Annals, which sit in a tower room, duly bound, occupying a generous stretch of shelving, and in which Pickering at Harvard published (among other things?) his tsarist-epoch photometry. - It would be appropriate to add here that Mrs Veldre kindly encouraged me to sit both at the café tables and at the library-area tables with my own (mathematics-and-RASC) work files, as I had brought them in baggage. I indeed went so far as to use the coffee automat three times, at the recommendation of some now-forgotten individual - being, I underscore, now ready to pay for each consumed mug of coffee, should café administrators issue me a retrospective payment request. In the autumn, when I hope to be settling permanently in Tõravere from Canada, I would hope once again to discuss the possible worktable question with the overall Tõravere scientific family. During the current Preliminary Recce Manoeuvre, one of the scientists noted to me the possibility that I might be able in the autumn to take my bits of work into one of the rooms under the big telescope dome, where amenities would include Internet access.
- Olen loobunud endise observatooriumi kombinaathone "Observatooriumi tn 5" katusekorteri toorpinna ostmise võimalusest, ehkki ma tegin sellest tõsist juttu siinsamas blogspot-is 2018-04-02. Sellest toorpinnast saaks küll kunagi tulevikus huvipakkuv kompaktne korter mõnele hüpoteetilisele isikule, kellel tugevam rahakott ja suurem ehitamislust ku minul endal. - I have relinquished the opportunity of buying raw apartment space in the "5 Observatooriumi Street" penthouse, even though I discussed this opportunity in a serious way (in Estonian) here at blogspot on 2018-04-02. The raw space would in future become an interesting, compact, apartment for some hypothetical individual stronger than me in finances and in enthusiasm for construction.
- Endises kombinaathoones "Observatooriumi tn 5" on mul üürileping sõlmitud kahe maapealse korruse ühetoase kasuks - tuba "nr. 34" elamiseks (selle pindalaks 18 ruutmeetrit) ning "tuba nr. 38" (kunagine ENSV postkontor) laoks-privaatraamatukoguks-kuivlaboriks (selle pindalaks 38 ruutmeetrit). - In the former observatory multipurpose building "5 Observatooriumi Street", I have entered into a pair of rental agreements in respect of two ground-floor single-room apartments - room "nr. 34" as living space (this has an area of 18 square metres) and room "nr. 38" (formerly a post office of the Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic (ESSR)) as a storeroom, private library, and dry laboratory (this has an area of 38 square metres).
- Minu lahke insinerist sugulase "BCDE" kaudu sain ma teada, et endise kombinaathoone põrandapaneelid kannavad (juhul, kui nad vastavad selle hoone 1974.a. ehitusajal tavalisele ENSV praksisele) 2.0 kilonjuutonit ruutmeetri peal julgesti, 2.8 kilonjuutonit ruutmeetri peal reservarveldusega. BCDE veel näitas mulle, kuidas aproksimeerida paindmomente ja - mis eriti oluline - põikjõude endise kombinaathoone oludes. Ehkki ma pean asja juures veel mõtisklema, pliiatsite ja ruutpaberiga, oma eelseisvatel Kanada "detailplaneeringu" tundidel, tundub praegu, et saaksin oma privaatraamatukogu ja amatöörraadio katsepinki julgesti paigutada endisesse kombinaathoonesse, ja pealegi, et ei oleks hädavajalik lasta oma detailplaneeringu ohutust kontrollida mõne hüpoteetilise (kalliksmineva?) Tartu arhitekti poolt. - Through my generous and helpful relative "BCDE", I have learned that the former multipurpose-building floor panels support (at any rate, assuming them to correspond to the ESSR building practices current at the time of construction, back in 1974) 2.0 kilonewtons per square metre as a matter of routine, and 2.8 kilonewtons per square metre upon adding the usual ESSR contingency margin. BCDE additionally showed me how in my scenario to approximate bending moments and - this is particularly important - how in my scenario to approximate shear stresses. Although I still have to ponder this matter, with pencils and squared paper, in my impending hours of Canada-based "detailplaneeering", it does now seem to me that I can boldly enough deposit my private library and my radio-amateur experimenter's bench into the former multipurpose building, and moreover that it will not prove necessary to have this "detailplaneering" checked for safety by some hypothetical (expensive?) Tartu architect.
- Teatud koolkond minu suguvõsas leiab, et ma hakkan Tõraveres liiga askeetselt elama. Sellele ma aga aupaklikult vastaksin, (a) et laoruum-privaatraamatukogu-kuivlabor "nr. 38-s" võib olla nii askeetlik kui tahes, olgu selle tarbija nii härraslik kui vajalik, ning (b) et elamiseruumi "nr 34-t" saab muuta ilusamaks kardina panemisega (kui peremees selleks loa annab) olemasoleva duššikabiini-köögivalamu kamofleerimiseks. - "(b)" osas ma veel toonitaksin, et sellele koolkonna osaliselt õigustatud kriitikale vastu tulles olen ma ostnud Tartu Mööbliaidalt nägusa, raske puust sambaga, põrandalambi, võimalikult umbes aastast 1955-1965-1965, pealetrükitud tunnusmärgi järgi toodetud kusagil väljaspool toonast "Liitu". - Veel "(b)" osas ma toonitaksin, et minu elamine peab olema TTÜ Eesti Mereakadeemia, või siis Kuningliku Mereväe, stiilis korrektne - kõik olgu kompaktne, soliidne, tööle pühendatud, ilma ülearuliste mugavusteta. - A certain school of opinion in my family finds me embarking on an excessively ascetic lifestyle at Tõravere. To this critique I would, however, respectfully reply (a) that the storeroom-private library-dry lab in "nr. 38" can be made as ascetic as desired, with its occupant becoming as gentrified as necessary, and (b) that the living space which is "nr. 34" could be made more presentable with the mounting of a curtain (if the owner permits it) to comouflage the existing shower cabin and kitchen sink. Under heading "(b)", I would further stress that by way of a response to the partially justified critique from this school of opinion, I have bought from the Tartu Mööbliait ("Furniture Shack") an attractive floorlamp, with heavy wooden column, possibly from the years 1955-1965-1975. Some printing on my purchase indicates that it got manufactured in some jurisdiction outside the erstwhile "Union". - Also under heading "(b)", I would stress that my living arrangements must be correct in the sense of the Estonian Maritime Academy at the Tallinn University of Technology, or again of the Royal Navy: all must be compact, solid, dedicated to work, and stripped of superfluous comforts.
Ja kes tahab Kuningliku Mereväega tutvuda, see uurigu YouTube'i materjale, kasvõi vana mereseebikat "Warship: Series 1 - Episode 1 - Hot Pursuit". Selle URL-iks minu praeguses, Kanadas asuvas, Interneti nurgas on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ok3Mpu4CL3Y&t=2890s (YouTube'i tarbijalt "Rhonda Cortez", laadimiskuupäevaga 2017-11-25, kestvusega 1:58:22). - And those wishing to acquaint themselves with the Royal Navy should check out YouTube materials, if only the old naval soap "Warship: Series 1 - Episode 1 - Hot Pursuit". In my present, Canadian, corner of the Internet, the "Warship" URL is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ok3Mpu4CL3Y&t=2890s (from YouTube user "Rhonda Cortez", in an upload of 2017-11-25, to a length of 1:58:22).
Neid näpunäiteid ma pakuksin veel täahelepanekuga, et iga observatoorium on nii-öelda laev Jumala Mereväes, iga vaatleja nii-öelda oma väike Sir Johan Pitka. - I would offer these tips with the further remark that every observatory is so-to-speak a ship in God's Navy, and every observer so-to-speak his or her own little Sir Johan Pitka. [NOTE ADDED: English-language background on Sir Johan Pitka (1872-1944), as the War-of-Independence founder of the Estonian navy, and additionally as a settlement pioneer in British Columbia, can be had from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johan_Pitka.]
4. Perekondklikke Meelespäid/ Memoranda on Family Matters
Ma ei taha siin palju kirjutada sugulastest ega hõimlastest, ehkki neil oli rõõmus ja tähtis - kogune keskne? - koht üldises "Luureretkes". Praegu tuleb vaid kirja panna mõned laused poolelijäänud asjadest nooriima põlve juures. - I do not wish to write much here regarding my relations, even though they played a happy and important - even a central? - role in the general Preliminary Recce Manoeuvre. At the moment it is appropriate merely to write out a few sentences, recording unfinished business with the very youngest generation.
(A) Armsa noorpreili "PQRS"-i osas: - Regarding the dear Young Miss "PQRS":
- Vastastikune Saksa Nimede Pakt ehk VSNP sõlmitud: kui PQRS juhtub vallatu preili olema, on mul õigus talle külge pookida temale ebameeldiv nimi Emilie Charlottenburg Ångströmuppsalagatan von und zu Grafenstein. Teiselt poolt kui mina ise juhtun millegipärast vallatu onu olema tema vastu (see aga oleks vaevalt tõenäone), on temal õigus minu külge pookida analoogselt taunitav nimi Georg Wilhelm Friedrich von und zu Grafenstein. - A Mutual German Naming Pact (MGNP) has now been formalized: should PQRS become a misbehaving Miss, I have the right to burden her with the name (to her offputting) Emilie Charlottenburg Ångströmuppsalagatan von und zu Grafenstein. Reciprocally, if I myself should happen to misbehave as an uncle (but this is scarcely conceivable), she has the right to burden me with the analogously deprecatory name Georg Wilhelm Friedrich von und zu Grafenstein.
- Faber-Castelli sirkel ja 360-kraadine mall nüüd pidulikult üle antud, kui meie loodava "Instituudi" Tartu haru esimesed instrumendid. - A Faber-Castell compass and a 360-degree protractor have now been ceremoniously handed over, as the first instruments in the founding of our special Institute's Tartu branch.
- Malli abil juba illustreeritud, kuidas iga lamedale pinnale joonistatud kolmnurga nurkade sisemised kraadisuurused teevad kokku 180. Ees seisab veel selle üldlause tõestus. (Kusjuures, antud suvaline kolmnurk ABC lamedal pinnal, tuleb läbi punkt A-d tõmmata joon paralleelselt BC-küljega, ja siis uurida kolm kõrvutiasuvat nurka, mis on A-kohal.) - Ees seisab veel uurimine - tähtis Mereakadeemia ning Kuningliku Mereväe navigaatoritele, ja abstraktsemal kujul tähtis Einsteini üldrelatiivsusteoorias ning praeguses kosmoloogias - mis juhtub kolmnurga nurkadega, kui kolmnurk on joonistatud ebalamedal pinnal. (Üheks eriti silmatorkavaks ebalamedaks pinnaks, ja erilise tähtsusega merel mandritevahelises navigeerimises, on sfäär. Sealjuures loodaksin teha PQRS-iga katseid oma Ungarist 2017.a. muretsetud Lénart'i sfääriga, kui see sügisel saabub Tõraverre meretranspordil Kanadast. Minu imponeeriv Budapesti sfäär on koguni varustatud sfäärilise geomeetria malli, sfäärilise geomeetria mõõdupulgaga (täpsemalt mõõdurõngaga) ja sfäärilise geomeetria sirkliga. Sfääri ja tema juurdekuuluvaid instrumente saab praegugi uurida saitidelt https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/L%C3%A9n%C3%A1rt_sphere ja http://lenartsphere.com/.) - With the help of the protractor, it has been illustrated how every triangle drawn on a plane has internal angles adding up, in degree measure, to 180. This general proposition awaits a proof. (In the proof: given an arbitrary triangle ABC drawn on a plane, pass through point A a line parallel with side BC, and then consider three adjacent angles at A.) - There still lies ahead an investigation - important to navigators in the Estonian Maritime Academy and the Royal Navy, and in an more abstract form important in Einstein's General Relativity and in current cosmology - regarding the angles of a triangle drawn on some surface other than a plane. (One particularly prominent non-planar surface, of special importance in intercontinental navigation, is the sphere. Here I would hope to embark on experiments, with PQRS, involving my Lénart sphere, procured from Hungary in 2017, when this item reaches Tõravere this autumn on the ship from Canada. My imposing Budapest sphere is even equipped with a spherical-geometry compass, a spherical-geometry ruler (or more accurately, with a spherical-geometry measuring-arc), and with a spherical-geometry compass. The sphere and its accompanying instruments can be investigated already at the sites https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/L%C3%A9n%C3%A1rt_sphere and http://lenartsphere.com/.)
- Matkakompass, 360-kraadine mall nüüd üle antud, kui meie loodava "Instituudi" Tartust-kaugelasuva haru esimesed instrumendid. - Hiker's compass and 360-degree protractor now handed over, as founding instruments in our "Institute's" remote-from-Tartu branch.
- Ees seisab veel magneetilise deklinatsiooni uurimine, malli abil, kusjuures võiks taustalugemiseks võtta https://wikivividly.com/lang-et/wiki/Magnetiline_deklinatsioon. - There still awaits an investigation into magnetic declination, with the help of the protractor. Some (Estonian-language) background is supplied by https://wikivividly.com/lang-et/wiki/Magnetiline_deklinatsioon.
APPENDIX: Notes Added for Readers in Anglosaxonia and Russia
It is almost, but not quite, superfluous to add a Tourist-Estonia, or Hollywood-Estonia, remark on music.
To appreciate Estonicity from the inside, one must listen to music.
(a) Helpful here would be one of the patriotic songs. I would select, as poignantly Lutheran-and-Nordic, "Eesti Lipp" ("Estonian Flag"), in the YouTube upload of "AndrusEST" from 2009-08-01, to a length of 0:03:14. In my present corner of the Internet, in Canada, the upload is under the URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QqShI-A0yCM.
(b) Also helpful would be some bit of dance. I would here select, as an especially colourful open-air presentation of that perennial cliché which is "Tuljak" (by now absolutely danced to death, I should think, both in Diaspora-Estonia and in Home-Estonia) the YouTube upload of "GErnesaks" from 2013-10-01, to a length of 0:02:57. In my present corner of the Internet, the upload is under the URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JK5xUhLL9bs.
It is also useful to step back from Estonia for a moment. We do well to avoid chauvinism, instead recalling how Estonian efforts at preserving and enhancing a specific national culture find parallels within other ethnicities. The Diaspora-Estonia author Arvo Mägi (1913-2004) remarks somewhere on parallels between the histories of Estonia and Ireland. Let the non-Estonian Gentle Reader, then - perhaps from within Anglosaxonia or Russia (these are the two cultural spheres most strongly represented in my recent blogspot server logs) put into YouTube the search term Margaret Gallagher Ireland. Several interesting film clips will come up, one of them entitled "All I've Ever Known: Margaret Gallagher's Story" (from YouTube user "John Callister", on 2015-04-28, to a length of 0:29:26; in my present corner of the Internet in Canada, the upload is under the URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lRL9iIN3R8s).
If our Estonian raw-anchovy-with-onion-on-black-ryebread, and wife-carrying-competition, and hot-saun-with-birchbranch-whipping, and endless-Tuljak-dancing (et cetera) culture is found extreme, then let its Irish parallels be pondered instead. Let attention be given to the sense in which Ulster local-history specialist Margaret Gallagher's life is rich and full, not in despite of, but rather in and through, her diligently chosen freedom from modern gadgetry. We in Estonia must ourselves move in Margaret Gallagher's direction, resisting the blandishments of globalism and commerce. Anglosaxonia and Russia will recover their respective ancient spiritual strengths by doing likewise.
Always our questions, whatever our particular given ethnicity, must be: how did our forefathers discharge their duty of care toward their towns and countryside? and: what are now our own duties of restoration and remembrance?
In my own case, the duties of restoration and remembrance entail personal attention to something already venerable, namely Estonian astronomy, and more generally to the welfare of that venerable Tartu University which educated my mother, my father, and my father's father, and under whose administrative wing Tõravere itself now operates.
Other people, living within other ethnicities, will have other sets of duties.
I will not pause here to remark on the special challenges facing Anglosaxonia, as it struggles with material overabundance, silly "social media", and the UK-USA 2016 undercuttings of normal parliamentary politics. But I will allow myself to remark briefly here that in the specially and distinctively troubling case of Russia, what is required is a return to selected pre-1917 institutions and ways - including, I would respectfully suggest to my current FSB or SVR blogspot surveillance officers, the Old Church Slavonic liturgies and the local-municipality democracy of the zemstvo/земство.
I have previously remarked here on blogspot, but will say this month again, that a way forward for Russia is suggested by the writings - now available also in Russian - of émigrée Ontario-based theologian Ekaterina Fyodorovna Kolyschkine de Hueck Doherty (Екатерина Фёдоровна Колышкина; 1896-1985).
[Siin on praeguse blogspot-i pala lõpp. / This is the end of the current blogspot posting.]