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Päripäeva, alates paremast ülemisest nurgast: Tõravere ehk Tartu Observatooriumi peamine riist, 1.5 m spektroskoopiale kohendatud reflektor (fotoallikaks https://kylastuskeskus.to.ee/eng/excursions); minu mõlemad broneetitud ühetoased korterid Tõraveres, laiem laoruumiks, kitsam askeetseks elamiseks (fotoallikateks http://kinnisvaraportaal-kv-ee.postimees.ee); 1st Battalion The Royal Welsh 2018.a. õppustel "Exercise Winter Camp", Tapa ümbruses (fotoallikaks https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/5567322/british-troops-take-part-in-massive-training-camp-in-estonia-preparing-for-a-feared-nato-invasion-by-putins-russian-army/); praeguses essees käsitletud BOAC reklaamklassik, nagu mul hetkel YouTube'is nähtav). Nagu ikkagi blogspot'is, on pakutud pilt hiireklõpsuga suurendatav. - Clockwise, from upper right-hand corner: the Tõravere, i.e., the Tartu Observatory, principal instrument, its 1.5-metre reflector, for spectroscopic observations (photo from https://kylastuskeskus.to.ee/eng/excursions); my two reserved single-room apartments in Tõravere, the larger for use as storage, the smaller for use as ascetic living quarters (photos from http://kinnisvaraportaal-kv-ee.postimees.ee); the 1st Battalion The Royal Welsh in the 2018 "Exercise Winter Camp", near Tapa (photo from https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/5567322/british-troops-take-part-in-massive-training-camp-in-estonia-preparing-for-a-feared-nato-invasion-by-putins-russian-army/); the classic BOAC promo which is the theme of this present essay, as I find it at this moment viewable in YouTube. As is normal in blogspot publishing, the image enlarges when mouse-clicked. |
Kvaliteedihinnang: - Quality assessment:
Selle viiepallilise skaala kohaselt, mis kehtib praegu Eestis, ja kindlasti ka naaberriikides, ja on tuttav kadunud, mitte tagantjärele leinatud, NSVL-i akadeemilise elu vaatlejatele (siin rakendades neid kergeid, lõtvu, kriteeriume, mida Kmo rakendab oma nõgises fantaseeritud "Aleksandr Stepanovitsh Popovi nimelises sangarliku raadio instituudis" ja oma nõgises fantaseeritud "Nikolai Ivanovitsh Lobatshevki nimelises sotsialistliku matemaatika instituudis" - kus, fantaasias ette kujutatud kaksikinstituutide lõdva ja vähenõudliku hindamisreeglite kohaselt 1/5 on "eepiline läbikukkukmine", 2/5 "läbikukkumine, mis poli nii katastrofaalne, et eepilusust saavutada", 3/5 on "kehvavõitu läbipääsemine", 4/5 on "hea" ja 5/5 on "eeskujulik": 3/5. Põhjendus: Kmo'l oli piisavalt aega seletada vajalikke punkte sobivas pikkuses, kuid materjal oli paratamatult kergekaaluline. - On the 5-point scale current in Estonia, and surely in nearby nations, and familiar to observers of the academic arrangements of the late, unlamented, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (applying the easy and lax standards Kmo deploys in his grubby imaginary "Aleksandr Stepanovitsh Popovi nimeline sangarliku raadio instituut" (the "Alexandr Stepanovitch Popov Institute of Heroic Radio") and his grubby imaginary "Nikolai Ivanovitsh Lobatshevski nimeline sotsalitsliku matemaatika instituut" (the "Nicolai Ivanovich Lobachevsky Institute of Socialist Mathematics") - where, on the lax and easy grading philosophy of the twin Institutes, 1/5 is "epic fail", 2/5 is "failure not so disastrous as to be epic", 3/5 is "mediocre pass", 4/5 is "good", and 5/5 is "excellent"): 3/5. Justification: although Kmo had time to develop the necessary points to reasonable length, the points themselves were of necessity rather lightweight.
Variandikroonika: - Revision history:
Kõik kalendripäevad-kellaajad variandikroonikas on ära toodud UTC-s. UTC, ehk "Maailmakell", on vana GMT-i, ehk "Greenwich Mean Time"-i, täpsustus. Tarvitusel on ISO ettekirjutatud YYYYMMDDThhmmZ ajastembi formaat (kusjuures YYYY on UTC aasta, MM UTC kuu, DD UTC kuupäev, hh UTC tunniarv, mm UTC minutiarv). UTC praegu jookseb Toronto tsiviilkellast (suvekellast) 4 tundi ette, Tallinna-Tartu tsiviilkellast (suvekellast) 3 tundi taga. - All times in these blog "revision histories" are stated in UTC (Universal Coordinated Time/ Temps Universel Coordoné, a precisification of the old GMT, or "Greenwich Mean Time"), in the ISO-prescribed YYYYMMDDThhmmZ timestamping format. UTC currently leads Toronto civil time (summer time) by 4 hours and currently lags Tallinn-Tartu civil time (summer time) by 3 hours.
Selle viiepallilise skaala kohaselt, mis kehtib praegu Eestis, ja kindlasti ka naaberriikides, ja on tuttav kadunud, mitte tagantjärele leinatud, NSVL-i akadeemilise elu vaatlejatele (siin rakendades neid kergeid, lõtvu, kriteeriume, mida Kmo rakendab oma nõgises fantaseeritud "Aleksandr Stepanovitsh Popovi nimelises sangarliku raadio instituudis" ja oma nõgises fantaseeritud "Nikolai Ivanovitsh Lobatshevki nimelises sotsialistliku matemaatika instituudis" - kus, fantaasias ette kujutatud kaksikinstituutide lõdva ja vähenõudliku hindamisreeglite kohaselt 1/5 on "eepiline läbikukkukmine", 2/5 "läbikukkumine, mis poli nii katastrofaalne, et eepilusust saavutada", 3/5 on "kehvavõitu läbipääsemine", 4/5 on "hea" ja 5/5 on "eeskujulik": 3/5. Põhjendus: Kmo'l oli piisavalt aega seletada vajalikke punkte sobivas pikkuses, kuid materjal oli paratamatult kergekaaluline. - On the 5-point scale current in Estonia, and surely in nearby nations, and familiar to observers of the academic arrangements of the late, unlamented, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (applying the easy and lax standards Kmo deploys in his grubby imaginary "Aleksandr Stepanovitsh Popovi nimeline sangarliku raadio instituut" (the "Alexandr Stepanovitch Popov Institute of Heroic Radio") and his grubby imaginary "Nikolai Ivanovitsh Lobatshevski nimeline sotsalitsliku matemaatika instituut" (the "Nicolai Ivanovich Lobachevsky Institute of Socialist Mathematics") - where, on the lax and easy grading philosophy of the twin Institutes, 1/5 is "epic fail", 2/5 is "failure not so disastrous as to be epic", 3/5 is "mediocre pass", 4/5 is "good", and 5/5 is "excellent"): 3/5. Justification: although Kmo had time to develop the necessary points to reasonable length, the points themselves were of necessity rather lightweight.
Variandikroonika: - Revision history:
Kõik kalendripäevad-kellaajad variandikroonikas on ära toodud UTC-s. UTC, ehk "Maailmakell", on vana GMT-i, ehk "Greenwich Mean Time"-i, täpsustus. Tarvitusel on ISO ettekirjutatud YYYYMMDDThhmmZ ajastembi formaat (kusjuures YYYY on UTC aasta, MM UTC kuu, DD UTC kuupäev, hh UTC tunniarv, mm UTC minutiarv). UTC praegu jookseb Toronto tsiviilkellast (suvekellast) 4 tundi ette, Tallinna-Tartu tsiviilkellast (suvekellast) 3 tundi taga. - All times in these blog "revision histories" are stated in UTC (Universal Coordinated Time/ Temps Universel Coordoné, a precisification of the old GMT, or "Greenwich Mean Time"), in the ISO-prescribed YYYYMMDDThhmmZ timestamping format. UTC currently leads Toronto civil time (summer time) by 4 hours and currently lags Tallinn-Tartu civil time (summer time) by 3 hours.
- 20180411T0125Z/variant 2.0.0: Kmo lõpetas oma kondikava ümberkujundamist lihvitud pala näol. Ta jättis enda kätte õiguse teha veel pisikesi, sisusliselt tähtsusetuid, puhtkosmeetilisi õiendusi, järgmise 48 tunni jooksul, kui siin protkollimata variandid 2.0.1, 2.0.2, 2.0.3, ... - Kmo finished converting his point-form outline into correct prose. He reserved the right to make further tiny, nonsubstantive, purely cosmetic, tweaks over the coming 48 hours, as here-undocumented versions 2.0.1, 2.0.2, 2.0.3, ... .
- 20180410T2334Z/variant 1.0.0: Kmo suutis blogspoti serverile laadida lühikese pala kondikava. Ta lootis järgmise kahe tunni jooksul seda muuta ümber lühiesseeks korralikkudes lausetes, lisades ka ingliskeelse tõlke. - Kmo managed to upload the outline of a short essay to the blogspot server. He hoped over the coming two hours to convert this into a short full-sentences essay, adding also an English translation.
"Operatsioon Kodune Koli" (inglisk. "Operation 'Eastward Ho!'") on arenenud. Nüüd broneeritud on kaks ühetoalist korerit Tõraveres, OÜ Robinson Halduse vahendusel, vaid mõnisada meetrit teleskoopidest ja muudest teaduslikust seisukohast olulistest asjadest Tõravere observatooriumiasulas.- "Operation 'Eastward Ho!'" (in Estonian, "Operatsioon Kodune Koli") is coming along. Two one-room apartments are now booked in Tõravere, through the firm OÜ Robinson Haldus, just a few hundred metres from the telescopes and other scientifically relevant things at the Tõravere observatory hamlet.
Järgmine etapp peab olema "Manööver Luureretk", nagu ka siinsamas blogspotis kirja pandud kalendristembil 2018-04-02, pealkirjaga "Ajakohastades 'Operatsioon Kodune Koli' / Updating 'Operation 'Eastward Ho!'". Õnneks sain odava lendude ringsõidukombinatsiooni, umbkaudselt 470 EUR (või oli see 480 EUR? või pigem 490 EUR?), talitajaks cheapOair.ca. Kavatsetud on väljalend Kanadast aprilli jooksul, (ajutine) tagasitulek Kanadasse maikuu keskel. - The next phase is to be the "Preliminary Recce Manoeuvre", as envisaged here on blogspot under calendar stamp 2018-04-02, with heading "Ajakohastades 'Operatsioon Kodune Koli' / Updating 'Operation 'Eastward Ho!'". I was fortunate in securing a cheap combination of flights for the two-way journey, paying around 470 EUR (or was this 480 EUR? or, rather, 490 EUR?) through cheapOair.ca. An April departure from Canada is booked, with a (temporary) return to Canada in mid-May.
Oma eriliseks rõõmuks näen, et peamiseks Luureretke Manöövri kandjaks on määratud BOAC järglane British Airways. Tahaksin oma suurt õnne täna tähistada sellisel viisil, et suunaksin Lahke Lugeja tähelepanu BOAC reklaamklassikule, nagu pakutud YouTube'i tarbija "Ron Fink'i" poolt, serveri ladumispäevaga 2006-10-25, kestvusega 00:01:04, pealkirjal "1969 BOAC Sgt. Major". Minu enda praeguses (seega ajutises) Interneti nurgas, siin Ontarios, on faili URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OuoV0mfxdUI. - To my great joy, I note that the principal carrier for the Preliminary Recce Manoeuvre is to be the successor firm to BOAC, British Airways. I would like to mark my satisfaction today over this turn of events by drawing the Gentle Reader's attention to a BOAC promo classic, as offered by YouTube user "Ron Fink", with upload date 2006-10-25, to a duration of 00:01:04, under the title "1969 BOAC Sgt. Major". In my own current (consequently temporary) corner of the Internet, here in Ontario, the file URL is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OuoV0mfxdUI.
Reklaam pakub brittide moraaltülendavat laulu hitlerisõja päevilt. Laulu üldisemalt tuntud sõnad (tõsi küll, need on vaid osalt ära toodud BOAC reklaamis, teatud operatiivseil põhjusil) on järgmised: - The promo features a British morale-booster from the Hitler war. The better known part of the lyrics (in this instance, to be sure, for certain operational reasons inserted into the BOAC soundtrack in part, rather than in its entirety) runs as follows:
Kiss me good night, Sergeant Major
Tuck me in my little wooden bed;
We all love you, Sergeant Major,
When we hear you bawling, 'Show a leg!'
Will you come and wake me in the morning
Bring me round a nice hot cup of tea
- cor blimey -
We all love you, Sergeant Major,
Sergeant Major, be a mother to me!
Seda ma eestindaksin järgmisel kujul (muutes küll originaalteksti vihjet teetassile eestmeelsema "kohvitassi" kasuks): - I would render this into Estonian as follows (altering, however, the original celebration of tea into a celebration of coffee):
Anna mul' suud, härra seersant,
Mähi mind nii lahkelt voodisse;
Armas oled Sina, härra seersant,
Ka kui Sina karjud, "Ülesse!"
Tule minu juurde koidu ajal
Kaasas väike kohvitassike
- just nii on see -
Eeskujuks oled Sina, härra seersant,
Oled mulle vapper, tubli emake.
[NOTES ADDED: (1) Estonians, like the Finns, French, Italians, and Americans, and somewhat in contrast with the British, are devotees of coffee. (2) I believe that it was was traditional, at least in my parents' day, to acknowledge an Estonian officer's order with the phrase "just nii" (a turn of phrase resembling the Royal Navy's traditional "Aye-aye Sir").]
[Eestikeelse variandi igasugune tarbimine, muuseas ka levitamine, on siinjuures lubatud, Creative Commons-i ja muude avaliku-lähtekoodi-taoliste litsenside vaimus. Välistatud on vaid (a) teksti omaksvõtmine ehk omandamine ning (b) teksti ärinduslik ekspluateerimine. - Siinjuures tervitaksin veel 1st Battalion The Royal Welsh, ehk Kuningliku Waleslaste 1. Pataljon, mis praegu Eestis teenib. - Any use, including publication, of the Estonian version is herewith permitted, in the spirit of the Creative Commons License and other such licences from the general open-source-software world. Excluded are only (a) the proprietary appropriation of the text, and (b) commercial use of the text. - I additionally herewith salute the 1st Battalion The Royal Welsh, currently serving in Estonia.]
[Siin praeguse blogspoti pala lõpp. - This is the end of the current blogspot posting.]
Järgmine etapp peab olema "Manööver Luureretk", nagu ka siinsamas blogspotis kirja pandud kalendristembil 2018-04-02, pealkirjaga "Ajakohastades 'Operatsioon Kodune Koli' / Updating 'Operation 'Eastward Ho!'". Õnneks sain odava lendude ringsõidukombinatsiooni, umbkaudselt 470 EUR (või oli see 480 EUR? või pigem 490 EUR?), talitajaks cheapOair.ca. Kavatsetud on väljalend Kanadast aprilli jooksul, (ajutine) tagasitulek Kanadasse maikuu keskel. - The next phase is to be the "Preliminary Recce Manoeuvre", as envisaged here on blogspot under calendar stamp 2018-04-02, with heading "Ajakohastades 'Operatsioon Kodune Koli' / Updating 'Operation 'Eastward Ho!'". I was fortunate in securing a cheap combination of flights for the two-way journey, paying around 470 EUR (or was this 480 EUR? or, rather, 490 EUR?) through cheapOair.ca. An April departure from Canada is booked, with a (temporary) return to Canada in mid-May.
Oma eriliseks rõõmuks näen, et peamiseks Luureretke Manöövri kandjaks on määratud BOAC järglane British Airways. Tahaksin oma suurt õnne täna tähistada sellisel viisil, et suunaksin Lahke Lugeja tähelepanu BOAC reklaamklassikule, nagu pakutud YouTube'i tarbija "Ron Fink'i" poolt, serveri ladumispäevaga 2006-10-25, kestvusega 00:01:04, pealkirjal "1969 BOAC Sgt. Major". Minu enda praeguses (seega ajutises) Interneti nurgas, siin Ontarios, on faili URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OuoV0mfxdUI. - To my great joy, I note that the principal carrier for the Preliminary Recce Manoeuvre is to be the successor firm to BOAC, British Airways. I would like to mark my satisfaction today over this turn of events by drawing the Gentle Reader's attention to a BOAC promo classic, as offered by YouTube user "Ron Fink", with upload date 2006-10-25, to a duration of 00:01:04, under the title "1969 BOAC Sgt. Major". In my own current (consequently temporary) corner of the Internet, here in Ontario, the file URL is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OuoV0mfxdUI.
Reklaam pakub brittide moraaltülendavat laulu hitlerisõja päevilt. Laulu üldisemalt tuntud sõnad (tõsi küll, need on vaid osalt ära toodud BOAC reklaamis, teatud operatiivseil põhjusil) on järgmised: - The promo features a British morale-booster from the Hitler war. The better known part of the lyrics (in this instance, to be sure, for certain operational reasons inserted into the BOAC soundtrack in part, rather than in its entirety) runs as follows:
Kiss me good night, Sergeant Major
Tuck me in my little wooden bed;
We all love you, Sergeant Major,
When we hear you bawling, 'Show a leg!'
Will you come and wake me in the morning
Bring me round a nice hot cup of tea
- cor blimey -
We all love you, Sergeant Major,
Sergeant Major, be a mother to me!
Seda ma eestindaksin järgmisel kujul (muutes küll originaalteksti vihjet teetassile eestmeelsema "kohvitassi" kasuks): - I would render this into Estonian as follows (altering, however, the original celebration of tea into a celebration of coffee):
Anna mul' suud, härra seersant,
Mähi mind nii lahkelt voodisse;
Armas oled Sina, härra seersant,
Ka kui Sina karjud, "Ülesse!"
Tule minu juurde koidu ajal
Kaasas väike kohvitassike
- just nii on see -
Eeskujuks oled Sina, härra seersant,
Oled mulle vapper, tubli emake.
[NOTES ADDED: (1) Estonians, like the Finns, French, Italians, and Americans, and somewhat in contrast with the British, are devotees of coffee. (2) I believe that it was was traditional, at least in my parents' day, to acknowledge an Estonian officer's order with the phrase "just nii" (a turn of phrase resembling the Royal Navy's traditional "Aye-aye Sir").]
[Eestikeelse variandi igasugune tarbimine, muuseas ka levitamine, on siinjuures lubatud, Creative Commons-i ja muude avaliku-lähtekoodi-taoliste litsenside vaimus. Välistatud on vaid (a) teksti omaksvõtmine ehk omandamine ning (b) teksti ärinduslik ekspluateerimine. - Siinjuures tervitaksin veel 1st Battalion The Royal Welsh, ehk Kuningliku Waleslaste 1. Pataljon, mis praegu Eestis teenib. - Any use, including publication, of the Estonian version is herewith permitted, in the spirit of the Creative Commons License and other such licences from the general open-source-software world. Excluded are only (a) the proprietary appropriation of the text, and (b) commercial use of the text. - I additionally herewith salute the 1st Battalion The Royal Welsh, currently serving in Estonia.]
[Siin praeguse blogspoti pala lõpp. - This is the end of the current blogspot posting.]